

A Nurse's Prayer

Let me dedicate my life today

to the care of those

who come my way.

Let me touch each one

with healing hands

and the gentle art

for which I stand.

And when tonight

when the day is done.

Oh, let me rest in peace

if I have helped just one...

Teri Lynn Thompson, RN


A Nurse's Prayer


Give me the intelligence, intuition, and knowledge to Assess.

Give me the reason, rationality, and understanding so I may Plan.

Give me energy, agility, and tenderness during Implementation.

Give me the wisdom, perception, and fairness to Evaluate.

Most of all Lord, give me Patience, Compassion, and Kindness for all people.

by April, GMU Nurse




A Nurse's Prayer

Give me strength and wisdom,

When others need my touch;

A soothing word to speak to them,

Their hearts yearn for so much.

Give me joy and laughter,

To lift a weary soul;

Pour in me compassion,

To make the broken whole.

Give me gentle, healing hands,

For those left in my care;

A blessing to those who need me,

This is a Nurse's prayer.

Copyright © 1995 Allison Chambers Coxsey


A Nurse's Prayer

Please, God, help me to use the power within me

to help those in need today.

Help me to stay focused on why I'm here

during this patient's stay.

The day is long, and demands have grown stronger.

My aching feet tell me the miles on my legs have grown longer.

I must remember to help and heal

the children of God

as part of his will.

If instead of praise I hear criticism

let me focus on Christ and all he has given.

Copyright © Pauline Hamblin




Nurse's Prayer

Dear Lord, please give me strength,

To face the day ahead.

Dear Lord, please give me courage,

As I approach each hurting bed.

Dear Lord, please give me wisdom

With every word I speak.

Dear Lord, please give me patience,

As I comfort the sick and weak.

Dear Lord, Please give me assurance,

As the day slips into night.

That I have done the best I can,

That I have done what's right.

Author Unknown



When I falter, give me courage.

When I tire, renew my strength.

When I weaken because I'm human,

Inspire me on to greater length.

If doctors and patients become demanding,

And days are too short for all my duty,

Help me remember I chose to serve,

To do so with grace, and spiritual beauty.

In humility, Lord, I labour long hours,

And though I sometimes may fret;

My mission is mercy.

Abide with me, that I may never forget.

Author Unknown



A Nurses-Aides Prayer

Lord, before I leave for work today,

I need to take the time to pray.

I want to serve You faithfully,

And perform my tasks with dignity.

When I 'counter moments of stress,

I pray for help to do my best.

While assisting cares for a resident,

I heard her whisper a prayer lament.

If a resident is upset with me,

I ask him to forgive, I plea.

Residents suffer, expressing fears,

Others grumble of aging years.

Some residents glow from faith inside,

Where dignity rules their hearts of pride.

Some residents feel they live in despair,

When in the "Home" their destined there.

"Resident Rights" are a vital must,

For quality care to us they entrust.

Grant me compassion O' Lord I pray,

as You guide me through my working day.

by Linda Fisher Adams, CNA



| |

|Lord: I know we go through this every day but please give me the knowledge as to why I actually |

|wanted to go to nursing school. Lord, give me the strength to make it through those boring three |

|hour lectures without falling asleep. Lord, please give me the patience to make it through twelve |

|hour clinicals with instructors that can't just give you the right answer and on the same note, |

|give the nurses the ability to remember what it was like to be a student and give us just a little|

|more respect. Lord, give me the endurance to read all the assigned readings and be able to |

|remember it when I am taking a test with four right answers. Lord, give my family and friends the |

|ability to realize I really am on the edge of insanity. Finally, Lord, give me the vision to see |

|that one day I will be a real nurse and I will never have to wear this ugly uniform again. |

| |

|Author Unknown By Me |


Nurses Prayer

Our Nurses, who art in hospitals

Angels be thy name

Thy sickness has come

Thy will be diagnosed and treated

by pills as it is by potions

Give us this day our daily

Thank-you cards and tokens of gratitude

and forgive us our hypodermic needles

as we forgive those who are aggressive

Lead us not into emptying bed-pans

but deliver us from our sense of humour

for thine is the re-assurance

the fob watch

and the thermometer

for ever caring


by Marc Good RN, BSN, CPAN


Certified Nurse Assistant Prayer

As I enter into my place of calling

I ask for strength as I help those in needing

Hide my tears for the sick and aging

and let my smile be the hope they're seeking.

Guide my hands as they do for them

The things they cannot do, and we take for granted

Allow my eyes to see those things

that make my stay with them a blessing

Provide the words I need to speak

To let them know I love them so.

As I do my work throughout the day

It is for my residents that I stay,

and for my residents that I pray

Copyright © 1997 Steve and Shari Allen


A Night Nurses Prayer

Walk with me Father throughout the long night.

Help me to perform each and every duty

to the best of my ability and for the

betterment of those for whom I care.

Let me not shy from any duty, nor perform it

any less thoroughly for want of supervision.

Grant me confidence in all my tasks

and wisdom with which to fulfill them.

Keep me alert and loyal to the cause to which

I am dedicated this night and in those to follow.

And above all help me to remain faithful

not only to those dependent upon my

ministering but to those who place in me their trust,

so that, at dawn, I may relinquish my post with

the glad thought that I have not only served

well in my appointment but that I have

repaid in part the guidance and strength which

Thou provided throughout the night.

Copyright © Margaret C. Nelson, RN

From Praying Hands


To Be A Nurse Is To Walk With God

To be a nurse is to walk with God,

Along the path that our Master trod;

To soothe the achings of human pain,

To faithfully serve for little gain,

To lovingly do the kindly deed,

A cup of water to one in need,

A tender hand on a fevered brow,

A word of cheer to those living now;

To reach the souls through its body's woe

Oh, this is the way that Jesus would go.

Oh, white-capped nurses with hearts so true,

Our Great Physician is working through you.

Author Unknown By Me



Long before you entered nursing

The Lord had played His part,

Planting seeds of love and kindness

In the portals of your heart.

For it's clear that you've been gifted

With a sympathetic ear,

And blessed from the beginning

With a willingness to cheer.

And the people who you care for

Are better off by far,

When they're touched by your compassion,

By the person that you are.

For in times of woe and worry

When they're frightened or they're blue,

No one could be more consoling than the friend they'll find in you.

Author Unknown By Me


The Nurse's Prayer

Be my voice to the deaf.

Be my faith where there is doubt.

Be my hope where there is despair.

Be my light where there is darkness.

Be my joy where there is sadness.

Be me in the world.

Be my eyes to the blind.

Be my consolation to those who need to be consoled.

Be my understanding to those who need to be understood.

Be my healing to those who need to healed.

Be my love to those who need love.

Be my forgiveness to those who need to be forgiven.

Be my death to those who need me.

Be me in the world.

Author Unknown By Me


A Nurse's Prayer

O my God, teach me to receive the sick in Thy Name.

Give to my efforts success for the glory of Thy Holy Name.

It is Thy work; without Thee, I cannot succeed.

Grant that the sick Thou hast placed in my care

may be abundantly blessed, and not one of them be

lost because of any neglect on my part.

Help me to overcome every temporal weakness,

and strengthen in me whatever may enable me to

bring joy to the lives of those I serve.

Give me grace, for the sake of Thy sick ones

and of those lives that will be influenced by them.

Author Unknown By Me


Nurse's Creed

Lord, let me begin today with your blessing

To provide care for those who need me.

Give me the patience to listen,

Intuition to see beyond the visible,

Knowledge to practice the art of nursing,

And the attitude to deliver care with humility.

Help me to see every patient clearly

Unbiased, and with individual respect.

Help me to face fear and anxiety

With kind words and a gentle touch.

Help me to see the joy and wonder each new day brings

And let your healing light shine through my hands.

Copyright © M. A. Haggerty, RN


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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