Name: ___________________________________ Unit 5 Practice Test | Chemical Bonding**Unit 4 Review starts on page 5Unit 5 Learning TargetsI can explain the roles of the properties and trends of the periodic table.I can identify the differences between ionic, covalent (polar and nonpolar) and metallic bonding. I can demonstrate the different types of bonds using Lewis Dot Structures and orbital notation.I can predict the geometries of molecular compounds using VSEPR (Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion). LT 1: I can explain the roles of the properties and trends of the periodic table.Atomic radius is defined as ____________________________________________________________________________. It tends to ________________________ across the periodic table from left to right and _______________________ going down.Why? (Explain both)Ionization energy is defined as __________________________________________________________________________. It tends to _______________________ across the periodic table from left to right and ________________________ going down.Why? (Explain both)How does the atomic radius of an element relate to the ionization energy of an element?Electronegativity is defined as ___________________________________________________________________________. It tends to _______________________ across the periodic table from left to right and _______________________ going down.Why? (Explain both)5. How does the number of valence electrons relate to the electronegativity of an element? 6. Which has greater ionization energy, P or Na? Why? 7. Which is bigger, S or Te? Why?8. Identify which element would have the highest electronegativity in the following compounds: CaBr2__________Al2O3 ___________K2O ____________9. Rank the following groups of elements according to ionization energy, electronegativity and atomic radii. For each group, rank from 1-3 (1 = greatest/largest)Group 1Atomic RadiusIonization EnergyElectronegativityTeSeOGroup 2AlSiArGroup 3SiLiF10. How does the size of a cation compare to the neutral atom of the same element? (For example: How does Ca+ compare to Ca?)11. How does the size of an anion compare to the neutral atom of the same element? (For example: How does O-2 compare to O?)LT 2: I can identify the differences between ionic, covalent (polar and nonpolar) and metallic bonding. Complete the following chart: Chemical Formula2 Non-metals or 1 Metal/1 Non-metal?Ionic or Covalent?If covalent: (polar or nonpolar?)Electron Interaction (transferred or shared?)NH3MgSSO3AlCl3Elements with a __________________ electronegativity difference form a polar covalent bond. Elements with a ___________________electronegativity difference form a nonpolar covalent bond.Elements with a ___________________ electronegativity difference form an ionic bond. Explain metallic bonding. (List two main ideas)LT 3: I can demonstrate the different types of bonds using Lewis Dot Structures and orbital notation. Explain the octet rule.A) Explain an ionic bond between Ba and F using orbital notation. Show transfer of electrons and don’t forget to use the correct number of atoms of each. B) Explain/illustrate the covalent bonding in a molecule of CO2 using orbital notation. Visually demonstrate a covalent bond between C and H using Electron Dot Notation. Show atoms separately and as a Lewis Dot Structure.Explain the difference between a cation and an anion. Provide two examples of each in your explanation. Be sure to explain why the cations and anions form (Why do particular elements form a certain type of ion?)Identify the following as ionic or covalent (include polar or nonpolar overall if covalent)NaClb. NH3c. CH4 d. CaCl2e. CO2 f. CH2OWhich of the following elements often form double or triple bonds? Circle the correct answers.ONCany halogenHWhat is the first step when drawing a Lewis Dot structure? The last step?How many electrons are shared in a single bond? _____ A double bond? _____ A triple bond? _____LT 4: I can predict the geometries of molecular compounds using VSEPR (Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion).Lewis StructureABE Geometry Molecular Geometry Polar or Non-polar Overall?CCl4H3O+1NH3 H2SAlF6-3 BH3POBr3**Additional Unit 4 Review for Spiral | Atomic Theory & Electron ConfigurationsIdentify the scientist: Discovered the electron and developed the plum pudding model. ______________________________Determined that electrons have specific energy levels and incorrectlybelieved they moved around the nucleus in fixed paths/orbits.______________________________Discovered the proton/positive nucleus with a gold foil experiment.______________________________Credited with the discovery of the neutron.______________________________Used mathematical equations to describe electron behavioras waves and particles; He determined electrons exist in orbitals.______________________________His uncertainty principle states that it is not possible to know theexact velocity and position of an electron at the same time.______________________________What 3 parts of Dalton’s atomic theory are still correct based on today’s understanding? What 2 parts are no longer considered correct?Why is Bohr’s model an improvement over previous models? Why is the quantum model, as determined by Heisenberg and Schrodinger, an improvement over Bohr’s model?How many electrons can a 5p orbital have? ________ A 4p sublevel? ________ A 2s sublevel? ________How many orbitals are found in a 4p sublevel? ________ A 5d sublevel? ________ A 6s sublevel? ________What is the relationship between energy and frequency? Wavelength and frequency? Identify the following elements given the following electron configurations: 1s22s22p3[As] 4s23d104p21s22s22p63s23p64s23d7[Xe] 6s2Explain the difference between a ground and an excited state. When does an emission occur and a photon is released? When does an absorption occur?9. Write the electron configuration using noble gas notation for these elements: Mg: Te: Rh: Cl: 10. Write the electron configuration using noble gas orbital notation for these elements: Co SbU S11. For the elements listed below, answer the following questions: What is the highest energy level? I __________Mg __________How many electrons (e-) are in that highest level? I __________Mg __________Name an element with the same # of e- in highest level. I __________Mg __________Name another element that has the same highest levelI __________Mg __________12. Which group(s) are most reactive? Why? 13. Which group is unreactive reactive? Why?14. How many valence electrons are found in the atoms of the following elements?a. Cl_____b. Mg ______c. S ______15. Explain the differences between metals, nonmetals and metalloids. Included properties and location on the periodic table.16. Name the group/family/category:2 valence electrons ____________________________s2p5 configuration____________________________Forms -2 ions____________________________ All d block elements____________________________f block elements____________________________ fulfills the octet rule____________________________Wants to attract two electrons ____________________________ Forms +1 ions____________________________17. Which scientists help to create the modern periodic table? How did their periodic tables differ? Who created their table first? What was missing in their original periodic tables? Why?18. Why is the periodic table called “The Periodic Table?” ................

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