
ROOM # 35 WEEKLY PLANNING FORM WEEK OF: April 27, 2020- May 1, 2020

TEACHER’S NAME: Teacher Cindy and Teacher Elizabeth

| |Day of the Week |DAILY FOCUS |Follow up Activity ON DAILY |Skill Building Activity |Play focus |

| | |(Focuses on the unit’s |FOCUS |(Small group centers: |[Planting seeds for play activities|

| | |student outcomes- lesson) | |Math, Literacy, cutting/ handwriting, Library) |(aka learning centers)] |

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|ACTIVITIES | | | | | |

| |Monday |Why are plants important to |Students can draw or create |MATH |1. Students can look out their |

| |Date: April 27, 2020 |animals? |why plants/trees are so |- Students can count the amount of trees they see outside |windows and sketch a tree that they|

| |[pic] | |important for animals. |their windows. |see. They can write/draw out who |

| |Read Aloud: |How can plants help animals?|Students can use different |LITERACY- |they think lives there. |

| |“The Busy Tree” by Jennifer Ward | |items around the house. |- Students can create leaves with letters on them. With |2. Connecting back to last week |

| | | |those leaves, they can spell their names and different |with trees, students can look |

| |NqIvUtY | | |important vocabulary words. |around the house and see what are |

| | | | |HANDWRITING |some items that are made by trees. |

| | | | |- Students can practice writing out important vocabulary |3. Students can create their own |

| | | | |words they’ve learned throughout the month. |tree! It can grow anything they |

| | | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20 MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A |want! It can grow cars or candies! |

| | | | |RECOMMENDED INTERACTIVE WEBSITE |(Anything you can think of) |

| |Tuesday |What are some insects that we|A Bee craft! Children can |MATH |1. Students can create the little |

| |Date: April 28, 2020 |see near our plants? |create a bee using different|- Students can compare the bugs based on the shapes and |insects we usually see in the dirt |

| | | |materials around the house. |sizes. |or around our garden |

| | |How can insects help plants? |Students are also allowed to|[pic] |a. |

| |Read Aloud: | |draw or paint it out as |LITERACY |

| |[pic] |- Bees (collects nectar and |well. |- Students can practice sounding out and repeating the type |olorful-butterfly-crafts-for-kids.h|

| |“Bees Like Flowers” by Rebecca |makes honey) | bugs they hear in the video. |tml |

| |Bielawski |- Worms (helps increase the |g-crafts-for-preschool/ | |b. |

| | of air and water that | |HANDWRITING |

| |dKUFK1k |gets into the soil) | |- Students can practice writing out different garden |rpillar-craft.html |

| | |- Butterflies (they help with| |insects. |c. |

| | |pollination with plants) | |

| | | | |f5c5dc1933ea.jpg |onfly-craft-template.html |



| | | | | |s-for-preschool/ |

| | | | | |2. Students can practice gardening.|

| | | | | |3. Students can look out their |

| | | | | |windows and play “I spy!”. They can|

| | | | | |look for little insects that are |

| | | | | |surrounding us and plants. |

| |Wednesday |How can some animals help |Students can recreate a |MATH- |1. Students can practice writing |

| |Date: April 29, 2020 |plants? |scene from the book on how |- Students can create a pattern using garden insects. |out the animals that can plant |

| | | |different animals can help |LITERACY |trees (it can be the ones they saw|

| | |-Squirrels (acorns) |plants grow. |- Students can practice sounding out the letter B and saying|in the book) |

| |Read Aloud: |-Birds | |words that start with the letter B. |2. Students can recreate the |

| |[pic] | | |HANDWRITING |animals that help plants using |

| |“Who will Plant a Tree?” by Jerry | | |-Students can practice writing words that start with the |things around the house. |

| |Pallotta | | |letter B (ball, boy, bread). |3. Students can think about where |

| | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20 MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A |they would want to grow a tree one |

| |WoZbmzE | | |RECOMMENDED INTERACTIVE WEBSITE |day. They can talk about it or even|

| | | | | |draw it out. |

| |Thursday |What are some different |Students can recreate their |MATH |1. Students can rip construction |

| |Date: April 30, 2020 |environments that plants can |own rainforest by including |- Students can look at different leaf shapes and try to |paper to pieces and glue them into |

| | |grow? |their favorite plants and |remake them. |the shape of a tree. |

| | | |animals that rely on those |. Students can recreate other |

| |Read Aloud: |- Jungle |plants. Students can use |gy-leaf-shapes-plants-have-1349110985 |environments that plants can grow. |

| |[pic] |- Farm |different items around the |LITERACY |They can use things around the |

| |“The Rainforest Grew All Around” by |- Forest |house. |- Students can practice sounding out the letter B and saying|house. |

| |Susan K. Mitchell |- Garden | |words that start with the letter B. |3. Students can pretend to be an |

| | | |HANDWRITING |explorer exploring a different |

| |6_-9Y00 | | |- Students can practice writing words that start with the |environment that’s filled with |

| | | | |letter B. |plants (like the jungle or |

| | | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20 MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A |rainforest) . |


| |Friday |Review of Monday- Thursday: |Students can create a little|MATH |1. Students can create a book on |

| |Date: May 1, 2020 | |book. It can be about |- Students can look at different plants and compare their |things they’ve learned this week. |

| | |Why are plants important to |anything they/ve learned |shapes and sizes. |2. Students can create butterflies |

| |Read Aloud: |animals? |about this month. | |with different materials around the|

| |[pic]"Flip, Float, Fly: Seeds on the| | | |house. |

| |Move" by Joann Early Macken |How can plants help animals?|Ideas: |LITERACY |

| | |a. insects |- Students can explain to their parents the importance of |es-butterflies-preschool/ |

| |q9_As8E |How can insects help plants? |b. flowers |plants and how they help us and other living things. It can |3. A new month is coming up and |

| | | |c. vegetables |also be about something they learned and liked. This can be|that means a new theme, BABIES! |

| | |How can some animals help |d. What plants need? |recorded or written down. |Students can look around the house |

| | |plants? |e. Why are plants important |HANDWRITING |that can be related to babies or |

| | |What are some different |to us? |- Students can try practicing writing important vocabulary |brainstorm about the healthy plants|

| | |environments that plants can | |words that we’ve learned throughout the month. |babies can eat. |



Social/ Emotional

Week 2: Listening

You can find more information on it on:

Common Core Standards

1. Domain 1: Approaches to Learning

PK.AL.5: Demonstrates persistence.

2. Domain 2: Physical Development and Health

PK.PDH.5: Demonstrates eye-hand coordination and dexterity needed to manipulate objects.

3. Domain 3: Social and Emotional Development

PK.SED.1: Recognizes himself/herself as a unique individual having his/her own abilities,

characteristics, feelings and interests.

4. Domain 4: Communication, Language and Literacy

PK.CLL.2: Demonstrates he/she is building background knowledge.

4. Domain 5: Cognition and Knowledge of the World

PK.CKW.7: Develops a basic understanding of economic concepts within a community.

PK.CKW.2: Responds and reacts to visual arts created by themselves and others.


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