
Kim GehrkeEng 1010 Annotated BibliographyDecember 7, 2011Professor HoweAnnotated Bibliography "Animal Testing." . Web. < this article regarding animal testing, the author's main point is to show the cruelty behind laboratory testing on animals. The writer also brings to light what has been done to improve conditions for animals the being tested. Facts are presented, both good and bad, relating to animal testing. A few of these facts include the known number of animals used in testing, living conditions, numbers on how many known animals feel pain and or discomfort, and laws passed to improve conditions and make animal testing more humane. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) is a very reliable source. They were founded in 1866 and were the first organization in the Western Hemisphere to focus on the humane treatment of animals. They fight countless battles in hopes to put an end to animal cruelty. The facts presented in this article will help support my position against animal testing."Alternatives to Animal Tests : The Humane Society of the United States." The Humane Society of the United States : The Humane Society of the United States. Web. 27 Nov. 2011. < source lists the steps that must be taken to make alternative methods to animal testing possible. These steps are defining, developing, validating, and accepting. First the alternative must achieve one or more of the "three R's": replace a procedure that uses animals with a procedure that doesn't use animals, reduce the number of animals being used in a procedure, or refine a procedure to alleviate or minimize potential animal pain and suffering. Next the procedure must be developed. Then it has to be validated, or evaluated in multiple laboratories. Finally, the alternative method must be accepted by government authorities who will ultimately decide whether or not the procedure can be implemented. This source also lists examples of alternatives to animal testing including, using blood from human volunteers, using artificial human skin, and so on. The Humane Society of the United States is the largest animal protection organization in the nation. They are very well known for their good deeds. I will be able to use the information in this article to represent alternative means to animal testing. "Animal Testing 101 | ." People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA): The Animal Rights Organization | . Web. 27 Nov. 2011. < main point of this article is an attempt to persuade readers to purchase cruelty-free products. A few disturbing test methods that companies use on animals are listed including addicting monkeys to drugs, applying chemicals to rabbit’s eyes, skin, etc. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is another well-known animal activist group. They are very bold and daring in their campaigns against animal cruelty. I can use the facts listed from this source to once again support my position against animal testing. There is also a photo link of animals in testing which I can use for my final Visual Position Statement. PETA. "Animal Testing Is Bad Science: Point/Counterpoint | ." People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA): The Animal Rights Organization | . Web. 27 Nov. 2011. < article gives many reasons as to why animal testing is not only wrong, but also inaccurate science. It states that human anatomy and animal anatomy are very different from each other, therefore we receive inaccurate and faulty results from animal testing. It explains that while a certain test may provide one result for a specific animal, often times it will do the complete opposite on a human. Simply, animal testing is not a reliable method for finding treatment for human diseases. The psychological effects placed on animals are also explained. The article tells that psychological distress also hinders results of testing, only further giving faulty results. As I said before, PETA thrives to provide ethical treatment of animals. I find this source very reliable and informative. I will use the facts presented to explain that humans and animals are very different; therefore we cannot continue testing on them expecting human benefits. "Animal Testing." U S Food and Drug Administration Home Page. Web. 27 Nov. 2011. < article mainly advocates the Food and Drug Administration's support to find alternative means to animal testing. While it states that animal testing is not illegal, it urges companies to use other means to test their products. The FDA is another well-known organization. They are a government agency overseeing the safety of consumer foods, products, and drugs. Their credibility makes this source a reliable one. I can use the information from this article to support my position on finding alternative resources other than animal testing. ................

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