Why did you choose this particular career path or what led ...

Why did you choose this particular career path or what led to your chosen profession?

? Job Interview Tools, LLC, Non-distributable Content

Why did you choose this particular career path or what led to your chosen profession?

Introduction Be specific and tell the interviewer what inspired you to take this

career path while keeping your answer short and to the point. If you can, try to direct your answer so that it shows a logical

progression between your profession and the company you are interviewing with.

? Job Interview Tools, LLC, Non-distributable Content

Why did you choose this particular career path or what led to your chosen profession?

Introduction You really want to convince the interviewer that you are the right

person for the job and that your education, dreams, and career goals match your profession. Describe your thought process. Don't say that you majored in English because you thought it would be easy.

? Job Interview Tools, LLC, Non-distributable Content

Why did you choose this particular career path or what led to your chosen profession?

Introduction Be specific and justify your answer. I chose .... because .... "I chose architecture because I have always admired beautiful

buildings" or "As a child I was truly inspired by a certain TV show doctor which ultimately led me to pursue a career in medicine."

? Job Interview Tools, LLC, Non-distributable Content

Why did you choose this particular career path or what led to your chosen profession?

Best answer #1 "I chose medical school because I have always enjoyed helping

other people."

Tossing in a brief example of how you have helped others would be a great complement to your answer.

? Job Interview Tools, LLC, Non-distributable Content

Why did you choose this particular career path or what led to your chosen profession?

Best answer #2 "I chose sales because I have always been a good communicator.

I enjoy working with other people in a dynamic fast paced environment. The rules of sales never really change, but the products or services are always changing and I can leverage my sales skills to almost any product or service offering in fluctuating markets and always remain employable."

? Job Interview Tools, LLC, Non-distributable Content

Why did you choose this particular career path or what led to your chosen profession?

Best answer #3 "Since I was a kid, I have always enjoyed taking things apart and

figuring out why they work and have always enjoyed fixing or improving existing products, so a career in Mechanical Engineering was a logical and natural step for me."

End of answer

? Job Interview Tools, LLC, Non-distributable Content


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