
New Wardrobe or College Tuition?: The Benefits of School UniformsBy Mrs. Thomas(In the whiniest voice you can imagine): “Mooooooooommm!!! Where is my blue sweater!?!? You were supposed to wash it but I don’t see it in my room!”(In the calmest voice you can imagine): “I didn’t get a chance to get to it, dear, you will just have to wear that yellow sweater today instead.”(In the most dramatic voice you can imagine): “OMG NO WAY!!! That is the UGLIEST shirt ever and everyone will make fun of me for wearing it! Why did you do this to me!?? Now we are going to be late because I have to find something else to wear. Ugh! I hate today!”I’m sure there are millions of students and parents across our country that have a similar conversation to this one every single morning. Students are concerned about what they wear because they know that they will be judged the second they walk into the building – who is wearing the newest Uggs? Who has the cutest Abercrombie jeans? Who is rocking the nicest American Eagle sweatshirt? What about those families who can’t afford name brand clothing? Are those kids at a disadvantage in school because they can’t make as many friends? A school aged child can really torment themselves, or others, if they are not wearing the newest and best item of clothing. Schools across the nation should implement a uniform policy. If students wear uniforms, the amount of bullying that occurs in school would drop dramatically, and the parents would be happier because it would cost them less money.Bullying is a major issue in many schools, and is displayed in many forms. Most bullying that happens inside the school building stems from prejudice and discrimination against those who look different. Students gang up on others and verbally assault them for how they dress, the accessories they wear, or even how they style their hair. Often times, those students whose families cannot afford new clothing are singled out for being “lame” or “uncool.” If all schools were to implement a uniform policy, this type of bullying would dramatically decrease. Principal Saunders from Decatur Middle School in Clinton, Maryland, was quoted in an article from Education Week saying, “Students behave better when they’re dressed alike; they fight less and focus on their schoolwork more. Plus, the uniform puts all students on a more equal social footing, regardless of whether they come from comfortable middle-class households or one of the group foster-care homes that lie in Decatur’s attendance zone.” When students dress alike, all of the stereotypes are thrown out the window and everyone is just as good as everyone else. Students would feel comfortable coming to school every day knowing that they will be judged on their character, and not by the clothes on their backs.Beyond bullying, another great benefit of having uniforms is that it would be more cost effective for all families. When August rolls around, half of the country sets out for “Back to School Shopping.” Some parents spend hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars on multiple pairs of pants, shirts, dresses, shoes, sweatshirts, jackets, accessories – the list goes on and on. When you wear a uniform to school you only need a select few items. LA Apparel Group from Uniform Web agrees with me in saying, “Comparisons show that school uniforms cost significantly less than what most parents pay for unregulated school clothing.? School uniforms are less expensive than other types of clothing. A student can easily be outfitted with easy-care, long-lasting uniforms for about $150.00 a year.? This includes 10 to 12 items. The durability, reusability and the year-to-year consistency also cut costs.” Parents can put all the money they are saving on clothing each year towards something more beneficial to the students, such as a college fund or memorable life experiences.On the other hand, I do realize that some people may not think that uniforms are such a great idea. Most students would say that wearing uniforms would stifle their individuality. Students want to be different, express themselves, and dress the way they wish. An article entitled “Facts against School Uniforms” from argues that, “A uniform breeds uniformity. We need free thinking children to become the thinkers of tomorrow, not drones who will continue making the mistakes of previous generations.” However, I do not agree that uniforms hinder a child’s ability to become bold, independent young adults. Just because their pants and shirts are the same color does not mean their personalities and interests have to match. Students can show their individuality in other ways that simply their clothing. Their charisma will shine – that is what makes them different!Uniforms, undoubtedly, would create a respectful school environment while also being a great financial benefit to parents. When students dress the same, it takes away all ability to judge them based on their socioeconomic standing in our society. Furthermore, if parents had more money to spend on real life experiences, we would be developing well rounded individuals that we trust to lead our great nation in future generations. Imagine a world with no more, “MOM! Where’s my blue sweater!” conversations; imagine a healthy, safe, and respectful school environment for all students; imagine the experiences the students would have with the money saved. This doesn’t have to only exist in our imaginations – we can bring this to life. Together, we can make a difference in our student’s lives in countless ways, so let’s start with school uniforms. Works Cited BIBLIOGRAPHY Facts against School Uniforms. (2012). Retrieved February 5, 2013, from : , L. A. (2010). Uniform Web. Retrieved February 5, 2013, from Why School Uniforms?: , Debra. (2013). Education Week. Retrieved February 5, 2013, from Uniform Effects? Schools cite benefits of student uniforms, but researchers see little evidence of effectiveness. : ................

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