
Name: ___________________________

Advanced Placement European History

Unit II: Chapter 5, Section 26 Key Terms and Reading Questions:

The “Westernizing” of Russia

Key Terms:

Europeanization Muscovy


Ivan III (The Great)

Great Russians



White Russians

Little Russians




Ivan IV (The Terrible)

czar (tsar)

Time of Troubles

Michael Romanov

Romanov Dynasty

Stephen Razin

Old Believers

Procurator of the Holy Synod

German quarter

Great Northern War

Treaty of Nystadt

St. Petersburg (Leningrad)

Section 26 Questions:

1. What are the three basic reasons why Russia did not participate in many of the great European changes which we have studied?

2. Before the reign of Peter the Great, what was the Russian view of Europe?

3. Since land was abundant and labor was scarce, landlords needed to assure themselves of a labor force. How were they able to do this in Russia?

4. Explain the secularization of the Orthodox Church in Russia.

5. What were Peter the Great's two main general military goals during his time in power?

6. 6. What nation seemed to be the greatest enemy of Russia at this time?

7. What were Peter the Great's main social, cultural, political, and economic goals for Russia?

8. Why was the rapid Europeanization of Russia during the reign of Peter the Great considered to be a paradox?


Pages 209-220


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