25222201219200April 201900April 2019533401654175 Dr. Jim’s Gems Much MoreRomans 5:8-10 “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him. For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life.” [NASB] This is an amazing passage from the Apostle Paul. The message in these few verses enunciates the message of the Gospel in a nutshell. The wonderful news that the Lord Jesus loves us [me] is the good news to a hurting sinner. God is the initiator of this love for us. There is nothing we can do to deserve or earn the love of God. [Eph. 2:8-10]. We know the Gospel, that Jesus saves the sinner from the reality of suffering in separation from Him in a real place called Gehenna Hell. Everyone I talk to seems to know that Jesus died because of sin, our sins. That is a Friday night message. I am sure that the Jerusalem Times ran the front page with “JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE GALILEAN PROPHET WAS CRUCIFIED ON GOLGOTHA’S HILL TODAY. The death of Jesus, barbaric as it was, is the plan of God to restore mankind and deliver us from the penalty, power and presence of sin. The initiator, God, loves you and I “while we are still in our sins.” While we were helpless – Romans 5:6; Jesus’ mission was to come and in obedience give His life a ransom for many. I am still overwhelmed by the love of God for me. Millions have trusted in the vicarious death of Jesus for the forgiveness of sin, and deliverance from an eternity in Hell. I have heard so many preachers say that people are only interested in “fire insurance” as the reason for professing Jesus and being baptized. This cheapens salvation; Salvation is not about a destination change, but a destiny change. On Friday we have the message of the cruel cross, the mock trials and the betrayal of the disciples. Friday means death. It is gruesome to read about and any visuals we could conger up in our minds would fall short of the agony Jesus endured. But while verse 8 extenuates the death of Jesus verse 9 says – MUCH MORE, having been justified by His blood we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him. Again, this is the message, that Heaven not Hell is our destiny. I walked the Friday night message in my walk with Jesus. I did so for some 15 years. But something was wrong, I wanted more than just a hope someday, I needed hope for the day! I learned that much of my Christian teaching was teaching me to trust Christ for salvation but work like a dog to prove that I was saved and do the proving/work in Church. I was churched not discipled! No, I needed more than just an escape from my sin penalty. I wanted life, the joy and power that John 10:10b says I can have. This is where verse 10 comes, we are cleansed and justified by the blood of Jesus – that’s Friday. But we are “saved” by His resurrected life! Oh, how grand that message. Yes, Jesus died, but the rest of the story is that Jesus lives. Not just resurrected, but somebody [Jesus] living in somebody [me]. That is Sunday morning news, that is Resurrection News. Sunday changed everything. The empty tomb confirms the promise of John 11:25-26, that anyone who believes in Jesus will never die. The message of Easter is that Jesus did die, was buried, AND resurrected. I have found so many believers living out a self-defeated Christian life, absent of the power of the resurrection. If we are just content with not going to Hell, that’s only a Friday message. But if you want more, Much More – experience the Sunday Good News – Jesus the Christ is Alive – and He is alive in you. Galatians 2:20 – “I am crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I that live, but Christ lives in ME; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loves me and gave Himself up for me.” Quit living a Friday salvation, start enjoying the Resurrection power of Jesus Christ. His death gave us life; our death to self gives us His life in us! The Exchanged Life!!Dr. Jim Dr. Jim 00 Dr. Jim’s Gems Much MoreRomans 5:8-10 “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him. For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life.” [NASB] This is an amazing passage from the Apostle Paul. The message in these few verses enunciates the message of the Gospel in a nutshell. The wonderful news that the Lord Jesus loves us [me] is the good news to a hurting sinner. God is the initiator of this love for us. There is nothing we can do to deserve or earn the love of God. [Eph. 2:8-10]. We know the Gospel, that Jesus saves the sinner from the reality of suffering in separation from Him in a real place called Gehenna Hell. Everyone I talk to seems to know that Jesus died because of sin, our sins. That is a Friday night message. I am sure that the Jerusalem Times ran the front page with “JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE GALILEAN PROPHET WAS CRUCIFIED ON GOLGOTHA’S HILL TODAY. The death of Jesus, barbaric as it was, is the plan of God to restore mankind and deliver us from the penalty, power and presence of sin. The initiator, God, loves you and I “while we are still in our sins.” While we were helpless – Romans 5:6; Jesus’ mission was to come and in obedience give His life a ransom for many. I am still overwhelmed by the love of God for me. Millions have trusted in the vicarious death of Jesus for the forgiveness of sin, and deliverance from an eternity in Hell. I have heard so many preachers say that people are only interested in “fire insurance” as the reason for professing Jesus and being baptized. This cheapens salvation; Salvation is not about a destination change, but a destiny change. On Friday we have the message of the cruel cross, the mock trials and the betrayal of the disciples. Friday means death. It is gruesome to read about and any visuals we could conger up in our minds would fall short of the agony Jesus endured. But while verse 8 extenuates the death of Jesus verse 9 says – MUCH MORE, having been justified by His blood we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him. Again, this is the message, that Heaven not Hell is our destiny. I walked the Friday night message in my walk with Jesus. I did so for some 15 years. But something was wrong, I wanted more than just a hope someday, I needed hope for the day! I learned that much of my Christian teaching was teaching me to trust Christ for salvation but work like a dog to prove that I was saved and do the proving/work in Church. I was churched not discipled! No, I needed more than just an escape from my sin penalty. I wanted life, the joy and power that John 10:10b says I can have. This is where verse 10 comes, we are cleansed and justified by the blood of Jesus – that’s Friday. But we are “saved” by His resurrected life! Oh, how grand that message. Yes, Jesus died, but the rest of the story is that Jesus lives. Not just resurrected, but somebody [Jesus] living in somebody [me]. That is Sunday morning news, that is Resurrection News. Sunday changed everything. The empty tomb confirms the promise of John 11:25-26, that anyone who believes in Jesus will never die. The message of Easter is that Jesus did die, was buried, AND resurrected. I have found so many believers living out a self-defeated Christian life, absent of the power of the resurrection. If we are just content with not going to Hell, that’s only a Friday message. But if you want more, Much More – experience the Sunday Good News – Jesus the Christ is Alive – and He is alive in you. Galatians 2:20 – “I am crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I that live, but Christ lives in ME; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loves me and gave Himself up for me.” Quit living a Friday salvation, start enjoying the Resurrection power of Jesus Christ. His death gave us life; our death to self gives us His life in us! The Exchanged Life!!Dr. Jim Dr. Jim 2362200-60960Easter Services Arcadia FBC - Good Friday Service, April 19 @ 6:30 PM.Coastal Community Church – Easter Service, Saturday, April 20 @ 5 PM followed by an egg hunt. College View – Sunrise Service @ 6:45 AM in the parking lot, regular Easter Service @ 10:45m AM in the sanctuary.FBC Galveston – Maundy Thursday Service, April 18 @ 6 PM includes Ordinance of the Lord’s Supper.FBC Hitchcock – Easter Sunrise Service @ 6:45 AM, George Dyson leading the service.Northside Baptist – Good Friday Service with Communion, April 19 @ 6 PM. Sunrise Service at Rainbow Park in the Gazebo in Texas City @ 7 AM. Coffee, juice and donuts will be available. Easter service will be at 10:30 in the sanctuary.Primera Iglesia Bautista Hitchcock – Easter services Sunday at 7:30 and 10:45 AMSeaside Baptist Church – Sunrise Rise Service @ 6:30 AM on Jamaica Beach with baptism in the Gulf followed by breakfast and an egg hunt. ??????????????????????????? Valley Mission/Christmas Stocking Ministry The first workday of the year will be Wednesday, April 10, 9:30 AM at the GBA Office. Bring any decorations you have and your glue guns as we will be working on purses. Items being collected are crayons, colorbooks, soaps, washcloths, balls – small, Barbie dolls, cars – match box sized, 4”X6” draw string bags, jump ropes, jacks, marbles, play doh, stockings and yoyos, small stuffed animals, girl’s jewelry and hair accessories, small purses, toiletries and small games for teenagers.Last year we gave a total of 621 stockings and 191 joy bags. The ladies helped fill 121 more stockings and 113 joy bags in their workroom. Brother Rick Hall reported there were 421 professions of faith on the Texas side of the border and 1700 in Mexico through the stocking ministry. Each stocking contains the story of Jesus’ birth in English and Spanish.This year’s Mission Trip is tentatively planned for the first part of December. We will be taking stockings there and to two small churches located in Camargo, Mexico. Brother Rick hopes we will bring some men with us to help with several projects.Bring your favorite salad or snack and join us as we make plans for this year’s project. ? 00Easter Services Arcadia FBC - Good Friday Service, April 19 @ 6:30 PM.Coastal Community Church – Easter Service, Saturday, April 20 @ 5 PM followed by an egg hunt. College View – Sunrise Service @ 6:45 AM in the parking lot, regular Easter Service @ 10:45m AM in the sanctuary.FBC Galveston – Maundy Thursday Service, April 18 @ 6 PM includes Ordinance of the Lord’s Supper.FBC Hitchcock – Easter Sunrise Service @ 6:45 AM, George Dyson leading the service.Northside Baptist – Good Friday Service with Communion, April 19 @ 6 PM. Sunrise Service at Rainbow Park in the Gazebo in Texas City @ 7 AM. Coffee, juice and donuts will be available. Easter service will be at 10:30 in the sanctuary.Primera Iglesia Bautista Hitchcock – Easter services Sunday at 7:30 and 10:45 AMSeaside Baptist Church – Sunrise Rise Service @ 6:30 AM on Jamaica Beach with baptism in the Gulf followed by breakfast and an egg hunt. ??????????????????????????? Valley Mission/Christmas Stocking Ministry The first workday of the year will be Wednesday, April 10, 9:30 AM at the GBA Office. Bring any decorations you have and your glue guns as we will be working on purses. Items being collected are crayons, colorbooks, soaps, washcloths, balls – small, Barbie dolls, cars – match box sized, 4”X6” draw string bags, jump ropes, jacks, marbles, play doh, stockings and yoyos, small stuffed animals, girl’s jewelry and hair accessories, small purses, toiletries and small games for teenagers.Last year we gave a total of 621 stockings and 191 joy bags. The ladies helped fill 121 more stockings and 113 joy bags in their workroom. Brother Rick Hall reported there were 421 professions of faith on the Texas side of the border and 1700 in Mexico through the stocking ministry. Each stocking contains the story of Jesus’ birth in English and Spanish.This year’s Mission Trip is tentatively planned for the first part of December. We will be taking stockings there and to two small churches located in Camargo, Mexico. Brother Rick hopes we will bring some men with us to help with several projects.Bring your favorite salad or snack and join us as we make plans for this year’s project. ? 15240-45720Senior Adult Game Day Join us for Fun and Fellowship Tuesday, April 9 @ 1:30 PM GBA office1221 Cedar Dr, La MarqueBring a friend, a snack to share and your favorite game. *********************** ********************** 00Senior Adult Game Day Join us for Fun and Fellowship Tuesday, April 9 @ 1:30 PM GBA office1221 Cedar Dr, La MarqueBring a friend, a snack to share and your favorite game. *********************** ********************** .24155406858000 220980-30480 GBA Executive Board MeetingMonday, April 86:30 PMFBC Hitchcock6601 FM 2004Guest Speaker:Julie PrudhomeChild Advocacy GroupPlease contact the GBA Office at 409-938-8942 or office@to make reservations for dinner. May By The BayAdult CampMay 6-9, 2019Reservations are still available. To reserve a room or for information, call Jeanie at Texas Baptist Encamp-ment 361-972-2717Ladies From All ChurchesPlease join us for “Women on Mission”Tuesday, April 9, 11:30 – 12:30 AM GBA Office1221 Cedar Dr, La MarqueBring a friend, Snacks will be provided00 GBA Executive Board MeetingMonday, April 86:30 PMFBC Hitchcock6601 FM 2004Guest Speaker:Julie PrudhomeChild Advocacy GroupPlease contact the GBA Office at 409-938-8942 or office@to make reservations for dinner. May By The BayAdult CampMay 6-9, 2019Reservations are still available. To reserve a room or for information, call Jeanie at Texas Baptist Encamp-ment 361-972-2717Ladies From All ChurchesPlease join us for “Women on Mission”Tuesday, April 9, 11:30 – 12:30 AM GBA Office1221 Cedar Dr, La MarqueBring a friend, Snacks will be provided3985260-22860 Church HappeningsHispanic WMUThe Hispanic WMU Ladies are collecting monetary donations to help supply water filters to the Amazon River region. Filters cost $25 each but any donation amount will be appreciated.They are also collecting money to help support the Ministry students at the Baptist University of the Americas in San Antonio.*********************************Siete Palabras(Seven Last Words of Christ)Friday, April 197 PMIglesia Primera Galveston5809 Broadway********************************* Northside Baptist ChurchMissions Fund Raiser Garage SaleNorthside Baptist Church, 2801 25th Street N, will have a huge garage sale April 6 in our gym 8-2 PM.? This will probably turn out to be the largest garage sale we've had.? All proceeds will go toward our coming mission trips/projects. *********************************Events and happenings from your church can be shared with member churches of the association by calling 409-938-8942 or email to office@. To help keep us informed, we would like to receive your newsletters– digital or hardcopy. 00 Church HappeningsHispanic WMUThe Hispanic WMU Ladies are collecting monetary donations to help supply water filters to the Amazon River region. Filters cost $25 each but any donation amount will be appreciated.They are also collecting money to help support the Ministry students at the Baptist University of the Americas in San Antonio.*********************************Siete Palabras(Seven Last Words of Christ)Friday, April 197 PMIglesia Primera Galveston5809 Broadway********************************* Northside Baptist ChurchMissions Fund Raiser Garage SaleNorthside Baptist Church, 2801 25th Street N, will have a huge garage sale April 6 in our gym 8-2 PM.? This will probably turn out to be the largest garage sale we've had.? All proceeds will go toward our coming mission trips/projects. *********************************Events and happenings from your church can be shared with member churches of the association by calling 409-938-8942 or email to office@. To help keep us informed, we would like to receive your newsletters– digital or hardcopy. 220980158750022098016827500284988012255500729234019875500137160-22860Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.Dear GBA FamiliesI know you haven't heard from me for a long time. I think it’s time to let everybody know what God is doing for Mission Galveston.Most of you know that Mission Galveston's Galveston center closed last year. After we vacated First Baptist Church, we had a hard time finding a suitable place for our ministry.? But Mission Galveston - Texas City?still is?in operation on every Saturday from 9-11 am at Calvary Reformed Church, Texas City. David and his volunteers are doing a very good job serving that community.In the past, we were praying for a Mission Galveston center in the Hitchcock/Santa Fe area. This year God answered our prayers and?allowed us to start a Mission Galveston ministry in Santa Fe, Texas in?February 2019, at the Rockview Church, 4002 Cark Ave., Santa Fe, Texas. Howard Capehart, one of the?church members from the Rockview Church and Erica Johnson from Northside?Baptist Church are leading that ministry. Mission Galveston - Santa Fe opens every Saturday from 10 am to 12 noon. So far it is going well.?God is good.Mission Galveston - India, everything is going well in India ministries. Abhilash (Administrator) and his team members are?doing a good job serving and reaching out to the community in Kerala, Palani, Orissa and in Vishakhapatnam. In Kerala we have the boy’s home, tutoring center and the HIV ministry.?At the Boys home, all of our boys will be finishing up their education in the 2020 school year. The Tutoring center is still going strong. We have three teachers five days a week. They?tutor around 45-50?students from under privileged families free of charge. Before the class start, Abhilash does a short Bible study and prayer time. According to Abhilash, he sees lots of improvement in those student’s spiritual knowledge and in their education. It is a very good ministry among the Hindu community.HIV ministries. We started this ministry with five clients with HIV. Now we are serving over a hundred clients, providing them with counseling, medical checkups, food and other needs. The group meets once a month.?Palani Sewing and computer training center. Because of lack of interest in computer training in that community, in December 2018, we decided to close the computer training center.? The Sewing training center is still going strong, through this ministry, several Hindu families have come to Christ, been Baptized and are attending a local Church.We have two Missionaries working one in the state of Orissa (North), and one in Vishakapattanam (Andrapradesh state, East). They both are doing a good job in evangelizing their community. Last month they had several baptisms.God opened another door for Mission Galveston in Ethiopia, among the Sudanees refuges. There are around 2000 Sudanese refuges in Ethiopia.? My last trip to Ethiopia, I had an opportunity to visit two of the Sudanese refuge community. What I saw there, was really heart breaking. I preached in two of their Churches.? Their Church walls were four to six wooden pole ( tree branches), wrapped around with Tarp, with a dirt floor and grass roof.No clean drinking water. They collect the drinking water from the ditches. There were around 150 Orphan Children, some has cloths, some don't, very limited on food, Children’s faces are covered with flies.? It is a sad, sad situation there. I asked God, show us how to be helping hands this community. God answered my prayer. We can provide them with clean water and help them with building their worship center.Before I left Ethiopia from my last trip, I talked with my counter part Pastor Wogene about some of these issues. Digging a well cost only $500.00.? Fixing the roof of the Worship center will cost $1000.00. With the help of Mission Galveston they are getting a roof on their worship center before the rainy season starts, and the first clean water well also almost completed.I know that God opened this new door for Mission Galveston in Ethiopia. With all that has been done, there is so much more to do. Pray for the various locations of Mission Galveston.Raju Samuel00Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.Dear GBA FamiliesI know you haven't heard from me for a long time. I think it’s time to let everybody know what God is doing for Mission Galveston.Most of you know that Mission Galveston's Galveston center closed last year. After we vacated First Baptist Church, we had a hard time finding a suitable place for our ministry.? But Mission Galveston - Texas City?still is?in operation on every Saturday from 9-11 am at Calvary Reformed Church, Texas City. David and his volunteers are doing a very good job serving that community.In the past, we were praying for a Mission Galveston center in the Hitchcock/Santa Fe area. This year God answered our prayers and?allowed us to start a Mission Galveston ministry in Santa Fe, Texas in?February 2019, at the Rockview Church, 4002 Cark Ave., Santa Fe, Texas. Howard Capehart, one of the?church members from the Rockview Church and Erica Johnson from Northside?Baptist Church are leading that ministry. Mission Galveston - Santa Fe opens every Saturday from 10 am to 12 noon. So far it is going well.?God is good.Mission Galveston - India, everything is going well in India ministries. Abhilash (Administrator) and his team members are?doing a good job serving and reaching out to the community in Kerala, Palani, Orissa and in Vishakhapatnam. In Kerala we have the boy’s home, tutoring center and the HIV ministry.?At the Boys home, all of our boys will be finishing up their education in the 2020 school year. The Tutoring center is still going strong. We have three teachers five days a week. They?tutor around 45-50?students from under privileged families free of charge. Before the class start, Abhilash does a short Bible study and prayer time. According to Abhilash, he sees lots of improvement in those student’s spiritual knowledge and in their education. It is a very good ministry among the Hindu community.HIV ministries. We started this ministry with five clients with HIV. Now we are serving over a hundred clients, providing them with counseling, medical checkups, food and other needs. The group meets once a month.?Palani Sewing and computer training center. Because of lack of interest in computer training in that community, in December 2018, we decided to close the computer training center.? The Sewing training center is still going strong, through this ministry, several Hindu families have come to Christ, been Baptized and are attending a local Church.We have two Missionaries working one in the state of Orissa (North), and one in Vishakapattanam (Andrapradesh state, East). They both are doing a good job in evangelizing their community. Last month they had several baptisms.God opened another door for Mission Galveston in Ethiopia, among the Sudanees refuges. There are around 2000 Sudanese refuges in Ethiopia.? My last trip to Ethiopia, I had an opportunity to visit two of the Sudanese refuge community. What I saw there, was really heart breaking. I preached in two of their Churches.? Their Church walls were four to six wooden pole ( tree branches), wrapped around with Tarp, with a dirt floor and grass roof.No clean drinking water. They collect the drinking water from the ditches. There were around 150 Orphan Children, some has cloths, some don't, very limited on food, Children’s faces are covered with flies.? It is a sad, sad situation there. I asked God, show us how to be helping hands this community. God answered my prayer. We can provide them with clean water and help them with building their worship center.Before I left Ethiopia from my last trip, I talked with my counter part Pastor Wogene about some of these issues. Digging a well cost only $500.00.? Fixing the roof of the Worship center will cost $1000.00. With the help of Mission Galveston they are getting a roof on their worship center before the rainy season starts, and the first clean water well also almost completed.I know that God opened this new door for Mission Galveston in Ethiopia. With all that has been done, there is so much more to do. Pray for the various locations of Mission Galveston.Raju Samuel 389382052070May 2 National Day of Prayer 6 Pastor/Staff Breakfast, 7:30 AM6-9 May By The Bay, Palacios 12 Mother’s Day 21 WMU Spring Gathering/Salad Supper 27 Memorial DayJune 3 Pastor/Staff Breakfast 8 Hispanic Fellowship, El Salvador11-12 SBC Convention, Birmingham FREE BOOKS!Boxes of great books and CDs were donated to GBA to share with our churches. You are welcome to come browse and take what you want. 00May 2 National Day of Prayer 6 Pastor/Staff Breakfast, 7:30 AM6-9 May By The Bay, Palacios 12 Mother’s Day 21 WMU Spring Gathering/Salad Supper 27 Memorial DayJune 3 Pastor/Staff Breakfast 8 Hispanic Fellowship, El Salvador11-12 SBC Convention, Birmingham FREE BOOKS!Boxes of great books and CDs were donated to GBA to share with our churches. You are welcome to come browse and take what you want. 10668050800Pastor/Staff Breakfast @ 7:30 AM, Kelley’s 2 Admin Team Meeting @ 1 PM, GBA Office 3 Grayson Glass Prayer Time @ noon, New Life Fellowship 4GBA Prayer time @ 9:30 AM, GBA Siege The City, 718 6th St., Texas City @ 6:30 PM5-6 WMU Annual Meeting, FBC Woodway 6 Northside Baptist Garage Sale 8 EX Board Meeting @ 6:30 PM, FBC Hitchcock Women’s Event, Bay Area Church @ 6:30 PM 9 Women on Missions @ 11:30 AM, GBA Sr. Adult Game Day @ 1:30 PM, GBA Sisters Who Care @ 6 PM, TMBC 10Grayson Glass Prayer Time @ noon, New Life 11GBA Prayer time @ 9:30 AM, GBA 17Grayson Glass Prayer Time @ noon, New Life 18GBA Prayer time @ 9:30 AM, GBA 19 Good Friday 21 Easter Sunday 24Grayson Glass Prayer Time @ noon 25GBA Prayer time @ 9:30 AM, GBA 30WMU Leadership Meeting @ 6 PM, Northside 00Pastor/Staff Breakfast @ 7:30 AM, Kelley’s 2 Admin Team Meeting @ 1 PM, GBA Office 3 Grayson Glass Prayer Time @ noon, New Life Fellowship 4GBA Prayer time @ 9:30 AM, GBA Siege The City, 718 6th St., Texas City @ 6:30 PM5-6 WMU Annual Meeting, FBC Woodway 6 Northside Baptist Garage Sale 8 EX Board Meeting @ 6:30 PM, FBC Hitchcock Women’s Event, Bay Area Church @ 6:30 PM 9 Women on Missions @ 11:30 AM, GBA Sr. Adult Game Day @ 1:30 PM, GBA Sisters Who Care @ 6 PM, TMBC 10Grayson Glass Prayer Time @ noon, New Life 11GBA Prayer time @ 9:30 AM, GBA 17Grayson Glass Prayer Time @ noon, New Life 18GBA Prayer time @ 9:30 AM, GBA 19 Good Friday 21 Easter Sunday 24Grayson Glass Prayer Time @ noon 25GBA Prayer time @ 9:30 AM, GBA 30WMU Leadership Meeting @ 6 PM, Northside 281178013525500 358140089535 00 Impacting Churches to Empact the Kingdom ................

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