Sec. 26-66. - Establishment and purpose of districts.

For the purpose of this chapter the zoning jurisdiction of the town is divided into the following districts:

(1) General use districts.

a. RA, Residential-Agricultural District. The purpose of this district is to allow agricultural activities and residential development at low rural densities in areas where public service are not available.

b. R-30, Low Density Residential District. The purpose of this district is to provide for the development of residential neighborhoods at low densities where public services may not be available.

c. R-15, Medium Density Residential District. The purpose of this district is to provide for the development of residential neighborhoods at medium densities where public services are available.

d. R-8, Higher Density Residential District. The purpose of this district is to provide for older in-town neighborhoods which have developed at this density. It shall not be used in newer areas.

e. R-MF, Multifamily Residential District. The purpose of this district is to provide new areas for multifamily residential development.

f. R-MH, Manufactured Home Residential District. The purpose of this district is to provide for the development of manufactured homes on individual lots and of manufactured home parks in appropriate locations.

g. CB, Central Business District. The purpose of this district is to allow a wide range of commercial uses compatible with the town's downtown area.

h. GB, General Business District. The purpose of this district is to provide for a variety of business uses which are appropriate in certain selected locations in the planning area where they will not cause compatibility problems with other uses.

i. IC, Interchange Commercial District. The purpose of this district is to provide areas to serve the needs of the traveling public.

j. LI, Light Industrial District. The purpose of this district is to provide for industrial uses of a clean nature which will be compatible with adjacent districts.

k. HI, Heavy Industrial District. The purpose of this district is to allow a wide range of industrial uses in areas where they will not be incompatible with adjacent uses or neighborhoods.

(2) Special use districts (SUD). The purpose of these districts is to promote greater land use compatibility by allowing landowners to voluntarily place their property into classifications in which a special use permit is required as a prerequisite to any use or development. More specifically, the purpose of these districts is identical to that of the corresponding general use district as indicated below, except that a special use permit is required as a prerequisite to any use or development, as provided for in this article.

|Special Use |Corresponding General Use |

|District |District |


|R-30-SUD |R-30 |

|R-15-SUD |R-15 |

|R-8-SUD |R-8 |



|R&PUD-SUD |None |







(3) Planned development districts. The purpose of the R&PUD, Residential and Planned Unit Development District is to provide locations for a variety of types of development projects on land under unified control, planned as a whole, and developed either in a single phase, or in a definitely programmed series of units or stages of development, with appropriate design and site planning controls.

(Ord. of 4-10-2006, § 301)

Sec. 26-70. - Permitted uses.

Uses permitted in all districts shall be in accordance with table 304.1:

(1) P is a use permitted by right;

(2) D is a permitted use, but subject to additional development standards as specified in article VII of this chapter;

(3) C is a conditional use, allowed only with approval of the board of adjustment and subject to the standards of section 26-325; and

(4) S is a special use, allowed only with approval of the board of commissioners, and subject to the standards of section 26-325.


|Uses |Districts |

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|Accessory uses in accordance with section 26-75 |P |P |P |P |P |P |P |P |P |P |P | | |Adult establishments | | | | | | | | | | |S | | |Cafeteria and snack bars to serve employees | | | | | | |P |P |P |P |P | | |Dwelling, accessory to a commercial use | | | | | | |S |D |D |D |D | | |Electronic game machines and pinball machines within an establishment devoted to another purpose | | | | | | |D |D |D |D |D | | |Food trucks | | | | | | |D |D | |D |D | | |Home occupations in accordance with section 26-77 |P |P |P |P |P |P | | | | | | | |Signs in accordance with article V of this chapter |P |P |P |P |P |P |P |P |P |P |P | | |Temporary events* |D |D |D |D |D |D |D |D |D |D |D | | |Temporary uses | | | | | | |C |C |C |C |C | | 

*Except Spring Hope Pumpkin Festival and similar town-wide events which are officially sanctioned by the board of commissioners shall be a permitted use.

(Ord. of 4-10-2006, § 304; Res. of 3-8-2010, amd. no. 2; Res. of 12-3-2012; Ord. of 9-9-2013; Ord. of 8-3-2015)


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