Whole Foods11/30/17Andrea BeckTable of contentsCover letter………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1Table of contents ………………………………………………………………………………………….2Client Introduction.………………………………………………………………………………………. 3 Keywords and quadrants……….………………………………………………………………………4Quadrants and suggestions ……………………………………………………………………………5Social net work Suggestions and social media analysis ……………………………………6Critics of social media sites …………………………………………………………………………….7 Suggestions of social media sites …………………………………………………………………….8Conclusion and media diary …………………………………………………………………………….9Media diary …………………………………………………………………………………………………….10Media diary ……………………………………………………………………………………………………11Media diary ……………………………………………………………………………………………………12Media diary ……………………………………………………………………………………………………13My client for this assignment is whole foods. This company is one of my favorite stores; I shop there all the time. I wouldn’t consider myself a health freak, but I do love fruits, vegetables and find myself loving all organic products. ??????????? Whole foods are all about selling the highest quality organic and natural products out there. On top of that, whole foods values supporting their employees, partners and local and global communities. They take health and helping the world to a whole new level.After going through their website which I noticed a trend of a repeated words. The first one I noticed was that they use the phrase “certified organic grocer”. When I searched the phrase on Google it showed up on the first page and as the first link. The same thing happened when I searched “365 everyday value”. Out of the five keywords that I picked, those were the only two that showed up when I would search them. The third key word that I searched was Insta-cart; I found that phrase on page five of the Google search. The last two that I searched which was “alternative effective treating animals” and “Third party” were not found within the first five pages on Google. Due to so many of the words not showing up first I would recommend them including these more in their websites. Whole foods is not a “regular” grocery store, they have the option of your food being delivered, they also have a wide range of organic, gluten-free, vegan friendly foods that not all grocery stores sell. So the customers that chose to eat those kind of diets purposely pick to go where those products are sold. This is why it is important for whole foods to talk about those topics more, that way when customers search those words, they can easily see that whole foods provides those foods and services. ??????????? Three words that I would recommend to whole foods to really make stand out on their website would be vegan, vegetarian and college budget. Although they have a large variety of meat and poultry products, their options for other kind of diets is what makes them stand out from other competing grocery stores. To begin with, vegan and vegetarian are categories that are perfect for this kind of grocery store. A lot of people who are vegetarian and vegan put a lot of thought into their meals and where the products come from. They are more likely to spend a little bit more, and go to store that they know they can trust. It is important to have easy connections with people who want those kinds of products. The reason I chose college budget is because a lot of students shy away from whole foods because the company has the reputation for being a little more on the pricey side. Whole foods have sales, deals, and affordable products. The store should be making sure to broadcast that to college students. That way they can bring in a new group of cliental. Another positive of this would be that it could create long time customers.??????????? Whole Foods has relationships with only three of the four quadrants of public relations. The company has relationships with media, community, and business.? When it comes to media, Whole foods are on seven social media sites, interacting, posting and connecting with customer’s daily. The seven sites include, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Google plus, Snapchat and YouTube. Wholefoods also has a newsletter subscription where you can receive recipes, news, and tips about all their products. Other ways that the company interacts with its customers is through the community quadrant. The company is very active in the community and has a lot of foundations that help and bring awareness to a lot of issues. Some of the foundations that Whole Foods has are the whole planet foundation, whole kid’s foundation, and whole cities foundation. They also have the whole trade guarantee and the local producer loan program. Each foundation helps different people with different problems. For example, The Whole planet foundation is where they focus on creating economic partnerships with the developing-world communities that supply whole foods with their products. Other involvement through the company is with the business quadrant; Whole foods have many investor relations. Customers and people who just know of the companies success invest in the Whole Foods stocks and in return get money. The investors create business relations with company by supporting them finically. They are in the process of a merge with another company, but they still have a high number of registered investors and shareholders. These three quadrants all connect because they show how this company is all about doing and giving their best to their customers, and communities, neighboring and global. I think that it is great that my client has the connections already, without them I don’t think the company would be the global success that it is today. Having these connections gives constant growth and opportunities to all involved. ??????????? Although my client has done a lot right so far, integrating my suggestions can take them to the next level.? Getting more content regarding specific groups can create strong, long lasting customers. When it comes to younger generations, continuing to post all day every day is the perfect way to get their attention. After looking through their media posts, it was obvious that Whole Foods post daily on instagram and Facebook, but they don’t hashtag a lot. When people search for something online, hashtags are what help them find post related to what they search, so it would be a positive change for whole foods to always hashtag multiple times on each post that way they can get more activity and views for each post. For community, we need to continue helping where we can, even if it for an organization we wouldn’t normally help, or support. The only way I found out about all of their organizations was by going to their homepage, they do not post about it on any social media sites. One way to spread the word is by talking. Whole Foods needs to start posting pictures and information about their organizations, it will benefit them and all involved in those programs. And lastly, business, creating more stalk options can always help the company. Food is apart of everyone’s lives, there are so many people we can reach, help, provide for.In this day in age, people connect through online sites and media. Whole Foods has taken advantage of social media and has expanded their network and opportunities through social media and being active online. Whole Foods has seven social media sites. The seven sites are Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google Plus, Instagram, YouTube, and snapchat. This research analyzes that the only social media sites they have are the ones they post on their home page, which are the seven sites I stated above. Whole Foods is much more consistent on Facebook, twitter and Instagram compared to how active they are on the other sites. My client’s main social media site is Facebook. Whole foods is a very popular company, which is a reason for their large following. All together the size of their community end up being around12 million followers.? The companies main demographic of followers are women between the ages of 25-44. (Info-scout, 2017). When having a large following like Whole Foods has, it is key to stay up to date with the companies social media sites and to stay consistent with how much they posts. Whole foods does a great job with staying active on most of their sites. They post daily on Facebook, Instagram and twitter. They aren’t as consistent when it comes to Pinterest, google plus, YouTube and snap chat, where they post every couple weeks. ?Since Whole foods is a grocery store a lot of there content is based around food and the products they sell. They post pictures of food and meal ideas, they also post beauty tips and shopping tips.? The tone of their content is very positive, and happy. Due to their large following they do get a lot of responses. Out of all the sites, Facebook and Instagram get the most responses. On Facebook Whole Foods usually post something regarding a special event that a store is doing or a new food that was being sold in the store. Which would end with many mixed reviews. It seemed like it was about 50% negative 50% positive. Either way, Whole foods would respond to that person.??????????? Something else that was found is that when looking at their campaign and comments is that Whole food is not very specific about which locations are included in certain specials or occasions, which made customers upset. I would say overall their biggest issue is not being specific enough, and also they seem to lack communication with certain store locations. Which must be changed, the company must be specific about what stores are included in the specials and deals. Otherwise, customers will lose trust in the company. My clients use social media for multiple reasons. Their main reason for using social media is to share their deals and sales or any special events happening in the store. Second, since they are a grocery store and the main products they sell are food, they post different ideas and way to use the products that they sell. Lastly, they use it as a way to stay involved with their customers and have a way to stay up to date with how people are reacting to their products and company in general. The type of content that they post is informational. Their post informs you of sales, deals, and ways to make food, or reasons for why you should buy their products. There is a lot to know about food and most people care about what they are putting in their bodies, so whole foods post informational facts. That is the type of content their customers want to see. Whole foods have a high level of engagement with its audience. The type of response doesn’t matter, whether it was a negative comment or positive, they respond to those customers. The only post they wouldn’t respond to was to people tagging friends or writing a message to someone other than company. Whole foods does more than say a couple words, and it is not the same copy and paste message to each person. The message was different for each person and occasion. After analyzing all of their media sites and what they post on them, I found that there was a trend in what they would post on certain sites. For Facebook and twitter Whole foods posted about a wide range or topics, which is great, but what got the most interactions were the videos and links of recipes. So it would be a positive change to try to plan out in advance recipes and videos to post everyday to Facebook and twitter. That way they have consistent activity from customers. Something else found is that, the company gets its most like on instagram pictures. My client should emphasize sites that are based around a lot of pictures. For example, sites like Pinterest and Instagram. I found that they get the most likes and comments when they post a picture of the food or product. Food is something where looks matter and can make a difference in someone’s decision on if they want to buy the product. So posting pictures of their amazing products can really help with sales. Although my client does a lot of great work with their social media sites I do think that they can improve their social media campaigns by posting live videos and interacting with customers live. Also, I think that they could upload daily post about products and brands that they have in store so that there is consistent marketing.??????????? Overall, my client does a great job keeping up with their social sites and staying active by communicating with their large following. By considering my ideas of adding more hashtags to their post, talking more about their organizations, doing live video campaigns, and posting more on picture based websites they will improve their already successful company. Media Diary October 17th-October 31stTuesday October 17th:Facebook: Makes post about “Best pumpkin recipes” Posted with link of recipes. (260 likes, 54 shares, 20 comments)Post says “Add these 3 faves to yours #squashsquad” with video of examples(1,500 likes, 406,706 views,)Twitter:Tweeted: “In case you haven’t had enough #pumpkin yet. 12 pumpkin recipes. “Posted with link of recipes ?(1 comment, 22 retweets, 61 likes): “A plant-forward plan for better living including an easy 28-day meal plan. Get your copy today! Shop now” posted with link. (3 comments, 16 retweets, 34 likes)Instagram:?Picture of veggies sushi (12,418 likes)?Wednesday October 18thFacebook:?"Jackson's Honest?isn’t a business, it is a mission." Posted with link to Jackson honest site ?(19 shares, 217 likes)Twitter:?“Jacksons Honest?isn’t a business; it is a mission. Learn more about the story behind brand:?“Posted with link. ??(7 retweets, 28 likes)?Instagram:??Picture of ratatian rataoullie ( 29,139 likes) ?(29,090 likes)?Thursday October 19thFacebook:?“10 secrets to smarter shopping at Whole Foods Market” Posted with link of tips. (55 shares, 293 like)Twitter:?“Delish treats, no tricks. Get?#Halloween?recipe. Posted with link. (16 retweets, 41 likes)Instagram:?Picture of colorful salad ?(13,394 likes)Youtube:Video about Whole trade (355 views, 11 likes)Video about making better life for farmers?(297 views, 17 likes)Video about whole trade guarantee. (fair trade) ?(421 views, 18 likes, 1 dislike)Friday October 20thFacebook:?“Our Parmigiano Reggiano is sourced from only 5 producers and it's aged at least 24 months. Stock up this weekend and get $5 off per lb, 10/20-10/22.” Posted with link to product. ??(84k views, 74 shares, 643 likes)“A French wine & cheese night this weekend?! Yes, please!” Posted with link of products.?(85,190k views, 555 likes)?Twitter:?“A plant-forward plan for better living including an easy 28-day meal plan. Get your copy today!” posted with link of plant-based diet ideas. (10 retweets, 25 likes)Instagram: ?Picture of cheese board ( 15, 938 likes)Saturday October 21stFacebook:Twitter:?“You'll want to stock up on this week's delish deals!” posted with link of product deals (12 retweets, 19 likes)“10 secrets to smarter shopping at our stores.??What's your favorite tip?” Posted with link (1 comment, 9 retweets, 25 likes)“Jacksons Honest?isn’t a business, it is a mission. Learn more about the story behind brand” posted with link of history of jacksons honest. ?(1 comment, 6 retweets, 28 likes)Instagram:?Picture of chipotle pumpkin turkey chili ( 17,224 likes)Sunday October 22ndFacebook:?“Did any of your?#WholeFoodsFaves?make the list?” Posted with link of top products sold at store. (1 share, 303 likes)?Twitter:?“You'll want to stock up on this week's delish deals!” posted with link. (1 comment, 4 retweets 21 likes)“Wholefoods retweeted POPSUGAR beauty- Want to keep your holidays green? Shop beauty gifts at?Wholefoods. (5 retweets, 11 likes)Instagram:?Picture of pumpkin spice cheesecake sandwhich crèmes (11,375 likes) ?Picture of veggie salad ( 13,048 likes) ?Monday October 23rdFacebook:?“Getting the wrapping paper ready! Tag a friend who would?like these.” Posted with link of wrapping papers sold at store.?(12 shares, 169 likes)“Tag a friend in Denver who would love this!” Posted with link food at Denver location. ???(1,500 likes)Twitter:?In case you haven't had enough?#pumpkin?yet. 12 Pumpkin Recipes” posted with link of recipes. (3 comments, 16 retweets, 65 likes)Jacksons Honest?“isn’t a business, it is a mission. Learn more about the story behind brand” posted with link. (1 comment, 2 retweets, 12 likes)“A plant-forward plan for better living including an easy 28-day meal plan. Get your copy today! Shop now” posted with link.?(14 retweets, 34 likes)Instagram:?Picture of chia bowl ( 18,237 likes) ??Tuesday October 24thFacebook:?“We do the homework so you don't have to” Posted with link about health facts.??( 250 likes, 21 shares)?Twitter:?“Wait...Isn't every day?#NationalFoodDay??#TuesdayThoughts” ?( 3 comments, 48 retweets, 119 likes)Wholefoods retweets uproxx life and food: “Get ready for your dreams to come true with the?WholeFoods?mac 'n cheese bar” posted with link. ?“Delish treats, no tricks. Get?#Halloween?recipe inspo” posted with link. (5 comments, 7 retweets, 31 likes)“10 secrets to smarter shopping at our stores.?What's your favorite tip?” posted with link. ?(1 comments, 9 retweets, 22 likes)“We do the homework so you don't have to.” Posted with link.?(1 comment, 8 retweets, 21 likes)Instagram:?Wedneday October 25thFacebook:?“From veggie farms to tea gardens, learn how?ITO EN?is helping to preserve Japan’s green tea culture.” Posted in link to page about tea gardens.?(233 likes, 19 shares)“Maple. All day. Everyday.” ?(recipes with maple) (63,463 views, 166 likes)Twitter:?“Jacksons Honest?isn’t a business, it is a mission. Learn more about the story behind brand” posted with link. (1 comment, 8 retweets, 22 likes)STOKED!?vedge restaurant's food will be featured at?Wholefoods’ hot food bar in honor of?#WorldVeganDay” posted with link. ?(1 comments, 16 retweets, 48 likes)Instagram: Picture of waffles for waffle Wednesday ( 8,757 likes) ??Thursday October 26thFacebook:?“BRB: Going to Denver” Posted with link of new food bar at Denver location.?(1,400 shares, 5,500 likes, 1,400 shares)Twitter:?“BRB: Going to?#Denver.” Posted with link. (7 comments, 14 retweets, 60 likes)In case you haven't had enough?#pumpkin?yet. 12 Pumpkin Recipes. (15 comments, 47 likes)Instagram:??Picture of butternut squash fritters ( 19,658 likes)Friday October 27thFacebook:?“We're looking for 6,000 new Team Members on November 2nd to join our Whole Foods fam. Know someone interested? Tag them!Learn more about National Hiring Day at.” Posted with link of application. (1 share, 747 likes)“Get the scoop.?“posted link about 11 insider secrets you never knew about whole foods.?(300 shares, 1k likes)“Stock up on 85/15 Lean Ground Beef for $3.99 lb then make the perfect fall dish from?Eat the Gains.” (175 shares, 480 likes)Twitter:?“Get the scoop!” posted link about 11 insider secrets you never knew about whole foods?(1 comment, 10 retweets, 28 likes)“10 secrets to smarter shopping at our stores.? What's your favorite tip?” posted with link. (9 retweets, 20 likes)“Stock up on 85/15 Lean Ground Beef for $3.99 lb then make the perfect fall dish!” posted with link. (6 retweets, 32 likes)“It's going to be a booootiful?#weekend! You'll want to stock up on these delish deals. Find more” Posted with link. ?#Halloween?(6 retweets, 23 likes)?Instagram:?Picture of roasted pumpkin seeds for national pumpkin day ( 13,207 likes)?Saturday October 28thFacebook:?“This isn't a trick. Get 25% off Halloween candies and snacks through 10/31/17” posted with link of candy.?(2 shares, 135 likes)Twitter:?“Delish treats, no tricks. Get?#Halloween?recipe” Posted with link. ?(1 comment, 10 retweets, 44 likes)“It's going to be a boooootiful?#weekend! Stock up on these delish deals for?#Halloween. Find more” Posted with link. (3 retweets, 27 likes)Wholefoods retweets POPsugar food What to pick up from?WholeFoods?on your next shopping trip” posted with link. ?( 4 retweets, 8 likes)?Instagram:?Picture of buddahbowl (13.013 likes)?Sunday October 29thFacebook:Twitter:Instagram:?Picture of “spooktacular snacks” (7,756 likes)Picture of One pot bruschetta chicken pasta ( 5,186 likes)Picture of snack appetizer ( 20,385 likes) ?Monday October 30thFacebook:?“Make ahead, enjoy all week”. (video of meal idea) (547 likes, 172,869 views)#SnackGoals Link of snacks.?(14 shares, 225 likes)“Get ready to celebrate?#WorldVeganDay?on 11/1!Order your Vegan Meal for 2 (dreamed up by chefs at Philly's?Vedge Restaurant) between 11/1-11/6, enter code VEGAN and get $5 off.*” posted with link of menu. (314 shares, 1,030 likes)?Twitter:?In case you haven't had enough?#pumpkin?yet. 12 Pumpkin Recipes” posted with link of recipes. (1 comment, 10 retweets, 42 likes)“#WorldVeganDay?is 11/1! Order Vegan Meal for 2, by?vedge restaurant, 11/1-11/6, enter code VEGAN, get $5 off. Menu” posted with link. (22 retweets, 64 likes)“10 secrets to smarter shopping at our stores. What's your favorite tip?” posted with link ( 2 comments, 8 retweets, 42 likes)“Delish treats, no tricks. Get?#Halloween?recipe inspo” posted with link. (5 retweets, 35 likes)Wholefoods retweeted Brit+co 8 fall beauty buys coming to?WholeFoods?(and why you need them):?Posted with link. ( 1 comments, 8 retweets, 24 likes)Instagram:?Tuesday October 31stFacebook:?“Stop in store this Thursday or apply in advance online here” posted with link to application. ?Twitter:?“#WorldVeganDay?is tomorrow! Order Vegan Meal for 2, by?vedge restaurant, 11/1-11/6, enter code VEGAN, get $5 off.” Posted with link. ??( 1 comments, 12 retweets, 29 likes)Wholefoods retweeted Ottawa tool library -Thanks to?Wholefoods?for their generous donation of pumpkins!” (1 comments, 4 retweets, 21 likes)“We're?#hiring?6,000 new Team Members on 11/2 in our US stores. Learn about National Hiring Day or apply in advance:” posted with link. (5 comments, 18 retweets, 33 likes)Instagram:?Picture of ghost meringue? ( 11,181 likes)YoutubeVideo: Holiday host Kristen bell intro to holiday shoot video????????????????????????Video: Kristen Bell talking about the many food options whole foods sells.?Video: Kristen bell talking about how to manage cooking, Talking about how she can trust whole foods to have her back when she doesn’t have time to cook for everyone.?Video:Kristen bell giving her entertaining tips. How she chooses to get all her food form whole foods.?Video: Kristen bell saying its easy to run to whole foods “ to just get away”?Video: Kirsten bell talking about bringing kids to the grocery store.? ................

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