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Business Law

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Okay, Elise; I think that finishes the review. And, I’m happy to say that I’m pleased.

Yes. Thank you.

And, I’d like you to thank that Jonathan for coming down from corporate. It’s always a – a pleasure to have you here for these reviews. (laughing)

You’re welcome.

And, thank you both so much for taking the time to meet with me. Before – before we, with the meeting I just would like to bring up that I have been working in the warehouse now for a couple years. And, I really appreciate having had a positive review. And, as you know for a while now, I’ve been asking if I could please work out on the sales floor. And, I would like to be considered for a position working with the customers.

I appreciate you’re wanting to advance.

Thank you.

At present, there’s no – I don’t think we have any sales positions open.


On the floor. I – I think there’s a couple in the warehouse.

Yes; there are management – management opportunities in the warehouse.

Okay. Well, thank you. That’s interesting to know. However, I wouldn’t really – the direction that I’d like to go in is towards sales. And, I think I’d be very good at it too. I think I would really be an asset to the company if I were allowed to work in sales and there and make a change.

It’s certainly training to consider. But, I don’t know as far as a dress code goes, I know your head scarf if very important to your religion.


We have a pretty strict dress policy.

It’s something that’s very strict that – that you know was very hard for the – the corporate office to – to budge from, to be perfectly honest. That’s something that has to do with me or her, it’s really just the corporate is very strict about it.

Are you flexible with that I mean?

No; I’m sorry to say that the – the head scarf is very important to me. It’s part of my religion. It’s an honor to me to wear it. I’m a Muslim. And, it’s required by my religion to cover my hair. However, I would be perfectly happy to wear the rest of the uniform like the other salespeople do. It’s – there’s no conflict with that whatsoever. And, I’m really surprised to hear that there would be a problem with me being able to observe my religion as well as also to do a good job working in sales and interacting with customers. I think that they would understand. And then, I hope that the corporate office would make allowances for the fact that this is my religious practice. And, it’s – it’s.

Well, I – I do believe that we – I mean certainly we hired you (laughing) and you know we’ve accommodated that. It’s I – I don’t think that the – a tolerance is something that’s – that’s an issue here.

In terms of the – the dress code, because that’s what we’re talking about, it’s – it’s a little different from what our customers are – are – are used to. And, it’s a step away from the image that – that – that we portray as a company.

Well, I would just like to add that there are also other salespeople, for example Lisa wears a cross around her neck that is – has to do with her religious practice. So, if she’s allowed to wear that, it seems only fair that I should be allowed to wear this. And that, it would not be incompatible with working with the customers and – and helping to move merchandise.

A) We don’t have a strict dress code against jewelry. And, it’s a very

small item. And it’s not something that you would notice you know on sight - -. I’m hearing you that you want to move out to the sales floor.

Very much.

But, you were originally hired.


For the warehouse.

Yes, however; there have been other people who have been working in the warehouse who have, since I’ve been here, been able to move forward onto the sales floor. So, I think there’s a precedent that there’s – it’s – it’s something that’s already happened within the company. And, I haven’t really wanted to mention this. So, that sometimes the – the other workers, and men particularly who work in the warehouse, make fun of me. And, they tease me about my hijab. And, they’ve tried to actually pull it off a couple times, which is very disrespectful and upsetting to me. And, have and taunted me and talked about what are you wearing underneath there? What are you hiding? Do you have hair? Did I report it?


No, I didn’t report it.

Why not?

Well, I – I – I didn’t want to jeopardize my job for one thing. And, I was concerned that maybe if I said something, that it might actually make it worse. That there – there might be some retaliation against me.

We have very strict company policies.


Against harassment.


We have a hot line that you can call. You know? That was in the original papers when you came to the company.


It concerns me though, I mean this – this needs – I would love to help you.

Thank you.

But, you have to report these kinds of things.

I understand. It’s nice to know that I have that kind of support from – from you, Jackie and also from the corporate office.

And, first of all, let’s say again that we just really enjoy you – enjoy you working here.

Thank you.

And that, we feel like you – you’ve done a great job.

Thank you.

Let me also say that like we said in the beginning, there are opportunities for you to advance in – in the warehouse. And, I think that’s something that – that we’re going to look at. I – I think that we have – we have heard your concerns.

Thank you.

We definitely feel like we’d – we’d like to have some follow up with the complaint that you – that you need to make.


And – and whatever else. And, we’ll – we’ll take in consideration what you’ve told us about moving to the sales floor. And, we’ll take it back to the corporate office.

Okay. Great. Thank you so much Dusty.

Okay. Thank you.

I really appreciate it.

All right. All right. Thanks (Inaudible words).


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