Questions about the 2009 Primary Songs

Easy (1 point)

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|God gave us a wonderful gift because he loves us. What is it? |What word do we sing 3 times at the end of the song, “He Died |Sing the first line of song #___. |

| |That We Might Live Again”? |(Pianist plays the first line of the song) |

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|(The Family is of God, chorus) |(He Died That We Might Live Again) | |

| | |(Daddy’s Homecoming) |

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|What do you call the bottom part of a building, the part that |Who baptized Jesus Christ? |What is your favorite song that the primary is learning this |

|upholds and strengthens the rest of the structure? | |year? (Primary Sings) |

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|(How Firm A Foundation) | | |

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| |(Baptism, v1) | |

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|Fill in the missing word: |How old must you be to be baptized? |What is your favorite thing to do during Primary? |

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|“I am a builder working each day to build my ________.” | | |

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|(My Eternal Family, v1) | | |

Moderate (2 points)

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|How do we know that God loves us? |Jesus died but he was resurrected after 3 days. What holiday |According to the song “Mother I love you”, where did mother’s |

| |celebrates Jesus’ resurrection? |come from? |

| | |Venus |

| | |The Dollar Store |

| | |Father in Heaven |

| |(He Died That We Might Live Again) | |

|(The Family is of God, chorus) | |(Mother I love you) |

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|In the song “How Firm A Foundation” we learn that we should |Where was Jesus baptized? |When we were baptized, we made a promise or covenant that we |

|build our Faith on Jesus Christ. What is one thing that you |Name the river and the land. |would always remember Jesus Christ. |

|can do to strengthen your faith in Jesus Christ? | | |

| | |What do we do each Sunday that reminds us of this promise? |

|(How Firm A Foundation) | | |

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| |(Baptism, v1) | |

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|In the song “My Eternal Family” we learn about building strong |At least 2 songs we’ve learned this year talk about the “word” |Why do we come to Primary each week? |

|and righteous families. What is one way you can strengthen |of God. Where can we find the “word” of God? | |

|your family? | | |

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| |(How Firm A Foundation v1; Baptism v3) | |

|(My Eternal Family) | | |

Difficult (3 points)

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|In the song “The Family Is of God” why did God give us |List 4 titles that are used to refer to Jesus Christ. |What are two responsibilities of mothers? |

|families? Give 2 reasons. | | |

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|(The Family Is Of God, chorus) |(He Died That We Might Live Again) |(The Family Is Of God, v3) |

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|Fill in the missing word: |Why was Jesus baptized? Give two reasons. |According to the song “Baptism” how can you “witness faith in |

| | |Jesus’ word”? |

|“Fear not, I am with thee, oh be not ________.” | | |

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|(How Firm A Foundation, v3) |(Baptism, v2) |(Baptism, v3) |

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|Fill in the missing words: |What are two responsibilities of fathers? |What are the names of the primary president and her two |

| | |counselors? |

|“My Heavenly Father sent me here, and he knows I can be ______ | | |

|and ______ as I build my Eternal Family.” | |*Bonus point: What is the name of the primary pianist? |

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|(My Eternal Family, chorus) | | |

| |(The Family Is Of God, v2) | |


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