Wholesale Catalogue - Pacific Botanicals

[Pages:16]Pacific Botanicals Growers & Suppliers of High Quality Certified Organically Grown Herbs & Spices Since 1979

Wholesale Catalogue

Summer-Fall 2012

Empowering People Everywhere

to Experience the Miracle of Good Health!

Mullein in late summer bloom

In This Issue: Mark's Farm Update, Toni's Window, Vitalizing Herbs for Summer, Skullcap Direct from the Farm, New Guide for Fresh Harvest

and Fresh Shipping, The Woman From the Greenhouse, by D.E.

Mark's Farm Update

Southwest Oregon is a beautiful part of the world. I love it here. The green hills, the evergreens, the lush forests, the many rivers that flow down from the Cascades and out to the sea. But the price we pay for all of this green is rain.

And right now we are in the rainy season. The Applegate Valley is socked in with dense, cool, persistent Oregon rain. The good news is that our snow pack is growing and our reservoirs are filling. The rain will give us the green landscape we love and crave here. The bad news, for a farmer at least, is that last year the rains lasted far into the early summer and made us fall way behind in our planting. We are hoping that is not the case this year. One of the things we do every year in the spring is start the process to produce a brand new crop. This year it's Yerba Santa. As many of you know this sticky leafed evergreen is used for support of the respiratory system of the body. Yerba Santa has never been cultivated in the

U.S. We are hoping that we can get our first crop this year. It takes experience, research and careful execution to produce a good crop.

We have to put the herb through a series of trials to determine the ideal conditions for robust growth. Determining the best seed treatments, potting mix, soil type in the field, cultivation technique, irrigation requirements, and harvest procedures are several of the many ways we test our crop. It is very exciting to bring a new herb into cultivation so that we can provide this high quality healing product to our customers.

I guess the truth is that those of us who live and farm in Oregon trust the rain. We trust the rain to help us produce the best and richest environment to grow a wide variety of high quality hard to produce crops. Being cold and damp for a few months is a small price to pay for the bounty that comes from our abundant rain.

Mark prepares a field for an Echinacea planting

I hope that you and your family are staying healthy. At Pacific Botanicals your health is our highest priority. That is why we do what we do.

All the best to you and yours, Mark Wheeler, Founder, Pacific Botanicals

"In a chronically leaking boat, energy devoted to changing vessels is more productive than energy devoted to patching leaks." -Warren Buffet

Vitalizing Herbs for Summer

A C cerola herry (Malpighia glabra)

One cup of raw orange slices contains 95.8mg of vitamin C. A cup of acerola cherries contains 1,644mg, or 2,740 percent of the recommended value. In addition to its anti-oxidant properties, vitamin C supports healthy skin, bones and teeth, blood vessels and muscles and helps in wound healing.

Lavender (Lavandula spp.)

The word lavender comes from the Latin word "lavare" which means to wash. Lavender has been used for thousands of years for many different reasons but primarily it was used as soap and perfume. It also promotes a balanced nervous system, supports healthy sleep patterns, and may be effective in relieving muscle tension.

Artichoke Leaf (Cynara scolymus)

A team of researchers at the University of Reading, UK, has discovered that artichoke leaf extract can help to lower cholesterol levels in patients with slightly elevated cholesterol that were otherwise healthy. Artichoke leaf extract is rich in flavonoids, which can support cardiovascular health.

Wormwood Petite (Artemisia pontica)

Artemisia pontica, sometimes called petite wormwood, is used in the coloration of absinthe. It supports the digestive system and is also used to distill Vermouth, and make Wormwood wine, popular in Germany. Our pontica has been carefully cultivated and selected for our microclimate to yield a distinct color and flavor.

Table of Contents

General Herbs & Spices........pages 4-13 Sea Vegetables..................................page 11 SuperFood Powders......................page 11 Freshly Harvested Herbs.....page 12-13 Custom Blending............................page 13 Ordering Information..................page 14 Farm Direct Skullcap...................page 15 Herb Books......................................page 15 The Woman From the Greenhouse-D.E...............................page 16


Organic Certification: Our Cornerstone of Quality

We are passionate about organic. It is the basis of all our efforts. We are certified by Oregon Tilth Certified Organic as growers and processors. Our standards meet or exceed the standards of the USDA. Our facilities are inspected by the

Certified Botanical Authenticity

In order to serve our customers' requirements for positive botanical identity, we have received Certificates of Authenticity from the American Herbal Pharmacopoeia for almost all of the herbs grown

Kosher Certification

All herbal products sold, except for the sea vegetable products, and those listed with an (*), are kosher certified by Earth Kosher,


FDA and the Oregon Department of Agriculture. We are also compliant with European Union Organic Standards as growers and processors and Canadian Equivalency Standards.

Grown Without Chemicals and

on the farm. Herbs from Pacific Botanicals are used by the American Herbal Pharmacopeia to develop an identity "footprint" that other testing facilities use to evaluate the authenticity of their own herbs.

Salmon Safe

Pacific Botanicals is recognized for its farming practices and conservation measures which adhere to strict guidelines of sustainability for the salmon in our watershed.

malia McClureWildcrafted Herbs

Distinguished Memberships

Some of our herbs are carefully harvested and

In addition to those above we are proud

dried by wildcrafters known to us who follow strict to be members of the American Herbal Products

harvesting guidelines established by the company. Herbs Association, United Plant Savers, Northwest Coalition

that are GrownWithout Chemicals (GWC) are grown for Alternatives to Pesticides, and The American

and shipped to us chemical-free.We offer them with Botanical Council.

the knowledge that they are grown, harvested and shipped to us with the same quality and care that we require of our Certified Organically Grown and Wildcrafted herbs.

"To accept what you are is to be content, and contentment is the greatest wealth. To work with patience is to gather power. To surrender to the Eternal flow is to be

completely present."

-Vimalia McClure

Toni's Window Farewell dear one!

My mom passed away in March this year four days after her 98th birthday. Her given name was Mildred Gertrude, but since she was born on Saint Patrick's Day, every one started calling her Shammie Lou (thank God), for, of course, the shamrock. She was a delightful fun loving woman who loved to go to the casino and play the slots. She supported the best in me my whole life. I will miss her dearly. I have faith that her soul will continue its journey in the great cycle of life. Maybe someday we will meet again. But for now she lives in a warm and loving place in my heart. I will never forget how she blessed me.

I like to think that my mom's sweet spunky kind spirit left her little frail body and is starting over. Towards the end my dad referred to her as "my little hummingbird." When I look out my window today I can see that the earth is also starting over again. From the cold dying back of the winter to the rebirth of spring. The buds on the trees are just about to burst. The ground is covered in the greenest carpet. The birds are returning. Towhees, American Gold and Rosy House finches, Black Cap Chickadees, and even the Hummingbirds. The greenhouses here at the farm are bursting with new shoots. Dori and Tonia and the rest of the crew are tending them with care. They make sure the temperature of the soil and the air are right, the watering is consistent, and that each herb has the right balance of minerals in the potting soil. All of this to make sure that our "babies" as we affectionately refer to them, are healthy and vigorous. I am hopeful this year that our healing crops will be abundant and that our fine team will continue to do great work to serve our customers. In a few months this farm will be covered with flowers in a vibrant palette of colors. That is how I like to think of my mom... out of the darkness of death she has blossomed into the loveliest spirit flower. Godspeed Shammie Lou. I love you. Toni Evans, Chief Operating Officer, Pacific Botanicals

Summer field of Chamomile

Safety Guidelines and Disclaimer

Pacific Botanicals is not licensed to prescribe or recommend any products for medicinal purposes and we are not responsible for the misuse of any of our products. Consult FDA guidelines and health care professionals regarding use. Note that the herbs in our catalog requiring precaution have a numbered footnote that corresponds with safety warnings listed at the bottom of those pages.


Pacific Botanicals

Growers & Suppliers of High Quality Certified Organically Grown Herbs & Spices

4840 Fish Hatchery Road, Grants Pass, Oregon 97527 ? Phone: (541) 479-7777 Fax: (541) 479-7780 ? Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm Pacific Time E-mail: info@ ? Visit us online at

Herbs and Spices

Key: OG=Certified Organically Grown W= Wild Harvested GWC=Grown Without Chemicals. An asterisk * denotes "not certified Kosher" Most herbs are sold in one pound minimum quantities and ALL PRICES ARE PER POUND unless otherwise stated.

Common Name Safety Codes Latin Name


Origin Availability 1-4 lbs 5-24 lbs 25-99 100+


Acerola Cherry*






1, 5, 7, 8


1, 3

Anise Seed 1

Anise Seed 1





Artemisia annua 1

Artemisia annua 1



Ashwagandha 1

Ashwagandha 1

Asparagus (Shatavari)




Baikal Skullcap





Barley Grass

Barley Grass Juice *


1, 7

Basil, Holy (Rama) 1, 7

Basil, Holy (Rama)1,7



Beet root powder

Beet juice powder

Bentonite Clay 2




Black Cohosh 1, 7

Black Cohosh 1, 7

Black Haw

Black Pepper

Black Pepper

Malpighia glabra

Concentrate powder Brazil

Medicago sativa

Dried leaf


Medicago sativa

Powdered leaf


Pimenta officinalis

Ground berries Honduras

Angelica archangelica

Dried root

Our farm

Pimpinella anisum

Whole seed


Pimpinella anisum

Powdered seed Egypt

Aralia californica

Dried root


Arnica montana

Dried herb in flower Canada

Artemisia annua

Dried tops

Our farm

Artemisia annua

Powdered tops Our farm

Cynara scolymus

Dried leaf

Our farm

Cynara scolymus

Powdered Leaf Our farm

Withania somnifera

Dried root

Our farm

Withania somnifera

Powdered root Our farm

Asparagus racemosus

Dried root


Astragalus mongholicus (membr.) Dried root

Our farm

Astragalus mongholicus (membr.) Powdered root Our farm

Bacopa monnieri

Dried herb

Our farm

Scutellaria baicalensis

Dried root


Berberis vulgaris

Dried root


Berberis vulgaris

Powdered root USA

Hordeum vulgare

Dried Grass powder USA

Hordeum vulgare

Dried Juice powder USA

Ocimum basilicum

Dried leaf


Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi) Dried herb

Our farm

Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi) Powdered herb Our farm

Myrica cerifera

Dried root bark USA

Myrica cerifera

Powdered root bark USA

Beta vulgaris rubra

Powdered root Egypt

Beta vulgaris rubra

Juice powder


Bentonite montmorillonite Powder


Vaccinium myrtillus/pallidum Dried leaf


Vaccinium myrtillus

Whole berry


Rubus fruticosus

Dried leaf


Cimicifuga racemosa

Dried root


Cimicifuga racemosa

Powdered root USA

Viburnum prunifolium

Dried bark


Piper nigrum

Whole peppercorns Sri Lanka

Piper nigrum

Ground peppercorns India

All year All year All year All year All year All year All year All year Call ? Limited All year All year All year All year All year All year All year All year All year All year All year All year All year All year All year All year All year All year All year All year All year All year All year All year All year All year All year All year All year All year All year

14.90 13.50 12.70 11.85 7.50 7.10 6.65 6.15 7.95 7.20 6.90 6.40 13.50 12.00 11.00 10.00 15.20 14.50 13.70 13.00 10.00 9.40 8.50 8.00 11.50 10.90 10.00 9.50 18.40 17.50 15.20 14.30 37.00 35.00 33.00 12.75 11.75 10.65 9.65 13.75 12.75 11.65 10.65 14.00 13.00 12.10 11.60 15.00 14.00 13.10 12.60 14.00 13.00 11.50 10.50 15.80 14.90 13.00 12.00 12.90 12.60 11.20 10.70 18.10 17.00 16.00 15.00 19.10 18.00 17.00 16.00 27.40 25.50 24.80 16.40 15.40 14.60 13.90 14.25 12.85 12.35 11.45 15.25 13.85 13.35 12.45 13.10 12.00 11.00 10.00 24.00 23.20 22.60 21.80 8.90 7.80 7.00 6.10 15.90 14.80 14.00 13.40 16.90 15.80 15.00 14.40 12.00 11.40 10.50 9.60 14.00 12.40 11.50 10.00 15.40 14.70 13.50 13.00 30.80 29.50 28.00 27.00 7.90 6.90 6.05 4.90 13.70 12.40 11.50 10.90 29.50 27.50 26.00 23.00 10.10 8.80 7.50 6.50 16.50 15.00 14.00 13.20 17.50 16.50 14.50 13.70 12.80 11.70 9.90 9.20 12.55 11.55 10.55 9.55 12.80 11.80 10.80 9.80

Safety Codes: 1=Not during pregnancy 2=For external use only 3=Not with blood thinning agents 4=Not for long term use 5=Not with MAO inhibitors 6=Contains caffeine 7=Not during nursing 8=Seek advice of practitioner before using


Common Name Safety Codes Latin Name


Origin Availability 1-4 lbs 5-24 lbs 25-99 100+

OG Black Tea (TGFOP) 4, 6 Camellia sinensis

Whole leaf

Assam,India All year

12.20 10.80 10.40 9.40

OG Black Tea (GBOP)4, 6 Camellia sinensis

Broken leaf

Assam,India All year

11.50 10.50 9.30 8.50

OG/W Black Walnut 4

Juglans nigra

Dried hulls


All year

10.20 9.10 8.50 7.50

OG/WNew Black Walnut 4

Juglans nigra

Powdered Hulls USA

All year

12.20 11.10 10.50 9.50

OG Blessed Thistle 1

Cnicus benedictus

Dried herb

Our farm All year

10.90 9.90 9.10 8.30

W Bloodroot

1, 2 Sanguinaria canadensis Dried root


All year

32.00 30.00 26.00 23.00

W Bloodroot

1, 2 Sanguinaria canadensis Powdered root


All year

35.00 33.00 29.00 27.00

W Bloodroot

1, 2

W Blue Cohosh 1

Sanguinaria canadensis In 1/2 pound quantities USA

Caulophyllum thalictroides Dried root


All year All year

17.00 Cut 18.50 Powdered 10.30 9.30 8.50 7.90

OG Blue Vervain 1

Verbena spp.

Dried herb

Bulgaria/USA All year

12.20 11.20 10.00 9.40

W New Blueberry

Vaccinium Mortinia

Powdered fruit

Ecuador All year

21.50 20.00 19.20 18.00

OG Boneset

Eupatorium perfoliatum Dried herb


All year

14.25 13.75 13.25 12.75

OG Borage

1, 2, 4, 7 Borago officinalis

Dried herb


All year

13.60 12.40 11.00 10.00

OG Brazil Nut Protein Powder Bertholletia excelsa

Powdered nut


All year

13.50 12.40 11.60 10.80

OG Bugleweed 1, 7 Lycopus americanus

Dried herb


All year

11.30 10.55 9.40 8.90

OG Burdock (Gobo)

Arctium lappa

Seed, whole


All year

38.00 34.50 32.50 31.00

OG Burdock (Gobo)

Arctium lappa

Dried root

Our farm All year

11.80 11.00 10.20 9.70

OG Burdock (Gobo)

Arctium lappa

Powdered root Our farm All year

11.80 11.00 10.20 9.70

OG Cacao Powder

Theobroma cacao

Powdered bean Peru

All year

13.90 12.80 11.80 10.50

OG Calendula

Calendula officinalis

Dried flowers, whole Our farm All year

24.50 22.50 21.00 19.80

OG California Poppy 1

Eschscholzia californica Dried plant w/roots Our farm All year

19.00 17.30 16.40 15.20

W Cape Aloe 1, 4, 7 Aloe ferox

Powdered leaf

S. Africa All year

22.30 20.90 20.00 18.90

OG Caraway Seeds (Whole) Carum carvi

Whole seed

Egypt All year

8.00 7.50 7.00 6.50

OG Cardamom

Elettaria cardamomum Hulled seed

Guatemala All year

27.90 26.40 25.40 24.40

OG Carob

Ceratonia siliqua

Roasted pod granules Italy

All year

11.00 10.00 9.00 8.00

W Cascara bark 1, 4, 7 Rhamnus purshiana

Aged dried bark USA

All year

11.40 10.20 9.40 8.30


Cascara bark 1, 4, 7 Rhamnus purshiana

Powdered bark USA

All year

11.90 10.70 9.90 9.00

OG Catnip


Nepeta cataria

Dried leaf


All year

13.25 12.25 11.25 9.90

OG Catnip*


Nepeta cataria

Dried leaf (tea bag cut) USA

All year

11.70 10.00 8.30 7.00

* Catnip tea bag cut is recommended for pet owners. Sold in 30 lb. bags at the following per pound price breaks.............................................30-90lb. 120-180lb. 210-1170 lb. 1800 lb+

7.00 5.50 3.50 3.25

OG Cat's Claw


Uncaria tomentosa

Shredded bark Peru

All year

13.90 12.60 11.80 11.00

W Cat's Claw


Uncaria tomentosa

Powdered bark Peru

All year

13.50 12.20 11.40 10.60

W Cat's Claw


Uncaria tomentosa

Shredded bark Peru

All year

11.90 10.60 9.80 9.00

OG Cayenne

Capsicum annuum-35,000 HU Powdered fruit India

All year

10.20 9.10 8.60 8.10

OG Cayenne-Birdseye pepper Capsicum annuum-190,000 HU Powdered fruit Netherlands All year

17.30 16.60 15.00 14.00

OG Celandine


Chelidonium majus

Dried plant

Our farm All year

13.60 12.60 11.60 10.90

OG Chamomile, German Matricaria recutita

Dried flowers, whole Bulgaria//Egypt All year

13.65 12.75 12.00 11.25

OG Chamomile, German Matricaria recutita

Powdered flower Bulgaria//Egypt All year

14.65 13.75 13.00 12.25


Chaparral 1, 2, 4, 8 Larrea tridentata

Dried tops

Mexico/USA All year

12.10 10.40 9.40 8.60

W Charcoal

Activated charcoal



All year

17.60 16.40 15.40 14.50

OG Chaste Tree


Vitex agnus-castus

Dried berries, whole Turkey All year

10.10 9.40 8.70 7.50

OG Cherry bark

Prunus serotina

Dried bark


All year

9.40 8.40 7.40 6.40

OG New Chia Seed

Salvia hispanica

Whole seed

Mexico/Argentina All year

11.50 10.50 9.75 9.00

OG Chickweed

Stellaria media

Dried herb

Croatia All year

12.15 10.60 9.75 9.25

OG Chicory root

Cichorium intybus

Roasted root granules India

All year

12.50 11.50 10.50 9.50

OG Chicory root (Raw)

Cichorium intybus

Dried root


All year

11.50 10.50 9.50 8.50

GWC Chlorella


Chlorella vulgaris


Korea All year

22.00 19.80 18.10 14.00

OG Cinnamon


Cinnamomum burmannii Dried bark, cut

Indonesia All year

8.30 6.80 5.90 4.90

OG Cinnamon


Cinnamomum burmannii Powdered bark Indonesia All year

8.30 6.80 5.90 4.90

OG Cleavers

Galium aparine

Dried herb

Hungary All year

12.40 11.90 10.90 10.40

OG Cloves

Syzygium aromaticum

Whole cloves


All year

20.00 18.60 17.80 17.20

OG Cloves

Syzygium aromaticum

Powdered cloves Sri Lanka All year

14.15 12.75 11.95 11.35

To order, see page 14, call 541-479-7777 or go to 5

Common Name Safety Codes Latin Name


Origin Availability 1-4 lbs 5-24 lbs 25-99 100+







1, 2, 4, 7


1, 2, 4, 7

Comfrey 1, 2, 4, 7



Cramp bark

Cramp bark




Dandelion root

Dandelion root

Dandelion root

Dandelion root

Dandelion leaf

Devil's Claw

Devil's Club

Dill Weed

Dogwood (Jamaican) 1,4,7

Dong Quai 1, 3

Dong Quai 1, 3









Elder berries

Elder flower

Elder flower

Elecampane 1, 7

Elecampane 1, 7








Fennel seed

Fennel seed (Sweet)

Fenugreek seed 1



Flax Seed-Brown


1, 7

Garlic granules 1, 7

Garlic powder 1, 7


Codonopsis pilosula

Dried root

China All year

Codonopsis pilosula

Powdered root China All year

Tussilago farfara

Dried leaf

Croatia All year

Symphytum officinale

Dried leaf


All year

Symphytum officinale

Dried root

Poland/USA All year

Symphytum officinale

Powdered root

Poland/USA All year

Coriandrum sativum

Seed, whole

Egypt All year

Coriandrum sativum

Ground seed

Egypt All year

Viburnum opulus

Dried bark, whole USA

All year

Viburnum opulus

Dried bark, cut USA

All year

Cuminum cyminum

Powdered seed Turkey All year

Turnera diffusa

Dried leaf

Mexico All year

Turnera diffusa

Dried leaf

Mexico All year

Taraxacum officinale

Roasted root granules China All year

Taraxacum officinale

Roasted root powder China All year

Taraxacum officinale

Dried root raw


All year

Taraxacum officinale

Powdered root USA

All year

Taraxacum officinale

Dried leaf


All year

Harpagophytum procumbens Dried root

Africa All year

Oplopanax horridus

Dried rhizome bark USA

All year

Anethum graveolens

Dried leaf

Egypt All year

Piscidia piscipula

Dried bark

Jamaica All year

Angelica sinensis

Dried cut root-Sulfite free China All year

Angelica sinensis

Dried cut root-Sulfite free China All year

Echinacea angustifolia Dried root


All year

Echinacea angustifolia Powdered root USA

All year

Echinacea purpurea

Dried root

Our farm All year

Echinacea purpurea

Powdered root Our farm All year

Echinacea purpurea

Flowering herb, dried/cut Our farm All year

Echinacea purpurea

Powdered flowering herb Our farm All year

Echinacea purpurea

Seed, whole

Our farm All year

Eclipta alba

Dried herb

Our farm All year

Sambucus nigra

Dried berries, whole Poland All year

Sambucus nigra

Dried flower, whole Bulgaria All year

Sambucus nigra

Powdered flower Bulgaria All year

Inula helenium

Dried root

Our farm All year

Inula helenium

Powdered root Our farm All year

Eleutherococcus senticosus Dried root, Sulfite free China All year

Eleutherococcus senticosus Powdered root, Sulfite free China All year

Eleutherococcus senticosus Dried root, Sulfite free China All year

Eleutherococcus senticosus Powdered root, Sulfite free China All year

Eucalyptus globulus

Dried leaf

France All year

Euphrasia officinalis

Dried herb

Poland All year

Euphrasia officinalis

Powdered herb Poland All year

Foeniculum vulgare

Seed, whole

Egypt All year

Foeniculum vulgare/var.dulce Seed, whole

Our farm All year

Trigonella foenum-graecum Seed, whole

Australia All year

Tanacetum parthenium Dried herb

Our farm All year

Linum usitatissimum

Whole seed


All year

Allium sativum

Fresh bulbs



Allium sativum

Granulated bulbs China All year

Allium sativum

Powdered bulbs China All year

Gentiana lutea

Dried root

France All year

20.70 19.90 19.30 18.75 25.70 24.90 24.30 23.75 11.80 10.50 9.60 8.80 13.00 12.50 11.30 10.30 11.75 10.75 10.00 9.50 13.00 12.50 11.30 10.30 7.00 6.50 6.00 5.50 8.70 8.20 7.70 7.20 30.00 27.80 27.00 25.50 30.50 28.30 27.50 26.00 11.30 10.80 10.20 9.70 12.00 11.10 10.30 9.50 15.00 14.10 13.30 12.50 18.50 17.50 16.50 15.50 14.50 13.50 12.50 11.50 13.00 12.30 11.40 10.50 14.50 13.80 13.30 12.50 13.20 11.60 10.40 9.40 13.30 12.70 12.00 11.50 40.00 35.00 33.00 29.50 11.90 11.00 10.20 9.40 15.80 14.60 14.10 13.50 16.40 15.50 14.90 14.10 16.90 16.00 15.40 14.60 24.10 22.50 19.50 18.50 25.60 24.00 21.00 20.00 14.50 13.00 12.00 9.50 15.50 14.00 13.00 10.50 6.30 5.30 4.40 3.60 7.50 6.40 5.70 4.50 68.00 55.00 43.50 38.00 13.80 13.00 12.40 11.00 11.00 10.30 9.60 8.80 15.75 15.00 14.00 13.00 14.25 13.50 12.50 11.50 10.20 9.50 9.10 8.10 11.20 10.50 10.10 9.10 10.50 9.80 9.30 8.40 11.50 10.80 10.30 9.40 9.50 8.80 8.30 7.40 10.50 9.80 9.30 8.40 9.75 8.65 7.75 7.25 14.30 13.50 12.50 11.60 15.30 14.50 13.50 12.60 8.80 7.10 6.10 4.90 10.80 9.10 8.10 6.90 6.90 6.50 5.90 5.30 13.00 11.70 10.40 9.00 8.00 7.30 6.80 5.80 8.50 7.50 7.20 6.70 8.20 7.50 6.60 5.70 9.60 9.00 8.10 7.20 21.00 20.10 18.00 17.00

Safety Codes: 1=Not during pregnancy 2=For external use only 3=Not with blood thinning agents 4=Not for long term use 5=Not with MAO inhibitors 6=Contains caffeine 7=Not during nursing 8=Seek advice of practitioner before using


Common Name Safety Codes

OG Gentian

OG Ginger

OG Ginger

OG Ginger, Hawaiian yellow

OG Ginkgo

OG Ginkgo

OG Ginkgo

OG Ginseng, American

OG Ginseng, American

OG Ginseng, American

OG Ginseng, American

OG Ginseng, American

OG Goji

1, 7

W Goldenrod

OG Goldenseal 1

OG Goldenseal 1

OG Goldenseal 1

OG Goldenseal 1

W Goldenseal 1

W Goldenseal 1

W Goldenseal 1

W Goldenseal 1

OG Gotu Kola

OG Gotu Kola

W Gravel root 1, 2, 4, 7

OG Green Tea


OG Green Tea


OG New Green Tea


OG New Habanero

OG Hawthorn berries

W Hawthorn berries

OG Hawthorn leaf & flower

OG Hibiscus

OG Hops

W Horehound


OG Horsechestnut 8

OG Horsetail


W Horsetail





W Hydrangea


OG Hyssop


OG Juniper berries 1, 4

GWC Kava Kava 1, 4, 7

GWC Kava Kava 1, 4, 7

W Kola nut

1, 4, 6

OG Lavender

OG Lemon Balm

OG Lemon Grass 1

OG Lemon peel

OG Lemon peel

OG Lemon Verbena

OG Licorice

1, 4, 7

OG Licorice

1, 4, 7

Latin Name Gentiana lutea Zingiber officinale Zingiber officinale Zingiber officinale Ginkgo biloba Ginkgo biloba Ginkgo biloba Panax quinquefolius Panax quinquefolius Panax quinquefolius Panax quinquefolius Panax quinquefolius Lycium barbarum Solidago canadensis Hydrastis canadensis Hydrastis canadensis Hydrastis canadensis Hydrastis canadensis Hydrastis canadensis Hydrastis canadensis Hydrastis canadensis Hydrastis canadensis Centella asiatica Centella asiatica Eupatorium purpureum Camellia sinensis Camellia sinensis Camellia sinensis Capsicum annuum Crataegus spp. Crataegus spp. Crataegus spp. Hibiscus sabdariffa Humulus lupulus Marrubium vulgare Aesculus hippocastanum Equisetum spp. Equisetum spp. Equisetum spp. Hydrangea arborescens Hyssopus officinalis Juniperus communis Piper methysticum Piper methysticum Cola acuminata Lavandula spp. Melissa officinalis Cymbopogon citratus Citrus limon Citrus limon Aloysia citriodora Glycyrrhiza glabra Glycyrrhiza glabra


Origin Availability 1-4 lbs 5-24 lbs 25-99 100+

Powdered root France All year

22.00 21.10 19.00 18.00

Dried rhizome, cut Peru/India All year

11.85 10.65 10.15 9.15

Powdered rhizome Peru/India All year

12.85 11.65 11.15 10.15

Dried rhizome, sliced Hawaii Limited call 27.00 25.00 24.00 Call

Dried leaf, whole USA

All year

19.90 19.10 17.70 16.60

Dried leaf, cut


All year

20.40 19.60 18.20 17.10

Powdered leaf


All year

20.60 19.80 18.50 17.30

Dried root, whole (5 yrs) Canada All year

68.00 64.00 60.00 58.00

Dried root, cut (5 yrs) Canada All year

75.00 71.00 67.00 65.00

Powdered root Canada All year

79.00 75.00 66.00 64.00

Dried root, cut (oz.) Canada All year - 6.50 per oz -

Powdered root (oz.) Canada All year - 7.50 per oz -

Dried berries, whole China All year

18.00 17.20 16.50 16.00

Dried herb


All year

10.05 9.45 8.75 8.15

Dried (4yrs) rhizome, whole or cut USA

All year - 7.75 per oz -

Dried rhizome, powdered USA

All year - 8.75 per oz -

Dried rhizome, whole or cut USA

All year

76.00 69.00 64.00 58.00

Dried rhizome, powdered USA

All year

83.00 73.00 70.00 65.00

Dried rhizome, cut USA

All year - 7.00 per oz -

Dried rhizome, powdered USA

All year - 8.00 per oz -

Dried rhizome, whole or cut USA

All year

71.00 64.00 57.00 51.00

Dried rhizome, powdered USA

All year

75.00 68.00 60.00 54.00

Dried herb


All year

16.00 15.30 14.50 13.90

Powdered herb India

All year

15.00 14.30 13.50 12.90

Dried root


All year

14.50 13.20 12.50 11.50

Whole leaf -Gun Powder China All year

10.50 9.80 9.00 8.40

Broken leaf-TBC China All year

10.50 9.40 8.80 8.00

Powdered Leaf China All year

11.50 10.40 9.80 9.00

Powdered fruit USA

All year

35.00 32.00 30.50 28.00

Dried berries, whole Poland/Chile All year

11.85 10.10 9.60 8.60

Dried berries, whole USA

All year

11.85 10.10 9.60 8.60

Dried, cut


All year

10.25 9.25 8.75 8.25

Dried flowers

Egypt All year

10.90 10.00 9.00 8.50

Dried-strobiles, whole USA

All year

27.00 26.00 25.00 24.20

Dried herb

Bulgaria All year

11.50 10.60 9.90 9.00

Dried nuts, cut Our farm//Hungary All year

11.80 10.80 9.20 8.10

Dried sterile shoots Poland All year

10.75 10.00 9.50 8.50

Dried sterile shoots USA

All year

10.75 10.00 9.50 8.50

Powdered shoots USA

All year

11.75 11.00 10.50 9.50

Dried root


All year

13.00 11.80 10.70 10.30

Dried herb

Our farm All year

9.30 8.60 7.80 7.10

Dried berries

Croatia/Poland All year

11.30 10.20 9.50 8.90

Dried root

Vanuatu All year

23.50 21.50 19.30 18.50

Powdered root Vanuatu All year

24.50 22.50 20.30 19.50

Powdered nut


All year

9.20 8.40 7.80 7.30

Dried flowers

France All year

17.80 17.00 15.40 14.50

Dried herb

Our farm All year

11.00 10.65 9.65 8.35

Dried leaf

Guatemala All year

9.55 8.95 8.55 8.15

Dried peel, diced USA

All year

10.40 9.90 9.15 8.40

Powdered peel USA

All year

11.75 10.90 10.15 9.40

Dried leaf

Argentina All year

12.00 10.50 9.50 8.50

Dried root, cut

Egypt/China All year

11.15 10.35 9.85 9.50

Dried root, cut



12.25 11.25 10.75 9.90

To order, see page 14, call 541-479-7777 or go to 7

Common Name Safety Codes Latin Name


Origin Availability 1-4 lbs 5-24 lbs 25-99 100+

OG Licorice

1, 4, 7 Glycyrrhiza glabra

OG Licorice

1, 4, 7 Glycyrrhiza glabra

W Linden

Tilia cordata

OG Linden

Tilia europaea

OG Lobelia


Lobelia inflata

OG Lobelia


Lobelia inflata

OG Lobelia


Lobelia inflata

W Lomatium


Lomatium dissectum

W Lungwort

Sticta pulmonaria

W Lycii berry (wolfberry) 1, 7 Lycium barbarum

OG Maca


Lepidium peruvianum

OG New Marshmallow

Althaea officinalis



Althaea officinalis

OG Marshmallow

Althaea officinalis

W Mayapple 1, 2, 8 Podophyllum peltatum

OG Meadowsweet

Filipendula ulmaria

OG Milk Thistle

Silybum marianum

OG Milk Thistle

Silybum marianum

OG Motherwort 1

Leonurus cardiaca

W Mugwort


Artemisia vulgaris

OG/W Mugwort


Artemisia vulgaris

OG Mullein leaf

Verbascum densiflorum

W Mullein leaf

Verbascum thapsus

OG New Neem

1,7 Azadirachta indica

OG Nettles

Urtica dioica

OG Nettles

Urtica dioica

OG Nettle leaf

Urtica dioica

OG Nettle root

Urtica dioica

OG Nettle seed

Urtica dioica

OG Nutmeg

1, 5, 7, 8 Myristica fragrans

Vegan/New Nutritional Yeast (Red Star) Saccaromyces cerevisiae

OG Oats

Avena sativa

OG Oats "Cayuse"

Avena sativa "Cayuse"



Avena sativa

OG Oatstraw

Avena sativa

OG/GWC Olive Leaf

Olea europaea

OG/GWC Olive Leaf

Olea europaea

OG New Oolong Tea 4,6 Camellia sinensis

OG Orange peel

Citrus sinensis

OG Orange peel

Citrus sinensis

OG Oregano

Origanum vulgare

W Oregon Grape root 1

Mahonia aquifolium

W Oregon Grape root 1

Mahonia aquifolium

OG New Papaya leaf

Carica papaya

OG Paprika

Capsicum annuum

OG Parsley


Petroselinum crispum

OG Parsley


Petroselinum crispum

OG Passionflower

Passiflora incarnata

W Pau d'Arco

Tabebuia impetiginosa

OG Pepper, Black

Piper nigrum

OG Pepper, Black

Piper nigrum

OG Peppermint

Mentha x piperita

OG Peppermint

Mentha x piperita

Powdered root Egypt/China All year

12.65 11.85 11.35 11.00

Powdered root USA


13.75 12.75 11.95 11.25

Dried whole


All year

16.80 15.30 13.70 12.90

Dried leaf & flower cut Bulgaria Limited

16.80 15.30 13.70 12.90

Dried herb in seed stage Our farm All year

19.10 17.90 16.70 15.90

Seed, whole (oz.) Our farm All year - 15.00 per oz -

Seed, whole

Our farm All year

110.00 90.00 78.00 60.00

Dried root


All year

20.00 19.50 18.50 17.80

Dried lichen, whole USA

All year

15.40 14.50 13.80 13.10

Dried berries, whole China

All year

15.00 14.50 14.00 13.30

Powdered tuber Peru

All year

12.30 11.50 10.50 9.50

Dried leaf


All year

18.00 17.00 16.50 15.70

Dried root

Our farm All year

11.25 10.25 9.25 8.25

Powdered root Our farm All year

12.25 11.25 10.25 9.25

Dried root


All year

11.50 10.50 9.00 8.50

Dried herb/flower USA

All year

12.60 11.40 10.25 9.50

Seed, whole


All year

9.25 8.40 7.90 7.70

Powdered seed USA

All year

11.25 10.40 9.90 9.40

Dried herb

Our farm All year

9.80 9.30 8.80 7.90

Dried leaf



13.25 12.50 11.75 11.25

Dried herb


All year

12.25 11.50 10.75 10.25

Dried leaf


All year

11.10 10.10 9.10 8.10

Dried leaf


All year

12.70 11.70 10.70 9.70

Dried leaf


All year

9.90 8.70 7.90 7.40

Dried herb

Our farm All year

8.80 7.50 6.90 6.50

Powdered herb Our farm All year

10.80 9.50 8.90 8.50

Dried leaf


All year

12.10 10.80 9.80 8.80

Dried root

Our farm All year

14.40 12.90 11.60 10.30

Seed w/calyx

Our farm All year

32.00 30.00 29.50 28.50

Ground seed


All year

24.00 22.50 21.50 20.50



All year

16.50 14.50 13.50 12.50

Dried stripped tops in milk stage Our farm All year

15.30 14.00 12.90 10.70

Seed for planting Our farm All year

$25.00/50 lb. bag


Green, Dried whole plant in milk stage Our farm All year

6.90 6.50 5.25 4.60

Whole Plant powdered Our farm All year

8.90 7.80 6.80 6.30

Dried leaf

Portugal All year

10.30 9.80 9.20 8.50

Powdered leaf

Portugal All year

11.70 11.20 10.60 9.90

Whole leaf

China All year

17.00 16.00 15.00 14.00

Dried peel, diced USA

All year

8.50 7.85 7.10 6.50

Powdered peel USA

All year

8.30 7.65 6.90 6.30

Dried leaf


All year

11.70 10.45 9.30 8.20

Dried root


All year

10.40 9.90 9.00 8.40

Powdered root USA

All year

12.50 11.70 10.40 9.70

Dried leaf


All year

10.00 8.50 7.80 6.90

Powdered fruit


All year

12.25 11.00 10.20 9.00

Dried leaf


All year

10.30 8.80 8.00 7.30

Dried root

Croatia All year

17.20 15.30 14.40 12.70

Dried herb


All year

15.00 13.80 12.80 11.80

Dried inner bark Brazil All year

6.90 6.00 5.40 4.80

Whole peppercorns Sri Lanka All year

12.55 11.55 10.55 9.55

Ground peppercorns India

All year

12.80 11.80 10.80 9.80

Powdered leaf


All year

11.10 10.20 8.80 7.80

Dried leaf


All year

10.00 9.20 8.20 7.30

Safety Codes: 1=Not during pregnancy 2=For external use only 3=Not with blood thinning agents 4=Not for long term use 5=Not with MAO inhibitors 6=Contains caffeine 7=Not during nursing 8=Seek advice of practitioner before using



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