PDF College and University Should Be Free For All Canadians

[Pages:2]College and University Should Be Free

For All Canadians

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to Change the world." I think college and university should be free for all Canadians. A good education is important to have a bright future. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to get an education. I will mention the cost of tuition fees, how not going to college will limit your job opportunities and how college and university are essential for a good future.

University and college tuition fees are becoming more expensive all the time, making it hard to attend. Canadian full-time students in undergraduate programs paid, on average, $6373 in tuition fees for the 2016/2017 academic year. This is 2.8% higher than the 2015/2016 fees. ($6201) Prices can vary across the province. I think that university and college tuition fees should be the same all across Canada or be eliminated completely. Tax payers would cover the cost of tuitions.

Another reason why I think college and university should be free for all Canadians is because not going to college/university can limit job opportunities. Many companies say that they can't find enough qualified workers in Canada, so they look to other countries. But there're many unemployed Canadians who have the potential to work for these companies, but can't afford to go to college and try. Free college and university would provide more jobs and higher skilled workers.

Finally, to get a good high paying job, you need a university or college degree these days. A high school diploma is not enough. Professions such as elementary school teaching, nurses, accountants, information specialists etc, need one or more degrees to go into these fields. Degrees in highly skilled professions such as dentistry, medicine, pharmacy and law cost more than the average degree. Dentistry tuition fees per year are $21 012. (The highest) Although someone might be able to afford college or university, they might not be able to afford the degree they would like.

In conclusion, I think college and university should be free because it would provide a better future for all Canadians. We would have less unemployed Canadians and more students staying in school because they don't have to worry about debt.

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should tuition be free in canada should college and university befree



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