
Matrix for Genre #1Instructions: Read closely one of your two research sources chosen for Module Two. Do not choose the scholarly article source; rather, read the other source whose genre you were able to choose yourself. After reading the genre, use the following questions to analyze its rhetorical strategies. These are the items you will ultimately be addressing in your Genre Analysis paper. Be sure to answer every question in full. One word or one sentence is not enough. Be as specific as possible and provide examples where applicable. The more effort you put into this assignment, the smoother your Genre Analysis drafting process will be (and the stronger your final product will be).Audience and Purpose1. Who is the intended audience(s) and discourse community(ies)? Be as specific as possible. Answering “everyone” in not acceptable. Consider age, education, technology access, geographical location, language, etc.Everyone, just kidding, the intended audience is for those who have a low-income, are looking for commercial housing, and those who need shelter as quickly as possible because of some tragedy such as a tornado. However, mostly adults or those who are looking to buy a home or even design a new home. The process only takes twenty-four hours to construct a home which replaces construction workers. The process can also construct either a single house or a colony; in this case it would be for a company who is seeking to sell homes.2. What does the audience already know and what do they want to know?The audience knows that a new 3-D printer can construct a house in just twenty-four hours. The technology can reduce energy use and emissions and with the printing itself, can embed plumbing, electrical, and air conditioning. It is a new way for enhanced speed fabrication.3. How much time will the audience spend with the genre (in order to read/ view, consider, and understand it)? Will the genre’s message continue to affect them after they are done reading/ viewing it?The article can take about five minutes to thoroughly read and understand, but the article also contains a well informing video that is about six minutes long. The genre’s message will continue to affect the audience because it makes you think of the many possibilities this opens and at all the economical and eco-friendly this process is.4. What is the purpose (inform, persuade, and/ or entertain)?The purpose of the article is to both inform and persuade the reader why 3-D printing is revolutionizing into something that can be very useful in the future. The article also informs the reader about the different ways in can be used and how the United States is seeking to colonize a planet to deal with the growth of the population. Printing homes can help in both situations, out in space and here on Earth.5. How formal/ informal is the language? What makes it formal or informal?The language is formal because there is a use of strong language and it is in third person. There is strong use of vocabulary and definition to the main purpose of the article.6. What specialized vocabulary is used? Provide examples.Since the article is talking about homes, there are vocabulary used for architecture, for example; gantry, extrusion nozzles, sub-components, conduits, etc. 7. What other language features do you notice? Consider text, type, font, color, visuals, sound, charts/ graphs, hyperlinks, text emphasis boxes, etc.The article includes bold words, hyperlinks, quotes, and a visual of how a 3-D printed home would look like. Finally the article contains a video that explains the idea behind this and why it should be pursued.Rhetorical Issues: Ethos, Pathos, and Logos1. Ethos: How does this genre establish (or attempt to establish) its credibility with the audience?The genre establishes its credibility at the beginning by mentioning the creator or the person who developed the 3D printer which is Professor Behrokh Khoshnevis from the University of Southern California.2. Pathos: What emotions is the genre attempting to evoke from its audience?The genre provides the basic approach for the introduction of this process, which is for emergency purposes such as those who lost a home to nature or other tragedies and for low income families. The genre also provides a more detail outlook in the video about the population increasing at a rapid rate and there isn’t enough manpower to construct houses at a quick pace. 3. Logos: What types of evidence are used to support claims? Is the evidence valid/ reliable? If there is no evidence, what is used to help support the information presented?The video in the article provides an outlook to every reason why this can be a well-proofed idea to solve quite a few problems in a quick way. The video is done by the same author of the article which comes from the Press Trust of India. Structure and Delivery1. How is the information organized to convey its message?The article shows a visual of how a 3D printed home would look like which grabs on to the reader. Next, it explains where the idea came from and how it would build a house in just a period of twenty-four hours. It continues with the purpose of this technology and it finishes by providing a short video to compact the information.2. Are there limitations placed on the information because of the genre? Or does it have more freedom to express what it needs to because of the genre?Since it comes from the Press Trust of India it seems to be a newspaper article, the only limitation to this would be that you wouldn’t be able to see the video on a printed newspaper, and the video is such an ideal factor to the article. 3. How does the structure facilitate its purpose/ help convey its message?In the way which the article is structured, it helps convey the purpose of a 3D printer to construct houses. It provides a visual at first glance which can lead to the reader to ignore the rest of article or catch their attention even more. To finish, the video provides the information for those having second thoughts or questions to the purpose of this article. ................

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