
Study 3 – John 1:19-34?Main Point: Jesus is the Lamb of God whose death and resurrection obtains salvation for God's people.?Opening question for discussion: What are the most common ideas in our world for how people get to heaven??1. There was considerable concern about John. As you READ John 1:19-28 what can you find out about who’s asking, what they’re asking and why they’re asking? (Who, what & why?)Who were all those people (the Messiah, Elijah, the prophet)?For the leader: These were key figures from the Old Testament. Elijah was an Old Testament prophet who didn’t die, but was taken up to heaven. ‘The Prophet’ was a figure who was predicted by Moses. The Messiah was the promised Savior King who was promised throughout the Old Testament. All 3 were figures who the Jewish people were looking for. Jews weren’t baptized. Only Gentiles wanting to convert to Judaism. Why would the Jewish leaders be concerned that John was baptizing?For the leader: Because John was baptizing Jewish people – a sign that he was starting something new. 2. In those same verses (19-28) what do you learn about John from his various replies?John quotes from Isaiah 40:3. What truths from that verse would have been significant for those with ears to hear?For the leader: This passage from Isaiah is seen as a messianic prophecy – concerning the imminent arrival of the chosen one of God. Isaiah 40 is about the Israelite exiles in slavery who in Isaiah’s time were still awaiting release. What might John have been saying about his people by quoting that passage so many years later?For the leader: The line being drawn is that the Israelite people were in slavery to sin, awaiting the arrival of a savior. In what ways are people today captive to sin?For the leader: A good opportunity to share about your own sin. 3. As you read John 1:29-34 what do you learn about Jesus from John’s testimony about Him???Given their cultural background, what could it mean to John’s hearers that Jesus is the “lamb” of God who takes away the “world’s sin”?For the reader: The Jewish audience would have understood this references connotations with the ‘passover lamb’ from the Exodus, the sacrificial lamb from Isaiah, and other sacrificial references in the Old Testament. John’s baptism was a ceremonial washing. What then do you think John was saying about Jesus’ baptism by the Holy Spirit?For the leader: That Jesus would wash clean the inside, not the outside – where the real trouble, sin, lies. ?Some people believe baptism by the Holy Spirit is something reserved only for special Christians. How does this passage teach that this is not the case??For the leader: This passage makes it clear that every Christian is baptized by the Holy Spirit – it is not something reserved for special Christians. Such a category does not exist in the Bible. Application Questions?4. What things about John’s example are worth emulating in our own lives?5. What things that you learn about Jesus’ are worth our praise & gratitude?? ................

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