
Our Lady of the Gulf Parish


8 PM Saturday

20 April 2019

Updated 7 April 2019

Deacon Harris


❖ Candidates and Elect have:

o Nametags including Confirmation Saints chosen

o 6 Baptismal garments (1 baby, 3 adults, 2 kids)

o 6 Baptismal Candles,

o 2 Aspergillum and 2 Aspersorium (holy water sprinklers and buckets)

o 12 Copies of “Profession of Faith.”

❖ Give “Profession of Faith” cards to Regan Kane, Kelly Cannon, Julie Cannon, Kelsey Cobb, Charlie Molesworth, Bradley Darby, Gretchen Fleming, Cheryl Ladner, Aiden Peterson, Ashten Peterson, Ray Schmitt and Deborah Sutherlin.

❖ Remind Cheryl Ladner, Anna Bentz and Christine Grapusa to bring up gifts after the collection.

❖ Dim lights: south pulpit & entry way lights

❖ Deacons & Emcee need: flashlight, tongs for coals, stylus, coordinate with bell ringer (Mike Crow), set up outside speaker system, position Ushers with flashlights

❖ Commentator needs Flashlight, Candle and holder and Worship Hymnal


COMMENTATOR: (Read at 7:50 PM)

To familiarize yourselves with the beautiful symbolic rites of the Easter fire and blessing of the Easter Candle, both of which will take place outside of church in a few minutes, the Easter Vigil may be found on page 37 in the missalette. We will begin the service in about ten minutes.

Because of the solemnity of this celebration, everyone is asked to please turn off cell phones during the liturgy. Also, we ask you kindly when holding your candle and its holder; please maintain them in an upright position in order not to drip wax (Demonstrate). Thank you for your assistance.

COMMENTATOR: (continues)

Tonight is a special night; tonight is a holy night.

Tonight the Church throughout the world celebrates Christ’s

Resurrection from the dead.

He who took our human flesh, who suffered and died for us in that flesh, now rises in that same human body, glorified and immortal.

Tonight we will celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism with:

1. Brittney Benigno, Joey Roby, Christopher Luther, Dylan Darby, Misako Treutel and Azuma Treutel

Tonight we celebrate the Rite of Reception into Full

Communion with the Catholic Church with:

1. Regan Kane

2. Kelly Cannon

3. Julie Cannon

4. Kelsey Cobb

5. Bradley Darby

6. Gretchen Fleming

7. Cheryl Ladner

8. Charlie Molesworth

9. Aiden Peterson

10. Ashten Peterson

11. Ray Schmitt

12. Deborah Sutherlin

Tonight we will also celebrate with Catholic adults who will be receiving their the Sacrament of Confirmation:

1. Anna Bentz

2. Christine Grapusa

COMMENTATOR (continues)

At the end of this announcement, everyone is invited to witness the beautiful SERVICE OF LIGHT, which will take place in front of the Church. If you wish to go outside to witness the service, please exit carefully. Once outside, please continue all the way to the front of church. There will be ushers with lights to guide you.

The Easter candle or Paschal candle is the central symbolic object in the celebration of the Vigil liturgy because it represents the risen Lord in His glory. After being lit from the Easter Fire, the deacon will carry the candle into church proclaiming “The Light of Christ”, to which we will joyfully respond, “Thanks be to God”. Meanwhile the altar servers will light the candles of the congregation and you will spread the same to each other.

Please maintain order and adhere to the instructions of the Ushers. At the end of tonight’s liturgy, we ask that you leave your candle and holder in the pew. At this time, we invite everyone who wishes to witness the SERVICE OF LIGHT to leave now. Thank you.

At ~ 8:00 PM

❖ Celebrant: Please stand.


(Deacon Eddie holds candle)



Dear brethren (brothers and sisters),

on this most sacred night,

in which our Lord Jesus Christ

passed over from death to life,

the Church calls upon her sons and daughters,

scattered throughout the world,

to come together to watch and pray.

If we keep the memorial

of the Lord’s paschal solemnity in this way,

listening to his word and celebrating his mysteries,

then we shall have the sure hope

of sharing his triumph over death

and living with him in God.

The fire is blessed.

CELEBRANT: (Hands joined)

Let us pray.

O God, who through your Son

bestowed upon the faithful the fire of your glory,

sanctify † this new fire, we pray,

and grant that,

by these paschal celebrations,

we may be so inflamed with heavenly desires,

that with minds made pure

we may attain festivities of unending splendor.

Through Christ our Lord.

R. Amen

❖ Server retrieves coals for the thurible.


1. Christ yesterday and today cut vertical arm A

2. the beginning and the end cut horizontal arm

3. Alpha alpha above cross 2 0

4. and Omega omega below the cross

5. all time belongs to him 2 – upper left numeral

6. and all the ages 0 – upper right numeral 1 9

7. to him be glory and power 1 – lower left numeral

8. through every age for ever 9 – lower right numeral Ω



Insertion of Grains of Incense

1. By his holy top of cross (1) 1st

2. and glorious wounds middle of cross (2)

3. may Christ our Lord bottom of cross (3) 4th 2nd 5th

4. guard us left side of cross (4)

5. and keep us. AMEN right side of cross (5) 3rd


LIGHTING THE CANDLE (from the new fire)


May the light of Christ, rising in glory,

dispel the darkness of our hearts and minds.


Commentator: People follow cross and incense


1. Cross

2. Thurifer

3. People follow

4. Paschal candle

5. Book bearer

6. Servers with tapers

7. Emcee

8. Deacons

9. Celebrant


• Deacon raises the Paschal candle at the church door.


People sing: THANKS BE TO GOD

• Deacon raises the Paschal Candle at the center of the church.

• Half way down center aisle, servers light their candles from Paschal Candle and begin to light candles inside church.


People sing: THANKS BE TO GOD

❖ Altar servers, begin to light candles of general congregation down center aisle.

❖ Maintain 5 pews distance behind Paschal Candle.

❖ At the sanctuary, the Deacon faces the assembly and raises the Paschal Candle.


People sing: THANKS BE TO GOD

❖ Deacon stands in place until everyone is in his or her pew, then he places the Paschal Candle in the stand next to the ambo.

❖ Celebrant incenses the Paschal Candle with 3 double swings.

❖ Celebrant bows to the altar and goes to the chair.

❖ Thurifer stays near ambo swinging the thurible moderately until end of Exsultet.


Exsultet sung (Michael Werda)

❖ After the Exsultet, Kathleen LeBlanc turns on limited lighting.


Please extinguish all candles. Please be seated.



Dear brethren (brothers and sisters),

now that we have begun our solemn Vigil,

let us listen with quiet hearts to the Word of God.

Let us meditate on how God in times past saved his people and in these, the last days, has sent us his Son as our Redeemer.

Let us pray that our God may complete this paschal work of salvation by the fullness of redemption.

❖ As their turn occurs (if there are multiple lectors), each lector should come up for their reading. The Emcee (Bill Cork) will escort them to and from the ambo (pulpit).

FIRST READING (There are up to 7, we do 4)

Reading 1

Lector: (Genesis 1:1-2:2)

Choir: Responsorial Psalm:

R: Lord send out your Spirit and renew the face of the earth.

Celebrant: Please stand


Let us pray. (Pause)

Almighty ever-living God,

who are wonderful in the ordering of all your works,

may those you have redeemed understand

that there exists nothing more marvelous

than the world’s creation in the beginning

except that, at the end of the ages,

Christ our Passover has been sacrificed.

Who lives and reigns forever and ever.

R. Amen.

CELEBRANT: Please be seated

Reading 2

Lector: (Genesis 22: 1-18)

Choir: Responsorial Psalm

R: “You are my inheritance oh Lord”

CELEBRANT: Please stand


Let us pray. (Pause)

O God, supreme Father of the faithful, who increase the children of your promise by pouring out the grace of adoption throughout the whole world and who through the Paschal Mystery make your servant Abraham father of nations, as once you swore, grant, we pray, that your peoples may enter worthily into the grace to which you call them. Through Christ our Lord.

R. Amen

CELEBRANT: Please be seated

Reading 3

Lector : (Exodus 14:15-15:1)

Choir: Responsorial Psalm

R: “Let us sing to the Lord, He has covered Himself in glory.”

CELEBRANT: Please stand


Let us pray. (Pause)

O God, whose ancient wonders

remain undimmed in splendor even in our day,

for what you once bestowed on a single people,

freeing them from Pharaoh’s persecution

by the power of your right hand,

now you bring about as the salvation of the

nations through the waters of rebirth,

grant, we pray, that the whole world

may become children of Abraham

and inherit the dignity of Israel’s birthright.

Through Christ our Lord. R. Amen.

CELEBRANT: Please be seated

Reading 4 (this is really 5, reading 4,6&7 are not done)

Lector: (Isaiah 55:1-11)

Choir: Responsorial Psalm 19

R: “You will draw water joyfully from the springs of salvation.”

CELEBRANT: Please stand


Let us pray. (Pause)

Almighty ever-living God,

sole hope of the world,

who by the preaching of your Prophets

unveiled the mysteries of this present age,

graciously increase the longing of your people,

for only at the prompting of your grace

do the faithful progress in any kind of virtue.

Through Christ our Lord. R. AMEN

Bells Bells Bells Bells

(Mike Crow will ring the Bells)

• Bells ring for a few seconds

• Gloria is begun a few seconds later sung by the choir

• Lights come on in Church

• Altar candles are lit (from Easter Candle)

PAGE 57 in Missalette



Let us pray.

O God, who make this most sacred night radiant

with the glory of the Lord’s Resurrection,

stir up in your Church a spirit of adoption,

so that, renewed in body and mind,

we may render you undivided service.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,

who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the

Holy Spirit,

One God, for ever and ever.

CELEBRANT: Please be seated.


Lector: (Romans 6:3-11)

Choir: Responsorial Psalm, Celtic Alleluia (3 verses)

• Thurifer to Celebrant


Deacon: (Luke 24:1-12)

HOMILY: Celebrant


COMMENTATOR: Please stand.

Tonight, as we celebrate Christ’s new life, we welcome our

brothers and sisters into their new life in the Body of Christ.

❖ Deacon Eddie gets the Paschal Candle and stands behind the altar.

❖ Deacon Mike escorts all the elect, and their RCIA/C godparents to the first step of the sanctuary.

1) Brittney Benigno, Joey Roby, Christopher Luther, Dylan Darby, Misako Treutel and Azuma Treutel

❖ Celebrant stands in front of the elect.


Dearly beloved,

with one heart and one soul, let us by our prayers

come to the aid of these our brothers and sisters

in their blessed hope,

so that, as they approach the font of rebirth,

the almighty Father may bestow on them

all his merciful help.

CELEBRANT: Please remain standing.

Choir: Litany of the Saints

Today’s Missal Page 60

“If there are Candidates to be Baptized, the Priest with hands extended, says the following prayer

Almighty and ever-living God, be present by the mysteries of your great love and send forth the spirit of adoption to create the new peoples brought to birth for you in the font of Baptism, so that what is to be carried out by our humble service may be brought to fulfillment by your mighty power. Through Christ our Lord. R. Amen


❖ Celebrant and Deacon with Paschal Candle stand in front of pulpit facing the font.


O God, who by invisible power

accomplish a wondrous effect

through sacramental signs

and who in many ways have prepared water,

your creation, to show forth the grace of Baptism;

O God, whose Spirit

in the first moments of the world’s creation

hovered over the waters,

so that the very substance of water

would even then take to itself the power to sanctify;

O God, who by the outpouring of the flood

foreshadowed regeneration,

so that from the mystery of one and the same

element of water would come an end to vice and

a beginning of virtue;

O God, who caused the children of Abraham

to pass dry-shod through the Red Sea,

so that the chosen people,

set free from slavery to Pharaoh,

would prefigure the people of the baptized;

O God, whose Son,

baptized by John in the waters of the Jordan,

was anointed with the Holy Spirit,

and, as he hung upon the Cross,

gave forth water from his side along with blood,

and after his Resurrection, commanded his disciples:

“Go forth, teach all nations, baptizing them

in the name of the Father and of the Son and

of the Holy Spirit,” look now, we pray,

upon the face of your Church

and graciously unseal for her the fountain

of Baptism.

May this water receive by the Holy Spirit

the grace of your Only Begotten Son,

so that human nature, created in your image

and washed clean through the Sacrament of Baptism

from all the squalor of the life of old,

may be found worthy to rise to the life of

newborn children through water and the Holy Spirit.

❖ Celebrant takes the Paschal Candle walks to the font (escorted by the deacon) and lowers it into the water.

May the power of the Holy Spirit

O Lord, we pray,

come down through your Son

into the fullness of this font,

so that all who have been buried with Christ

by Baptism into death

may rise again to life with him.

Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. R. Amen.

When the candle is lifted from the water the people sing: “Springs of water bless the Lord praise and exalt Him above all forever.”

❖ Celebrant gives the Paschal Candle back to the deacon who returns it to the stand.

❖ Celebrant returns to the center of the sanctuary in front of the altar

CELEBRANT: Congregation, please be seated.


Adults (>7yrs) to be anointed with Oil of Catechumens

Brittney Benigno, Joey Roby, Christopher Luther, Dylan Darby, Misako Treutel

Baby ( ................

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