They’re just not that into you To tell or not to tell The ...


They're just not that into you...

The Other One

by Morgan Wallace

This isn't happening. No. No way, it can't! My heart feels like it just fell into my stomach and my head is spinning around faster than a rollercoaster! We were fine.. I thought he loved me. Why would he do this to me? How could he do this? Who is it? Am I not enough? How long has this been going on? Why didn't anyone tell me? It's too late now, I can't fix anything. It's over.

These are all possible ideas and questions that could go on in one's mind after being cheated on. When a significant other finds out that someone else had emotional or physical access to someone that was supposed to be exclusively theirs, feelings of neglect, anxiety, frustration, and insecurity enter the issue. There are many long term effects that can impact future relationships as well. This may create trust issues, or depression.Unwillingness to date, and hating the opposite sex for something that one mistake, made by one person is a common thing, but should not be long term.

There are different kinds of cheating and many things that are not considered cheating to most may hurt just the same. Joking around, snapchatting, tweeting, and hugging are a few of the little things that can cause distrust and insecurity but not always things that end a relationship. From a guys point of view they may not see it as a bad thing, they may view it as nothing, or just being friends. However, to a girl a thousand thoughts go through her head, especially if her relationship originally started off as `just friends'. If a guy is jealous, girls be sure to let him know he is your number one and try to back off from talking to that other guy as much as possible. Guys have feelings too, and sometimes their feelings get tucked away or overshadowed by us sensitive

girls. Make sure not to avoid the way he feels. If your significant other gets jealous easily, make certain to reassure them. An `I love you', or if not that far in the relationship, a `you're cute' can make a huge difference. Make sure they know you like them, and only them. Give them a feeling of security instead of doubt, and make sure you are going into a relationship wholeheartedly.

The bigger things of cheating can range from sending flirty messages to physical contact. These are game changers, complete game ruiners in fact. Why stay with someone who cheats? Many may believe it will change, or that they can work through it, but others end it where the problem lay. Choosing to end it can be hard, and probably just as strenuous as trying to keep it going. Although every situation and relationship differs, why be with someone untrustworthy? Moving on after the complexity and uncertainty of being cheated on creates the faithful significant other to be on their toes, to always have to be conscious of what the other is doing. How far would one go to fix things? Giving out passwords, having phone checks? Shouldn't one be a lover, and not a babysitter? Is all the complexity and insecurity worth it afterwards?

Realizing what was done wrong, being honest, accepting the facts, and behaving in an appropriate manner are ways to successfully deal with cheating. Not saying that overreacting doesn't happen of course, but if one is honestly looking to make things better, prosper in the relationship or to end it on a good note, trying to take these steps may be helpful. If you have been cheated on, make sure to talk to someone you trust. Holding in feelings can make things worse, bottling emotions up just leads to blowouts later. Realize that if you have been cheated on it is not your fault, and if you can't forgive, let go. Things will get better, even if it doesn't seem like it at the time.

Media cheaters never win

by Allison Witcofski

"Breaking news, Hulk Hogan supposedly cheats on best friend's wife!""Whoopi Goldberg admits to cheating on multiple accounts!""Sandra Bullock cheated on?!" All Hollywood ever talks about these days is who is in, and who is out. Relationships, like roller coasters, are the thrills Hollywood seeks. From the ups and downs, twists and turns, the paparazzi is always along for the ride, never missing a beat. This is especially true when it comes to that all-so-juicy topic: cheating. Imagine your favorite actor caught for cheating on his girlfriend. What if Brad Pitt did this? Would he still be a great role model? Would you go out and kiss someone behind your girlfriend's back? How about your favorite singer? If Taylor Swift did this, would you give up on her? Would you follow her ways and cheat on your boyfriend? The real question is simple, "If they cheated on their significant other, would you?"

Award winning R&B, pop, and hip hop artist Usher was accused several times of cheating throughout his career. When asked about cheating on his former girlfriend Rozonda "Chilli" Thomas, Usher admitted to being disloyal.

"I was faithful at heart, but not faithful all the way."

Usher was remorseful and wished that he had never done it. Is it really worth it to cheat on someone you love, only to lose them and be crushed by the guilt of your actions in the end?

Famous golfer Tiger Woods was the center of attention when Hollywood ratted him out for cheating on his wife, Elin Nordegren, with several different mistresses.

"I felt I had worked hard my entire life and deserved to enjoy all the temptations around me. I was unfaithful. I had affairs. I cheated."

When life hands you lemons, you cheat? What does being rich have to do with being fickle? Is love taking the back seat to fame and popularity? Why did Tiger marry in the first place if he was so tempted by everything else?

From Vampire to cheater in a blink of an eye, famous actress Kristen Stewart was seen kissing the married director of her movie, "Snow White and the Huntsman". When confronted about it, Kristen admitted her guilt and stated how much she loved her boyfriend, Robert.

So if you love someone, do not let them go, just cheat on them with someone else. Logical, right?

There is no other way to put it. Cheating is sick and wrong. If you are going to skip around, do not be committed in the first place. No one is safe from cheating when it happens. Cheaters never win. So, the next time the chance arises, do not do it. You may not be famous, yet, but sooner or later the truth will come out. This is not Hollywood. Stop putting up a show and stay true to your significant other.

7 blue prints

To tell or not to tell

by Tori Mueller

Someone's relationship may seem like the perfect fairytale. They accidently bump into each other at the grocery store or on the street and drop their stuff, forcing them to engage in small talk with one another.

If everything goes as predicted, eventually, boy asks girl out, girl accepts, thus, starting the ideal foundation to the relationship of everyone's dreams. Or so we thought. It's astounding at how quickly a "good" relationship can go downhill faster than a school parking lot empties as soon as finals are over because of one bad decision. Warning, this may not happen to everyone.

This has brought multiple questions to mind, one being: What do you do when you catch your best friend's boyfriend/girlfriend cheating on them? Do you tell them and possibly have them blame you for everything? Do you tell them and save them before they grow even more attached to their significant other?

Keeping a secret like this is a burden that no one would ever dream of having. Several outcomes can come from accumulating knowledge of something like this. Lets dive right in and take a look at them.

First, probably the best possible outcome for the knower of the bad news, the knower tells their best friend of what they have found out, but wished they never did find out. After everything is all said and done, the friend understands and thanks them for telling the truth. Then takes all their hostility and bitterness into finding the best way to get even.

Sadly, that is not always the case. Which then brings us to another outcome.

Second, the one that solves absolutely nothing and keeps a heavy burden on the knowers conscience, don't tell. Being in relationships can be a great joy as long as one is happy in them.

Not one person can say they don't want their friends to be happy. That's why it is particularly difficult to make the decision to tell a best friend that the one person who is supposed to make them the happiest is doing something so awful. In this scenario, the knower also risks seeing their best friend slowly fall apart inside and lose all the happiness they got from the same person who gave it to them.

Last, yet another one with no pros, what if the knower already didn't like their best friend's boyfriend/girlfriend. If the knower were to tell their best friend that they are being cheated on, what conclusion with the best friend draw?

The best friend could easily think the knower is trying to find some way to break them up just because the knower doesn't like their boyfriend/girlfriend, when in all reality, the knower had every right to not like the boyfriend/girlfriend in the first place because obviously they are a cheater.

Therefore, this will most likely start an argument between the besties and possibly ruin their friendship. On the other hand the best friend will continue to say in a relationship that was doomed from the start all because they didn't listen to the knower.

Lets face it, cheating is a tough and a real touchy subject to handle. It can make or break any relationship, whether it's a friendship or intimate relationship. Basically, all you can do is hope you make the right decision in the end and stand by it no matter what. The choice is yours, to tell or not to tell?

Allison Witcofski Morgan Wallace, Victoria Mueller Cara Wimberley Nicole Brown Gering High School Class B In-Depth News Writing


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