
OriginFinal Marketing Project685800-2540Marketing 1030Mrs. LedesmaTable of context3Introduction4Define the Business Mission 6Situation Analysis8Identify and Evaluate Opportunities Using STP9Implement Marketing Mix11Describe Growth Strategy13Conclusions14Reconditions15References IntroductionOrigin, the super power body wash that turns the daily hygiene routine into a experience that will change the course of your day. Although it doesn't really give you superpowers, it's something we all have wished for. While talking with others about this product you could see the excitement in their eyes, and hear their desire to use it. In our secret lab we have started experimenting with the different scents and creating our own body wash. We have studied our villains, and are finding ways to defeat them. In the end of our research you will have to decide, does it give you superpowers, or does it not? Your fait lies in our imagination!Business MissionTo create a new line of body wash/ shower gel with a super power based marketing plan, (If you use our body wash you’ll get super powers, but not literally). Create awesome ads and You Tube videos to be seen by the public at large. Then in turn, grow the company locally, or license the product through a larger company with means and ability, such as Proctor and Gamble or Unilever. But in the end, promote good hygiene and imagination, through quality products and amazing advertising. Objectives:Finish product creation – As of now there is no product, but I have a chemist working with me. He projects that we can have a working, selling product within a month of starting the test period. Design packaging – Create 5 different drawings of design possibilities, and use different mediums. Survey friends, family and associates to choose a design that’s functional, will suit the market, and be visually pleasing. Gather Projected Costs of Product creation – What’s the cost ofManufacturing? How much will it cost to make the body wash? What will be the wholesale price for cost analysis?Create storyboards for 5 commercials – 5 powers, 5 scents, 5 commercials. Draw them out, and make them look nice, and understandable.Start work on website – Find a web designer to finish website, and prepare for online sales. Key Results: Finish product creation Use body wash base to get started to fund the making of our own base later. Come up with extra scents we want, and a color for each of those scents. Gather findings through field research. What are the best scents? Design packaging Come up with the bottle design.Design a logo that fits well to create product identity. Have a solid idea of measurements, and potential cost of manufacturing. Gather projected costs of product creation Obtain cost projections for bottles product, and website. Perform Cost benefit analysis. Set a solid reachable goal for seed funding. Seek investors by all means. Create storyboards of 5 commercials For Teleportation, Telekinesis, Super strength, Flight, and shape shifting. Complete one every 2 weeks.Start work on websiteFind a web designer. Create graphics. Set up website sales plan. Situation StrategyCompanyAs a company we are aiming to provide a well-known body wash and deodorant and give to our customers the highest grade product available in order to gain their trust and have a long term commitment to them. We have a marketing strategy that will appeal to both people’s sense of humor, and sense of style. Our product is something that the industry desperately needs. It is so hard to find cost efficient, yet durable body wash and deodorant, and that is what our company will provide to the petitorsOld Spice: Just recently completed with one of the best marketing strategies in history commonly known as the “Old Spice Guy” commercials. Old Spice has become one of the great leaders in the industry through heavy promotion, and increasing their product lines. A crucial reason for their success is because they had the marketing support of Proctor and Gamble.Unilever: They are known in the deodorant and body wash industry for their brand names AXE, Dove, Rexona, and Lux. This is a huge company with huge goals in mind. One of their goals being to double the size of their business, while reducing their environmental footprint. They are a huge worldwide company, and have many other brands outside of our industry. They are nearly 100 years old, and very experienced in all fields.Other: Brut, Adidas, Arm & Hammer, Avon, Sure, Arrid, and lots more.CustomersWe will have a wide variety of customers. Starting out with just male body wash we will only be targeting males between the ages of 14 and 28. Then we will expand our breadth with female products, and also deodorants and sprays. That will change the target market to be males and females between the ages of 14 and 28. Our customer volume has great potential to grow, especially with our marketing strategy using the new super hero craze. Even the older folks will be able to appreciate the products, and the advertising methods.CollaboratorsSupplier of raw materials: We will use Bell Chem, located in Orlando Florida. The reasoning is that we can use American products, and not buy from overseas. Also they have good customer service and are willing to work with small businesses.ClimateThere are many political regulations, and laws that are in the industry right now. During our expansion there will be many changes in this area and we will need professionals in this area of expertise to keep our business up to date.We can create a good social environment as well by donating to charities, giving scholarships to college students, and sponsoring professional and local sports teams.STP OpportunitiesSegmentationTo begin there will be great opportunities due to our Segmentation between males and females. From the survey we detected we were able to figure which sex would prefer which super power. Therefore empowering us to target them efficiently.TargetingAs mentioned throughout the paper, we will be targeting the younger crowd between the ages of 14 and 28. Studies show that males under the age of 20 are… lets say the easiest to market to because they are easily sold on everything. If axe can capture them with their campaign, ours should be just as efficient. Also, we will be expanding our breadth to ladies product which is another great opportunity, because you don’t see many ladies products with a “fun” campaign like ours is.PositioningWe have already discovered that people enjoy the concept of our product. We will need to position ourselves intelligently cheaper than the rest of the products, but also not so cheap that we look as if we are of poor quality. Our product will be made of the best products available, and we will continue to improve and grow as better products are available. We also plan on increasing our depth by providing soaps, sprays, shaving cream, cologne, and other products as we continue to expand our horizon.Marketing MixProductTo create value with our product, we had to appeal to our target market, which will be key to our success. We wanted to come up with a spontaneous idea that would lead to a successful product. We chose to create a new product that rivals the Axe products, but which appeal to a bigger target market, and also a better quality product. We understand that Origin has a huge potential for growth, because so many people use axe, but for the price, they put up with the low quality of the product. In the beginning stages of releasing Origin, we will only be starting out with a few products (Body spray, deodorant, body wash) to gain value in the market.PriceTo capture our target market, in the beginning stages of our release, Origin will be competitively pricing our products to rival Axe. We believe that once the consumers see a new product that is comparable in price, they will want to try something new if they are not fully satisfied with Axe. If we price Origin too high, we will miss out on our opportunities to capture our target market. If we price Origin too low, consumers will view Origin as a low quality product, and will continue to purchase Axe.PlaceWhere our consumers can purchase Origin, is vital to our success. We will be making our product readily available, just as Axe is. It will be in all the same locations that Axe can be found in. We also have implemented an online store, where customers can purchase Origin products, and have them shipped directly to their door. We feel that this can further capture our target market, which would value this service. PromotionThe promotion of our product will be the most important part of capturing our target market. With the use of commercials, billboards, web advertising, and social media advertising. The best part about this product is how well we can market Origin. We have so many different creative ideas for each commercial, for each different super power. We don’t want our commercials to seem childish so that only kids buy our product. Through fun, and more adult oriented advertising, we believe this is the best way to capture our target market. Growth StrategyIncrease depthWhen we come into the market that has some strong competition that have established a lot of value with their brands such as Axe and Old Spice we want to start out with a smaller breadth and depth. We want to come into the market with only body wash and deodorant with only five scents. The reason behind this is so that we can establish some credibility and value in the market and with consumers. As we become a more well-known brand and we have a loyal consumer base our first plans of growth is to increase the depth of the product lines that we will already have. We will start to add more scents to the body wash and the deodorant so there is more variety for our consumers. Because we want a consistent growth we don’t want to add too many new scents all at once but slowly add new scents to keep people interested and coming back for more.Increase BreadthWhen we have a solid pool of consumers that buy our product consistently our next step in growth and keeping them interested is to increase our breadth and open some new product lines. We want to open up and make body sprays with similar scents and the body wash and deodorant. We also want to have product lines such as body lotion, shaving cream so that we can appeal to a larger group of consumers and their male hygiene needs so that they can look and smell great! Expand to WomenWhen we are an established brand among the market with male hygiene products we want to branch out and make products that will appeal to women and their hygiene needs as well. As we took surveys while doing research we noticed that there was a large amount of women that were interested in our product idea and they had great ideas of super power scents that we could use that would appeal to them. Doing this would create an even bigger target market for us to appeal to. Letting the people chooseTo continue to keep our consumers interested and to help them feel like we are there to help them smell great we have plans to have surveys where our consumers can vote to what the next new scent will be and the super power that will go with that scent. ConclusionOrigin has a excellent potential to grow be the leading brand of body wash. It hits a huge target market; adults and children, men and women, nerds and jocks, etc. Because of the survey that we held at the mall, 90 percent of everyone we asked told us that they would buy the product if they saw it in the stores. So there is a need for a new, and better body wash, and that is exactly what we will provideWe would also be able to apply to both people’s wants, and their needs. Who wouldn’t want the new hip body wash that is in the market right now? At the moment Old Spice is dominating the market with their current ad campaign, and our ad campaign has the exact potential as theirs. Everyone loves the new ads for Old Spice, and because of this, their sales are beating the competition. If we team up with a company like them we can use their same strategies and systems therefore actualizing the same results.RecommendationsA huge opportunity that we can take advantage of is getting our idea to a company like Old Spice. The first reason is that they already have very loyal customers, and have been around for a long time. If Old Spice comes out with a new product called “Origin” and it resembles the same quality that they have already had it will be a huge success. The reason to go to a company like Old Spice over Axe is because of the reputation that each company has. Axe is now seen as the cheap stuff that you get when you are out of money. The scent does not last long, and the quality of almost all of their products is on the same level of quality as the generic brands.Another advantage to teaming up with Old Spice or a company like it, is that they are hitting extreme momentum right now with their viral ad campaign. The newest ad put out has it over two million views in just two days. This being perfect timing to give them their next step. To keep up the momentum and not have a pause in their momentum.The second recommendation would to get our product inside many major events that relate to our specific target market. One of these even would be Comic con. That would definitely get ourselves known among the “hero fanatics.” We could also get Origin into local comic stores, and gaming stores.References Old spice market overview. (2012, October). Retrieved from About us. (n.d.). Retrieved from ................

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