Mr. Fitton Name:

Social Studies 11 Date:

The War To End All Wars.

Causes of WW1 (26-30)

1. Who shot Archduke Franz Ferdinand; from which country was the assassin; what was the name of the terrorist organization?

2. Use a flowchart or other graphic to illustrate how the alliance system caused WW1. Start with Austria and Serbia and reveal the order in which other countries joined. (See P. 31)

Canada’s Response to the War (32-34)

1. Why did Canada have no other option than to join WW1? What does this say about Canada’s identity? Are there any other examples from this time period where Canada was unable to make important decisions?

2. Provide 2 quotes that reveal the attitudes of English-Speaking Canadians towards the war.

3. Which Canadians did not support the war?

4. How many Canadians soldiers were promised to Britain for the war effort? In reality, how many joined?

5. Picture yourself as an enthusiastic volunteer: using textbook evidence, what are (4) reasons that would have caused you would join the war effort?

6. Provide examples of (3) groups who were discriminated against in recruiting campaigns.

7. Where did Canadian troops train? How did this help foster a sense of National identity?

8. What was the name of the Canadian Army? How was it significant that Canada went into battle with its own military units?

The Home Front: 34, 45-51

1. Who was Canada’s Minister of Militia?

2. What was “The Shell Committee”? What were some of grievous errors committed by the committee?

3. Describe (3) products manufactured by Canada that did not function in battle.

4. Define “profiteering”:

5. What was the war measures act and what rights could it suspend?

6. Define: Internment Camps

Enemy Aliens

7. How did Canada pay for the war (3 methods)?

8. Explain 3 ways in which women helped provide support during the war.

9. What was the “Halifax Disaster” and how did it bring the war home to Canadian soil?

10. What was the main issue in the 1917 election (Khaki Election) and which people could now vote in this election?

11. Define: Military Service Act

Military Voters Act:


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