
2021/22 Performance and Development ReviewWe recognise that we continue to work under challenging conditions and feedback on the simplified PDR form that we introduced in October 2020 has been positive. On that basis, we will continue to use the shorter form to ensure relevant and timely reviews happen as well as possible.For the PDR window April – June 2021 we are asking you to review the period since your last PDR; for some this may be since October 2020, for others this may be longer. Please just clearly note on the form which period it is you are reviewing to ensure continuity. The second part of the form requires you to agree and set objectives, where possible up to April 2022. We recognise that for some teams this will be more challenging, so please discuss and agree a timeframe within which you feel it is sensible to plan ahead.Once again, we won’t be tracking and monitoring compliance. We are trusting that managers and colleagues will see the value of having a meaningful review and we strongly encourage you to do so. We just ask that managers save a copy of the completed form on the colleague’s electronic staff file for recording and reference purposes.If managers have reasons not to hold PDR conversations with their direct reports in this period, they should discuss and agree this with their own line manager before committing to that decision.The Wellbeing Web Feedback has been very positive around the use of the Wellbeing Web as a useful aspect of the review preparation and discussion – and we encourage all colleagues to try it out. To support the conversation around “Your Wellbeing” simply complete the following Wellbeing Web to help you understand and describe your current sense of wellbeing against the various Web statements. Once you have completed it please send a copy to your line manager before your PDR If you are able to, you can print, complete and scan, or send a photo. If you need to complete it electronically, you can place a ‘shape’ onto the relevant score in each section of the web (shapes are accessible via the ‘insert’ menu in Word). At your PDR you will lead a conversation on how you rated each section, why and how you see this moving forward. Ultimately discussing ways to improve and optimise your wellbeing as we recognise this can have an impact on your performance at work. EmployeeMeeting dateManagerReview period datesSection 1: Supporting YouHow are you? If completed, talk about your ratings on the wellbeing web. Talk about any areas of concern, note any actions you will take and support you might need.Welfare at work: note and discuss any concerns about your own or other’s welfare at work – including issues related to safety, workplace adjustments or any unwanted conduct because of your diversity identity at work. Manager should note any agreed actions with follow-up dates.Section 2: Reflection & Learning: How did you do?What I have achieved / what am I proud of since my last PDR review?What have I found challenging?What have I learnt? What would I like to learn more about ? Section 3: Future Planning & Continuous ImprovementWhat are my key objectives in the next 6-12 months and how will I go about delivering these? Please include one Equality, Diversity and Inclusion objective. Please use ‘SMART’ objectives and describe what success will look like. What support / development do I need to achieve these?Section 4: Feedback Manager’s summary comments on performance and behaviours during review period, making reference to our Basis and Values and/or Line Manager Behaviours where relevant.Sign OffSignatureDateEmployeeManager ................

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