WRT Review Questions V1.21 ANSWERS - Learn To Restore

[Pages:19]WRT Review Questions

(1) The most importance aspect to any job is a. Getting the contract signed b. Working with the insurance company on an agreed price c. Safety of all individuals involved d. Filling out the job site documents before the end of the day

(2) One of the most common safety concerns on a water damage project is a. A cut from a razor blade b. Vehicle accidents c. Slip and fall d. Hepatitis b

(3) Safety in water damage restoration includes a. Engineering controls b. Immunizations from a primary care physician c. Personal protective equipment d. All the above

(4) Your first responsibilities when arriving on a jobsite are a. To Identify, communicate, and eliminate (when possible) all safety hazards b. Record ambient readings and moisture content readings c. Adjust equipment for more efficient drying d. Unplugging all equipment

(5) Employers must provide which of the following to any employee working in a respirator? a. Medical Evaluation b. Fit Test c. Training d. All the above

(6) Water damage mitigation services do not start until a. The insurance policy has been fully reviewed b. A work authorization (contract) has been signed c. The deductible or 10% deposit has been collected d. All photos of the jobsite have been taken

(7) During the initial inspection when looking for areas impacted by water damage a. Check only areas that appear wet on the IR Camera b. Check only areas identified in the TPA assignment c. Check only areas described by the homeowner d. Check all areas that could potentially be affected


(8) Commonly found in older structures, lead and asbestos are hazardous materials regulated by the Federal government. a. True b. False

(9) The Category of water refers to the range of contamination in water, considering both its originating source and its quality after contacting materials on the jobsite. a. True b. False

(10) Water that has significant degree of contamination and could cause illness is a. Category 1 b. Category 2 c. Category 3 d. Regulated, Hazardous Materials or Mold

(11) Water that is grossly contaminated is a. Category 1 b. Category 2 c. Category 3 d. Regulated, Hazardous Materials or Mold

(12) When dealing with a Category 3 loss and you are stopped form removing highly porous materials that have been affected, what should the restorer do? a. Remove them anyway, the S500 supports this b. Stop work to prevent liability c. Spray an antimicrobial to kill bacteria d. Install an air mover every ten linear feet

(13) Performing work on a Category 3 water loss improperly poses serious liability concerns. a. True b. False

(14) Water that contains diesel fuel is a. Category 1 b. Category 2 c. Category 3 d. Regulated, Hazardous Materials or Mold

(15) The criteria used to determine if we should save contents or materials are a. Cost to repair b. Amount of damage c. Level of contamination d. All the above


(16) The three types of damage a technician needs to identify, document, and communicate to materially interested parties are a. Pre-existing, primary, secondary b. Physical, primary salvageable c. Pre-existing, primary, physical d. Physical, pre-existing, secondary

(17) Secondary damage can occur when relative humidity levels are above a. 35% b. 50% c. 60% d. All the above

(18) An important result of our initial extraction is to a. Help reduce weight of carpet so it can be removed b. Remove contamination from the carpet c. Keep the water from migrating d. Save the carpet in a Category 3 loss

(19) Performing a thorough extraction or multiple extractions a. Keeps carpet from delaminating b. Reduces drying times c. Not necessary on Class 2 losses d. All the above

(20) Water extracted from a jobsite should be a. Pumped to the backyard b. Put down a manhole cover c. Disposed of according to local laws d. Pumped into the gutters to transport to the city

(21) A cubic foot of water contains a. 1.59 gallons b. 6.48 gallons c. 7.48 gallons d. 8.34 gallons

(22) What is the formula to calculate the gallons of water? a. Length X Width X Depth X 7.48 b. Length X Width X 7.48 c. Cubic footage X 7.48 / 8.34 d. Square footage X 7.48


(23) In a basement that measure 25' x 30' and has water standing at a depth of 9", how many total gallons are there? a. 4,208 gallons b. 2,064 gallons c. 22,440 gallons d. 1,540 gallons

(24) In a crawlspace that measures 12' x 15' and has water standing at a depth of 5'3", how many total gallons of water is there? a. 945 gallons b. 7,069 gallons c. 7,136 gallons d. 7,881 gallons

(25) A moisture reading obtained from an unaffected material that allows the restorer to set drying goals for the affected structure a. Dry standard b. Dry zone c. Relative humidity d. Vapor pressure

(26) When is a drying job done? a. The grain depression is less than 5 b. Relative humidity is within 10% of the outside air c. After 3 days d. A moisture meter indicates we have met our dry goal

(27) The moisture sensor can be used to verify our drying goal has been met a. True b. False

(28) Which of the following can give false moisture readings when using a non-penetrating (non-invasive) meter? a. Air gaps between dry and hidden wet materials b. Corner bead and metal studs c. HVAC ducting and plumbing d. All the above

(29) Moisture sensors and IR Cameras are effective tools for a. Measuring moisture content in gypsum board b. Quickly locating moisture in carpet and pad and establishing a wet perimeter c. Assisting in calculating how many dehumidifiers are needed on a restoration project d. None of the above


(30) What does a thermo-hygrometer measure? a. Moisture Content b. Temperature and relative humidity c. Air flow velocity d. Evaporation load

(31) Why do (IR) infrared cameras indicate possible moisture in materials? a. Materials surface temperature warms as water evaporates b. Materials surface temperature cools as water evaporates c. Moisture in materials is held at the surface d. As moisture cools in a material it moves to the surface

(32) Once an area is identified with an infrared camera as a suspect of being wet, that area must be verified with a. A moisture meter or sensor b. A GFCI c. A thermal camera d. A thermal hygrometer

(33) Psychrometric conditions have a direct effect on the rate at which moisture moves within materials, as well as from wet materials. a. True b. False

(34) What are the three things restorers can manipulate to promote drying (sometimes call the drying pie) a. Humidity, Airflow, Temperature b. Humidity, Adsorption, Temperature c. Humidity, Airflow, Timing

(35) The ratio of moisture in the air, as compared to the maximum amount the air could hold at that temperature a. Deposition b. Relative Humidity c. Dew Point d. Equilibrium

(36) What is the ratio of the weight of water vapor mixed with dry air called? a. Deposition b. Relative Humidity c. Dew Point d. Humidity Ratio

(37) The Humidity Ratio is measured and expressed as


a. Relative Humidity b. British Thermal Unit c. Air Changes per Hour d. Grains Per Pound

(38) The __________ difference between the dew point temperature of surrounding air and the temperature of the affected material (if warmer), the great the potential for drying. a. Smaller b. Greater

(39) To promote effective drying restorers need to control a. Surface temperature of the wet materials b. Air temperature of the drying chamber c. Vapor pressure of the drying chamber d. All the above

(40) Lowering the temperature in a drying chamber may cause a. Condensation b. Vapor Pressure c. Evaporation d. Dew Point

(41) If you increase the temperature in a drying chamber, relative humidity will a. Decrease b. Increase c. Stay the same d. None of the above

(42) Evaporation will increase when a. Wet materials are made warmer b. When drier air is used c. When air is moved across the wet surface d. All the above

(43) At dew point temperature a. Liquid changes to vapor b. Solid changes to vapor c. Solid changes to liquid d. Vapor changes to liquid

(44) The movement of water vapor through a material is caused by a. Permeance b. Porosity c. Vapor pressure Differentials d. Dew Point

(45) If trying to save wet documents, to stop further damage, you should


a. Immerse them in a sodium chloride solution b. Freeze them c. Never move them d. Wet documents must be photographed and discarded

(46) The process of changing a solid (ice) into a vapor without going through the liquid phase a. Sublimation b. Defrost c. Naturalization d. Evaporation

(47) The greater the temperature of wet materials, the more energy is available for _____________ to occur. a. Sublimation b. Condensation c. Evaporation d. Adsorption

(48) If a drying chamber is 75 degrees and 40% RH, what is the humidity ratio? a. 27 gpp b. 39 gpp c. 52 gpp d. 124 gpp

(49) If a drying chamber is 68 degrees and 70% RH, what is the humidity ratio? a. 12 gpp b. 60 gpp c. 72 gpp d. 136 gpp

(50) If a drying chamber is 70 degrees and 60 gpp, what is the RH? a. 35% b. 55% c. 75% d. 125%

(51) If the exterior is 42 degrees and 30% RH, what is the humidity ratio? a. 4 gpp b. 12 gpp c. 35 gpp d. 63 gpp

(52) If a drying chamber is 32% RH and 60 gpp, what is the temperature?


a. 59 b. 87 c. 94 d. 112

(53) Starting at a temperature of 70 and 60% RH, what temperature would you need to get to 40% RH? a. 60 b. 82 c. 90 d. 95

(54) What is the relative humidity if the dew point temperature is 35? and the dry bulb temperature is 70?? a. 28% b. 35% c. 40% d. 42%

(55) A material that is very weakened when wet but, if dried properly, regains its original strength is a. Particle Board b. Gypsum (drywall, wallboard, sheetrock) c. Medium Density Fiberboard d. Plywood

(56) A material that is generally removed when wet or damaged is a. Particle board b. Gypsum (drywall, wallboard, sheetrock) c. Oriented Strand Board (OSB) d. Plywood

(57) The ability for water vapor to move through materials is known as a. Permeability b. Porosity c. Vapor pressure d. Dew Point

(58) The volume of moisture a material may absorb is due to its a. Permeance b. Porosity c. Vapor Pressure d. Dew Point

(59) Classes of water describe



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