?Chemical EnergyDay 1Think back to the energy saving pledge that you made two weeks ago. Write down the pledge you made here: ____________________________________________________________________________________How have you been doing? What have you been to make sure that you’re saving energy in your everyday life? If you haven’t been doing it, what can you do now to make sure you’ll do it? Write your answer here: Day 2Watch this video about chemical energy: : There is no narrator, so you have to read the words! You can stop the video, if it is going too fast for you. Define chemical energy in your own words, include some examples of how you see this form of energy in your daily life. Day 3- 5Chemical Energy Experiment #1 Materials:Baking SodaWhite vinegar 2 cups Water SugarPlease have a parent or guardian watch over you as you do this experiment! Have your two cups ready on the table. Label the cups A and B. In Cup A pour ? cup of cold water, in cup B, pour ? cup of white vinegar. In Cup A, put in 1 tablespoon of sugar. Watch what happens. What do you notice? Write down the changes that happened. In Cup B, put in 1 tablespoon of baking soda. Watch what happens. What do you notice? Write down the changes that happened. What forms of energy did you notice in this experiment? Explain each one. Which cup was an example of chemical energy? Why? Chemical Energy Experiment #2 In the morning before you eat your breakfast, quickly do 10 jumping jacks. How do you feel? After you’ve finished your breakfast and you’ve waited at least 45 minutes for your food to settle in (so you don’t get a stomach ache). Get ready to do another set of 10 jumping jacks! How do you feel? Do you have more energy? What was the difference between the first set of jumping jacks that you did in the morning and the one you did after? Please explain your answer. What are some other examples of chemical energy that you can think of? Please post everything in one blog post named Chemical Energy ................

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