**The study guides are intended to be a tool to guide the direction of study, and narrow the focus, but are not intended to be memorized or taken as the only possible questions about the related material. Chapter 2 Lessons 1-3 study guide.How is the animal kingdom divided into groups?By whether or not they have a backbone- vertebrates and invertebratesWhat is an invertebrate?Any animal without a backboneWhy are the largest invertebrates found in water, not on land?Because they do not have a backbone or skeletal system, invertebrates on land can often not support their own weight if they grow too large. The larger ones live primarily in the water because the water helps to support them. What are the main groups of invertebrates?Mollusks, Cnidarians, Sponges, Echinoderms, Flatworms, Round worms, Segmented worms, ArthropodsWhat is symmetry? What types of symmetry are there in invertebrates?Parts of an animals body line up with similar parts. Animals can have symmetry across a line, -20002438100or around a point. What are the main characteristics of each group of invertebrate? Mollusks- soft bodies, often have shells, often live in water. Examples are snails, slugs, clams, oysters, and ones without shells like squid and octopusCnidarians- an animal with stinging tentacles like jellyfish and corals Sponges,- simplest invertebrates, live under water, no symmetry, stays in one place and filters food out of the waterEchinoderms- “spiny skinned”, usually has symmetry around a point, with an endoskeleton. Sea urchins, star fish, Flatworms- the simplest worms, some live inside other organisms, but most are harmlessRound worms-Most are parasites, they live inside other animals and are harmful to their hosts. They are small and round Segmented worms- worms with bodies divided into sections. Most live on land, and are NOT parasites.Arthropods-largest group of invertebrates, they have an exoskeleton (hard outer covering), jointed legs, and a segmented body. How many animals are invertebrates?95% of all animals are invertebrates. How are arthropods divided into groups?Insects -largest group of arthropods with one pair of antennae, three pairs of legs, and wings in three body sections, Arachnids -spiders, ticks, scorpions- four pairs of legs on two body section, and fangs Crustaceans- crab, lobster, shrimp, two pairs of antennae, two or three body sections, can chew centipedes and millipedes- many body sections with one or two pairs of legs per sectionWhat are vertebrates?Animals with a backboneWhy is having a backbone an advantage?-Support larger animals on land-Allow more flexible movement than an exoskeleton-allows for a centralized, larger, brain than invertebratesWhat are the main types of vertebrates?Cartilaginous fish, jawless fish, boney fish, reptiles, amphibians, birds, mammalsWhat does it mean to be warm blooded or cold blooded?Whether or not an animal can regulate it’s own body temperature. Warm blooded animals maintain a constant body temperature and produce their own body heat. Cold blooded animals change body temperature to match their surroundings, and get their heat only from their environmentWhat are the main characteristics of each vertebrate group?Cartilaginous fish- fish with a skeleton made of cartilage (the same stuff as your nose tip or ears), cold blooded, tough skin, examples are sharks and rays jawless fish- boneless mouths that act like a suction cup like lampreys boney fish- largest class of vertebrates, bone skeleton, and scales. Examples are salmon, goldfish, etc.Reptiles- cold blooded vertebrate that hatches from an egg but lives on land. Covered in scales. Examples are lizards, snakes, and turtles Amphibians- cold blooded vertebrates that hatch from an egg but live partly in water, and are born in water. Skin needs to stay moist at all times, so they live near water.Birds,- warm blooded vertebrate that hatches from an egg, has feathers, beaks, and two legs with clawed feet. Mammals- Warm blooded vertebrate with fur or hair, that produce milk to feed their youngWhat are three main types of mammals?Monotremes- mammals that lay eggs- spiny anteater, platypus- only 5 currently living species, all of which are in Australia or New GuineaMarsupial mammals- mammals with pouches for their young- kangaroos, koalasPlacental mammals- mammals that give birth to live young-What are the main body systems?SkeletalMuscularCirculatoryRespiratoryNervousDigestive/excretoryWhat are the main jobs of each body system? Skeletal- support the body, helps with movement, protects sections of the bodyMuscular-movementCirculatory- transports blood around the body, which transports oxygen, and nutrients to where they are needed and Carbon dioxide (CO2) and waste products away to be disposed ofRespiratory- brings oxygen into the body and removes waste CO2Nervous- controls all other body functions and is responsible for all senses Digestive/excretory- Breaks down food and sends nutrients into the rest of the body, removes wasteWhat are the main parts of each body system?Skeletal- bones and jointsMuscular- muscles- three types- skeletal, smooth, and cardiac. Skeletal are responsible for movement, smooth keeps organs running, and cardiac is the heartCirculatory- heart, veins, and arteriesRespiratory- lungs and tracheaNervous- brain, spinal cord, and nervesDigestive/excretory- esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, liver, kidneys, bladderKey facts about each systemSkeletal- 3 types of joints- hinge (like elbows and knees) , ball and socket (hips and shoulder), Pivot (top of neck.) ( there are more, these are the three most common) Muscular-muscles can only contract and expand, meaning they can only pull, not push. Muscles work in pairs to accomplish different directions of movementCirculatory- Blood is made of Plasma (thick liquid, transports nutrients, waste, and other blood parts) , red blood cells (carry oxygen and carbon dioxide), white blood cells (part of the immune system, fights infection) and platelets (responsible for blood clotting, stopping bleeding)Respiratory- Lungs are “passive”, meaning they do not fill or empty on their own, the diaphragm muscle at the bottom of the chest cavity moves up and down, pulling air in or out of the lungs. Nervous- controls everything! Digestive/excretory- *very* long, small intestine is longer but narrower most nutrients are removed here, large intestine is shorter but thicker, excess water is removed here. Other information from labs, class examples, or class discussions may be included. ................

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