Choose Five


15 minutes


This object lesson helps children (and adults) understand that sometimes we don’t give people a fair chance and that it’s important to look at the good things about people, too.


PowerPoint file, “Where You Focus.ppt.” and a projector.


Set up projector and load file.


Use the following script (or modify to suit your needs):

“I’m going to show you a magic trick.”

“On the next slide, there will be 8 cards.” (Show slide 2.)

“I want you to pick one and memorize it… Have you memorized it?” (Show slide 3).

“O.K., on the next slide your card is going to be turned face down.”

“Was I right?” (Show slide 4.)

“Pretty impressive, huh? Want to do it again?” (Show slide 5.)

“OK, same thing – pick a card on the next slide and memorize it.” (Show slide 6.)

“Got it?” (Show slide 7.)

“On the next slide, it will be turned upside down.” (Show slide 8.)

“I did it again, didn’t I?” (Show slide 9.)

“Now a magician’s not supposed to reveal his secrets, but I think I’ll make an exception this time.”

“How many of you want to know how I did that?”

“Ok, watch this!” (Show slide 10, and ask one child to pick a card and tell you what it is. Flip to slide 11.)

“Do you see it? Nope, not there – maybe it’s the upside down one.”

“Let’s try again.” (Flip back to slide 10.)

“Pick a different card this time, and tell me what it is.” (Show slide 10.)

“Not there. Hmmm… We can’t have two cards turned down.”

“Can anyone figure out how I did it?”

“Right! None of the cards are the same.”

“I know, it’s a dirty trick, but I showed it to you to make an important point.”

“When you focus on just one thing, you usually miss everything around it.”

“Sometimes, we do this with people. We focus on just one part about them and miss all the other stuff.” (For an example, pick on an adult or yourself.

“If I focus on ______’s big nose, I might miss that he’s really funny.”

“Or, if I focus on his ______, I might miss that he’s really smart.”

“Does this ever happen to you?”

“Do people notice just one thing and miss the rest?”

“That hurts sometimes, doesn’t it?”

“And it doesn’t feel very fair.”

“You’ve got so many wonderful things about you.”

“Well, God never sees just one thing about you!”

“He always sees all the wonderful things.”

“He sees the best in you and loves you just like you are.”

“Can we make an agreement?”

“Touch your neighbor and say, ‘I’m not going to focus on the bad stuff.’”

“Touch your other neighbor and say, ‘I’m going to focus on the good stuff.’”


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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