County Land Maintenance Inc.

1414 Bryan Road

O’Fallon, Missouri 63366

9374. FAX 636-978-9375


County Land Maintenance Tree Farm

Retail Price List – 2020

Ribbon Color

1) Bald Cypress - 3.5”-4” $215.00

2) Birch – Cinnamon Bark

Single Stem 3” $160.00

3.5”-4” $190.00

3) Crab – Snowdrift 2.5"caliper $170.00

4) Dawn Redwood 3.5” caliper $215.00

5) Dogwood: 1.5” caliper $120.00

(Cornelian Cherry)

(Kousa) 2” caliper $165.00

6) Ginkgo 2.5” caliper $225.00

3” $250.00

7) Locust –Thornless Honey 2.0” caliper $130.00

2.5" caliper $150.00

8) Magnolia - Southern 2" caliper $175.00

- Cucumber Blue 2.5” $205.00

9) Magnolia – Dr Merrill 6’-8’ $130.00

8’-10’ $170.00

County Land Maintenance-Tree Farm Page 2

2020 Retail List

Ribbon Color

10) Maple- Sun Valley 2” caliper $180.00

2.5" $225.00

11) Mimosa 2.5” caliper $160.00

12) Oak – Pin 3”-4” $220.00

Oak – Red 3”-3.5” $220.00

Oak – Sawtooth 2.5” $180.00

13) Pond Cypress 3.5”-4” $190.00

14) Redbud 2”caliper $150.00

15) White Fringetree 6’-7’ $122.00

Installation Charge Per Tree - $100 for 2” caliper

$110 for 2.5” or larger

Letter coloring indicates caliper size


Sold Trees are marked with White ribbon


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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