Lesson 2 Where to find your Ideal Prospects - Live and In ...

[Pages:28]Lesson 2

Where to find your Ideal Prospects - Live and In Person!


By now, you've gained some important clarity on which prospects are truly perfect for you and your business. You may have decided to focus on a handful of ideal prospects (working moms, baby boomers, college students?) or you may have narrowed your focus to just one superspecific target market. In either case, the most immediate benefit that comes from narrowing your focus to working with ideal prospects is you'll find it's now much easier to find these exact people, in large groups!

For example, it's hard to find a LinkedIn group that caters to "everyone" ? but if pharmaceutical reps are great prospects for you, now you can find groups made up of these specific people on this very website. Likewise, trying to find a conference or trade show that caters to "everyone" might be a bit tricky, but if "brides" are one of your ideal prospects, it's easy to locate many bridal tradeshows and create an opportunity to showcase your weight loss products here.

Bottom line ? when you know specifically WHO you're looking for, then WHERE to find them becomes a whole lot easier!

In this lesson, you'll learn how to locate the "ponds" where you'll find your ideal "fish" or prospects. You'll find out how to find these groups on the internet (through social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, etc) and also through live, in-person networking events. Both approaches have their own advantages, but the relationships you create when connecting with people face-to-face are ALWAYS the most powerful, so let's start with these kinds of opportunities first.

Why Networking Live Is STILL the Most Powerful Way to Build Strong Relationships with Prospects!

Even though I use the internet a lot to grow my business, my best business relationships come from getting out and meeting people live. Sometimes I attend events that are purely for networking. Other times, I'm attending conferences or tradeshows, or speaking at these kinds of events. In every situation, I add valuable connections to my network (and often make some great new friends in the process).

You too should never underestimate the power of connecting with people "live". When you meet prospects face to face (even during a short meeting) people get an immediate feel for "who" you are. You can create the kind of personal relationship that easily segues into a

professional relationship (and even if it doesn't, you can make a new friend who may possibly refer business to you at some other time).

It's interesting to note that the value of these live connections comes about (at least in part) through the way we communicate with each other. Studies show that people communicate using 3 main forms of expression:

The WORDS you use (the ideas you share, concepts, written text, etc)...

Your VOICE (quality, tone, fluctuation, etc)...

Your BODY LANGUAGE (how you come across physically including gestures, facial expressions, etc).

Your words alone are only worth 7% of the overall impact of your communication.

Your voice (38%) and body language (55%) make up the other 93%.

Since your prospects experience all three of these forms of communication when connecting with you live (versus on the internet where you are usually only using your "words" when communicating) the result is often a much more personal and intimate connection right from your first introduction.

There's also something more subtle, but extremely important that occurs when you meet other people in person. People get a sense of "who" you are very quickly. In addition to the ways you communicate, your "presence" or being-ness comes across, which creates a deeper connection and relationship with others.

For these reasons, I encourage you to take full advantage of whatever opportunities you can to connect live with your prospects, especially at events where can meet several of them at one time!

Most people you meet in a networking setting aren't in the mode to buy products or take a look at your business (and you likely won't have time to give a detailed presentation anyway). These are great opportunities, however, for you to meet interesting people, make new friends and expand your network.

To make networking activities fun and interesting - consider making it a goal to create a large "life network" for yourself (made up of interesting people you just enjoy having in your life). Having a large "life network" can generate all kinds of opportunities for you (some business

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related, some more social or personal. It also makes getting out and meeting new people a lot more fun).

A percentage of your "life network" will evolve into your "business network" and become new customers, referral sources, etc. Creating a life network takes the pressure off feeling like you have to make EVERYONE you meet a new customer or business partner. You can relax and enjoy the process of meeting people and making new friends, while keeping your eye out for people who fit your "ideal prospect" profile.

The Two Kinds of People to Look For When Networking Live

There are 2 kinds of people you want to look for when networking live:

a). Your "ideal prospects" or target market.

If you completed the exercises in Lesson #1, you now have this part nailed. You know the kinds of prospects you're looking for, and the personal qualities of these people as well.

b). People who know (many of) your "ideal prospects.

The other people you want to develop relationships are people who know your ideal prospects ? hopefully many of them. These are also known as COI's or "centers of influence". COI's are people who already know or do business with your ideal prospects or target market and likely have a rolodex or email list full of these kinds of contacts.

For example...

If your ideal prospect is a working mom ? a great "COI" would be the owner or teacher at a local daycare (who would know lots of working moms and may be able to make introductions). If your ideal prospect is someone who is interested in losing weight or increasing their overall health, then you'd be smart to create relationships with personal trainers, massage therapists or chiropractors (who would all have existing clients or contacts that could be perfect for your products).

Building relationships with these kinds of contacts can greatly leverage your networking efforts from 1:1 to 1: MANY. COI's can often make introductions to their database of contacts. It's fine to network to find a "single" ideal prospect, but the biggest return on your networking efforts comes when you connect with "COI's" who can refer you to many of your ideal prospects. It's smart to know who a perfect COI is for you, and keep your eye out for them!

What Kind of "COI" Is Perfect for You?

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What kind of person or "COI" would already know or do business with your ideal prospects?

Come up with a list of 5 possible COI's who could be great referral sources for you. A perfect COI is someone who knows or works with the same kinds or prospects you are looking to find, but who offers a different kind of product or service to them (so you're not competing with each other).

For example, if you sell jewelry and one of your ideal prospects are brides (looking for special gifts for their bridal party or guests) you could create relationships with some wedding planners. If your business offers cards or communication tools that are perfect for business owners, than a great COI for you could be an accountant or CPA who works mostly with these kinds of clients. If you have weight loss products, than a great COI could be a personal trainer who works with clients looking to accelerate their fitness program.

Who would know (or work with) many of your ideal prospects?

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Where Can You Network LIVE for the Best Results?

There are many great places (and ways) to network, so you have several options to choose from. Your options will be defined by which ideal prospects you're looking to find, what events are available in your area, etc. Here are a few to consider:

1. Traditional Business Networking and Leads Groups

You've likely heard of (or even attended meetings with) business networking groups like BNI, Le tip, Ali Lassens Leads, Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, etc. You can also find similar groups in your area made up of your ideal prospects or target market (mom's groups, exec women's groups, retirees, etc).

As with all networking ? the main goal here is to make connections, build your "life network" and grow your email list whenever possible. As you make connections at these events, keep an eye out for the opportunity to offer something of value for free (a free report, sample of your product?) in exchange for someone's business card.

What can you say to accomplish this?

This is similar to an "elevator speech" but with the goal to communicate the value of your offer to your target market.

"I have a _______________ that helps __________ like you be able to _________________. Most people love it because_______________. Would you like me to send you a copy? "

For example, if you have a great free report that helps people get in great shape and boost their energy, you can say:

"I'm not sure if you are interested in this... but just thought I'd mention I have a great free report that helps people get in great shape and have a lot more energy. Most people really love this as you can learn how to look and feel great without starving yourself or spending hours at the gym. If you'd like a copy, I can email it to you... do you have a card?"

As you collect business cards ? be sure to have a pen with you and mark each card so it's easy to see later how you want to follow up with each lead. You may want to mark business cards of COI's or "A-type" prospects so you can devote a little more time/attention when following up with them (perhaps schedule a coffee, lunch meeting etc to further develop the relationship).

A great way to build relationships with people in networking groups is to be genuinely curious about their business, and look for ways to add value or refer new customers to them. You can

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ask them what kinds of referrals are useful for them, which generally inspires them to ask you the same question and respond in kind. Before long, you're both learning more about each other's businesses in a comfortable way and they may even become interested in your product or business opportunity.

Where can you find great business networking groups? Here are some resources that can help:

Le Tip Leads Group -

Business Networking International -

US Women's Chamber of Commerce -

EWomen Network ?

Craigs List

You can also look up your local...

Chamber of Commerce (they often have a ton of great info on business related groups in your city, etc)

Rotary Club, Lions or Elks Club

*City Business Journal (most of the major cities in the US publish a "business journal" such as the "San Diego Business Journal", "Miami Business Journal", etc. These have listings of all the major business groups and networking events for your area. Do a search on google to find the closest one to you, these are GOLDMINES of information!

If you live in another country, there is likely a similar kind of publication offered in your city. With a little research (just contact your Chamber of Commerce) you should be able to track it down.

You can also search on-line to find more socially geared clubs (like mom's groups, singles groups, investment groups, ski clubs, triathalon clubs, etc) which can also be great "ponds" for you to fish in if your target market is spending time here.

Write down 5 business or networking groups in your area that would be likely places to meet your "ideal prospects".

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2. Find or Organize "Meet Up" Groups in Your Area

Many of you likely already know of the website . If not, you definitely should! This is a wonderful tool to find different kinds of social or business groups gathering in your own city or local area.

Just go to the website, and you can locate ALL kinds of groups. You'll find some that are obviously geared towards your ideal prospects (you'll see groups labeled for working moms, groups for baby boomers, etc). You can use the search function to find specific kinds of groups.

For example, you can search on all these terms to find places your target market is gathering (and more):

Teachers Women Women Entrepreneurs Young Professionals Moms Work at Home Moms Moms of Preschoolers Fitness Fashion Health/Wellness Beauty Jewelry Lovers (Your City) groups (Activity) Example ? hiking, golfing, etc) (Age) Example - 20s and 30s social meetup groups

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You can find groups that are obviously made up of your "ideal prospects" and you can also find groups to which your target market would likely belong. For example, a "golfing" group likely attracts a lot of baby boomers. A yoga group attracts people into health and wellness.

There are groups connected to celebrities or causes (as in the "Friends of Ricki Lake" group which is centered around the television host Ricki Lake. Although it's not labeled as such, this group is full of stay at home moms, as that's who watches her TV program. If you're looking for those kinds of prospects, this is the kind of group you'd want to check out).

~Become an Organizer and Create Your Own Meet Up Group

If you're feeling inspired, you can also create your own "meet up" group as a way to find and connect with your ideal prospects. For example, you can create a group for moms, people who want to network in business, baby boomers, people who are interested in hiking, health and wellness, personal fitness and weight loss, or just about any kind of topic.

Keep in mind ? although your group will be a way for you to connect with your ideal prospects, your main goal should be to "add value" to this group, rather than just pitch your products or business opportunity. You want to create a focus or "theme" for your group that will draw people to it, and give them an opportunity to learn or receive something of value. Ultimately you want to create a space that will attract your ideal prospects, and keep them coming back.

For example, you could create a group for moms who want to connect with other moms and share ideas around parenting, discuss how to experience more work/life balance or deal with family issues. You can create a group for people interested in health or weight loss, where they can learn ways to get in shape and have more energy, and get support from other people who have similar goals.

You could create a group for baby boomers who want to connect with other baby boomers, and learn ways to stay healthy and wealthy through their retirement years. You could create a group for women who want to look and feel their best (including taking care of their skin, their health or learning how to add some pizzazz to their wardrobe with great clothes or jewelry options).

Just ask yourself what would be of interest to your ideal prospects, and how can you create a group or event focused around this topic. As the organizer you can still have opportunities to teach or present for your group, but you'd want to keep your focus on sharing helpful info or ideas as your #1 goal (and subtly promoting your products or business as a secondary goal).

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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