
Project – Animal comparison PowerPoint Due Dec 19, 2012

Use either Google or Bing search engine to find information to create a PowerPoint for this class.

PowerPoint requirements:

• You may only use 10 pictures (no more, no less) and may only post 1 or 2 pictures for each slide. This means that many of your slides may have only text.

• All slides must transition automatically (no clicking)

• You need to include at least 5 animations, 1 video (link or embedded), 1 sound, 1 chart, 1 page of reference links (where did you get your information).

Topic requirements:

You will compare and contrast two similar animals (for example crocodiles and alligators, Yorkshire Terrier and Silky Terrier, Macaw and Cockatoo, etc…). For the purposes of examples, crocodiles and alligators are contrasted below, but you are allowed to pick a different topic. Slides must answer the following questions and be in the order below.

Slide 1 – Your name, sixth grade – crocodiles and alligators (or your specific topic)

Slide 2 – Sounds – What sound do crocodiles make? (or animal 1)

Slide 3 – Appearance – What uniquely describes a crocodile? (or animal 1)

Slide 4 – Origin – Where do crocodiles come from? (or animal 1)

Slide 5 – Age – How old can a crocodile live? (or animal 1)

Slide 6 – Abilities – What are some special unique abilities of a crocodile? (or animal 1)

Slide 7 – Owners – Who is allowed to own a crocodile? Where? (or animal 1)

(a different question might be, what kind of people own one, a famous person that owns one, where is this animal illegal to own etc..)

Slide 8 – Similarities – What is similar between alligators & crocodiles? (or both animals)

Slide 9 – Sounds – What sound do alligators make? (or animal 2)

Slide 10 – Appearance – What uniquely describes an alligator? (or animal 2)

Slide 11 – Origin – Where do alligators come from? (or animal 2)

Slide 12 – Age – How old can an alligator live? (or animal 2)

Slide 13 – Abilities – What are some special unique abilities of a crocodile? (or animal 1)

Slide 14 – Owners – Who is allowed to own an alligator? Where? (or animal 2)

Slide 15 – Differences – How can you tell alligators & crocodiles apart? (or both animals)

Slide16 – The end

Slide 17 – Resources – (links to where you got your information).

Grading rubric:

Attractiveness 30 % Makes excellent use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc.

Requirements 30 % All requirements are met and exceeded.

Content 30 % Covers topic in-depth with details and examples. Subject knowledge is excellent.

Mechanics 10 % No misspellings / grammatical errors / broken links / other errors

Grading Rubric:

|CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Attractiveness |30 -- 22 |21 -- 15 |14 -- 8 |7 -- 0 |

|30 % |Makes excellent use of font,|Makes good use of font, |Makes use of font, color, |Use of font, color, |

| |color, graphics, effects, |color, graphics, effects, |graphics, effects, etc. but |graphics, effects etc. but |

| |etc. to enhance the |etc. to enhance to |occasionally these detract |these often distract from |

| |presentation. |presentation. |from the presentation |the presentation content. |

| | | |content. | |

|Requirements |30 -- 22 |21 -- 15 |14 -- 8 |7 -- 0 |

|30 % |All requirements are met and|All requirements are met. |One requirement was not |More than one requirement |

| |exceeded. | |completely met. |was not completely met. |

|Content |30 -- 22 |21 -- 15 |14 -- 8 |7 -- 0 |

|30 % |Covers topic in-depth with |Includes essential knowledge|Includes essential |Content is minimal OR there |

| |details and examples. |about the topic. Subject |information about the topic |are several factual errors. |

| |Subject knowledge is |knowledge appears to be |but there are 1-2 factual | |

| |excellent. |good. |errors. | |

|Mechanics |10 -- 8 |7 -- 5 |4 -- 3 |2 -- 0 |

|10 % |No misspellings or |Three or fewer misspellings |Four misspellings and/or |More than 4 errors in |

| |grammatical errors. |and/or mechanical errors. |grammatical errors. |spelling or grammar. |

Attractiveness: ____________

Presentation: ____________

Requirements: ____________

Mechanics: ____________

Content: ____________

TOTAL: ____________ out of 20 _____________

Helpful hints


Helpful to list resources

Be sure to explain any chart you add

Can load from a file or record a new one.

Open the Insert tab to add videos, charts, recordings etc…

Can make an object do more than one movement.

Down arrow allows more options including motion paths

Open the animation tab to change movement

Can change the order, timing, and options of the animation

Can set timings and transitions without clicks

Change the layout from one kind to another

Hold down the arrow to get different kinds of slides

Practice the slideshow to make sure it works without clicks


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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