
Physical Activity and Older Adults (65+)

Evidence Briefing and Learning Event

Wednesday 28th March 2012, 9.30 am – 3.30 pm.

Mossley Mills, Newtownabbey, Co Antrim.

The purpose of this one-day seminar event is to update professionals in Northern Ireland on recent developments on evidence based physical activity promotion and to disseminate the recently published CMO Guidelines on Physical Activity for Older Adults.

The event will be jointly hosted by the Public Health Agency and the British Heart Foundation National Centre for Physical Activity and Health (BHFNC) at Loughborough University and aims to provide participants with the opportunity to:-

• understand the evidence supporting the CMO Guidelines for physical activity and older adults.

• develop their understanding of the CMO Guidelines for older adults and how they apply to the people they work with.

• examine implications for future practice in Northern Ireland

• learn of BHFNC and other resources available to support their work

Target audience

This event will be of relevance to professionals who work with older people including those in commissioning, primary care, physical activity and active ageing promotion, adult and social care services, allied health professions, sheltered supported living and housing associations, local council leisure departments, age related voluntary sector and community organisations.

The British Heart Foundation National Centre for Physical Activity and Health, Loughborough University.

Established in 2000, the main aim of the BHF National Centre is to develop and translate research evidence to improve and extend the practice of promoting physical activity in the UK.

The Public Health Agency (PHA)

The PHA was established in 2009 and is a multi-disciplinary, multi-professional body with a strong regional and local presence. The PHA has 4 key functions; health and social wellbeing improvement, health protection, public health support to commissioning and policy development and HSC research and development.

How to Register

Please complete the booking form attached and return to Suzanne McAuley at (Suzanne.Mcauley2@) by Wednesday 21 March 2012. Places at the seminar are limited and allocation of places will be confirmed as soon as possible after the 21st March.

Physical Activity and Older Adults (65+)

Evidence Briefing and Learning Event

Programme for the day

9.30 onwards - Registration

10.00 Welcome and Introduction

Colette Brolly (Health and Social Wellbeing Improvement Manager (Western Office and Regional Lead for Physical Activity, Public Health Agency)

10.10 Session 1. Setting the scene

Physical activity and older people in Northern Ireland - policies and priorities – where are we now?

Chris Totten (Head of Health and Social Wellbeing Improvement (South Eastern Office) and Regional Lead for Older People, Public Health Agency)

Introduction to the CMO Guidelines on physical Activity and Health

What, where and how?

Sonia McGeorge (Director, BHF National Centre for Physical Activity and Health)

11.00 refreshment break

11.30 Session 2 - Physical activity and older adults – round table discussions

Physical activity and older adults - an evidence briefing

The CMO Guidelines for older adults – the key elements

Working to achieve the guidelines (i)

Bob Laventure (BHF National Centre for Physical Activity and Health)

12.30 Lunch and networking

1.15 Session 3 - Physical activity and older adults – round table discussions

Working to achieve the guidelines (ii)

Implications for future practice

Bob Laventure (BHF National Centre for Physical Activity and Health)

2.15 Afternoon break

2.45 Session 4. Participant reflection and next steps

Review of the day.

What do I need to do now?

What is available to support me?

Colette Brolly (Health and Social Wellbeing Improvement Manager (Western Office and Regional Lead for Physical Activity, Public Health Agency)

3.30 Seminar closure and departures


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