
Commands and MarkersMarkersName: Date:1.Marks the exact moment the dog fails to do the task or does something wrong.2.Lets the dog know that one task is finished so it can go on to another one.3.Marks the exact moment the dog completes the task correctly. 4.Lets the dog know he’s on the right track and should keep mands1.The dog has to get close enough to touch you.2.Gets the dog’s attention and lets it know a command is coming.3.Tells the dog to be calm so he can focus on you.4.Tells the dog you’re going to hug him.5.Dog should put its paws on your legs (used when sitting).6.dog lies with its entire body flat on the floor.7.Dog should make eye contact with you.8.Tells the dog we’re moving together.9.Dog must put its feet back on the floor (not on an object or person)10.Means leap onto something with all four feet (like a grooming table).11.Dog must put its rear end on the floor.12.The dog positions on your right with its collar by your leg, facing the same direction.13.Temporarily stops the dog from moving forward or crossing a threshold.14.Dog holds its position for a long time.15.The dog positions on your left with its collar by your leg, facing the same direction. 16.The dog positions facing your knees with its body lined up strait ahead of you.17. Dog faces the opposite direction.18.The dog must put its head through the backpack or collar.19.The dog is to offer its paw in greeting.20.Dog licks your hand or face.21.Only the dogs four feet are touching the ground.22.Dog must walk backwards.23.Means now is the time and place to go to the bathroom.24.Dog has to get out of your way, but not to any specific place.25.Dog rolls onto its back from a down position.26.Dog places its front paws on a wall, table, counter, or object (Not You!) 27.Dog positions with its body lined up strait in back of you.28.Dog crawls into a small space, like under a table or chair.29.Means the command that follows will be done at a distance from the handler.30.Dog must untangle the leash from its legs.31.Dog must not sniff, taste, or even look at an interesting item.32.Dog moves in nearer to you.33.Sends the dog out of the room or area you are in.34.Tells the dog to bark35.Sends the dog to its own place or bed (there can be more than one).36.Sends to dog to its crate37.Tells the dog to stop barking.38.The dog jumps into a motor vehicle (a van, car, etc.).39.Tells the dog that you now have a good grip on the item and it can release its hold. 40.Directs the dog to look around for whatever it is you are designating.41__________Directs the dog to bring the retrieved item to you.42.Reminds the dog to keep its jaws firmly gripped on the tem it’s retrieving.43.Requires that the dog retrieve the item that you have designated.44.Dog should let go of the item it is holding.45.Requires the dog pull on a rope or belt with its teeth.46.Tells the dog to stick its neck out to deliver and item, like dropping it in a basket, on a counter, etc.47.Tells the dog to put its paw on a door or cabinet and shut it.48.Dog flips a switch up with its nose.49.Instructs the dog to locate the leash and bring it to you.50.Dog bites the switch and pulls it down with his teeth.Chained commands1.__________Directs the dog to look around for whatever its you are designating and then the dog retrieves it.2.__________Dog places its front paws on a wall and flips a switch up with its nose.3.__________Dog places its front paws on a wall and pulls the switch down with his teeth.4.__________Dog places its front paws on a wall, table, counter, or object (NOT YOU) and should let go of the item it is holding.5.__________Dog places its front paws on a wall, table, counter, or object (NOT YOU) and retrieves the item for you.6.__________Dog places its front paws on a wall, table, counter, or object (NOT YOU) and the dog keeps its jaws firmly griped on the item.7.__________Dog keeps its jaws firmly griped on the item and places its front paws on a wall, table, counter, or object (NOT YOU).8.__________ Dog places its front paws on a wall, table, counter, or object (NOT YOU) and the dog sticks its neck out to deliver the item, like dropping it in a basket, on a counter, etc.Specialty commands1.Requires the dog to stop pulling.2.Directs the dog to pull forward.3.Tell the dog to move one step at a time.4.Indicates to the dog that you will be making a right turn.5.Indicates to the dog that you will be making a left turn.Correct responses: _____ (Need 50 out of 67 to pass.)Quiz:Orientation to Team TrainingName: Date:Which of the following is not one of your responsibilities during team training:Taking care of your personal needs on your own time.Helping take care of other trainers’ personal needs.Learning the course material.Bonding with your dog.Why might it be difficult to get the dog to do what you want at first?The dog isn’t fully trained yet.Dogs are stubborn by nature; you have to really force them to work hard.The dogs know more than you do, and they know it.The dog doesn’t like you.What will it take for you to become an NHSD handler?Determination, persistence, and trust in the instructors.Understanding of the nature of the dogs physical, mental, and emotional limits.Being open to change; replacing your prior beliefs with new ideas.All of the above.List two possible ways to deal with stress while you are training.a.b. We discussed five qualities of a good dog handler. Please list three.Correct responses: _____ (Need 6 out of 8 to pass.)Quiz:Orientation to The CanineName: Date:Dogs originally descended from what animals?Name two jobs dogs were specifically bred to do.b. What is the “Disney Syndrome”?It is the belief that all dogs are just like the ones in the movies. It is the assumption that dogs think and act the same way humans do.It is the belief that dogs are like little people in fur coats.All of the above.Dogs generally fit into the household very well, but when do problems typically develop?When the dog becomes a teenager and starts testing limits.When the handler is inconsistent in using the commands or enforcing the rules.When the handler is not paying attention.All of the aboveWhat is your Affective Domain?Your ability to rationalize and reason.Your ability to process information faster than the dog.Your ability to react from your gut instincts.Your ability to think first and act later.Why is it important to use your affective domain when training?So the dog will think you’re smarter than it is.So you can react to then environment faster than the dog does.So the dog doesn’t have a chance to be distracted by things in the environment.B and C onlyAll of the above.Name two ways to get a dog’s attention through each of the following senses:SightSoundTouchTrue or False?_____The way dogs see is very similar to humans._____All dogs like to be scratched behind the ears._____Dogs respond to a high-pitched noise by being curious and interested._____When your dog is afraid, use a reassuring voice and soft touch._____A stern, angry voice is a good way to make your dog pay attention._____The more energy and excitement in your voice, the more excited the dog becomes. g. _____To relax the dog, use strong, hearty petting.Correct responses: _____ (Need 16 out of 20 to pass.)Quiz:GroomingName: Date:What are two reasons for grooming your dog regularly?__________Name three signs of an ear infection: How do you safely clean a dog’s ears? ___________What is the most important thing to avoid when cutting your dog’s toenails?_________________________________________________________________________Name three problems you should look for when grooming your dog’s coat._____Which of these is NOT a good way to care for your dog’s teeth?Brush the dog’s teeth daily.Give cooked chicken bones to chew on.See the vet for yearly plaque removal.Which is a possible sign of an eye infection?Clear tearsGreen dischargeAny build-up or debris.Correct responses: _____ (Need 9 out of 12 to pass.)QuizSurvival NeedsName: Date:Basic needs are what all animals need to:feel good thrivesurvivemake friendsWhich of these are the basic survival needs for dogs?Food, water, shelterShelter, safety, waterShelter, safety, clothing.Food and water, shelter, safetyIf a dog’s basic needs are not met, what might it do?Focus on you and work hard.Find creative ways to meet those needs for himself.Resent you and get depressed.Become impossible to manage.List two ways a dog might try to fulfill its needs for each of the following:FoodWaterShelterSafetyWhy is it important to meet your dog’s mental and emotional (higher) needs, too?So it can reach its full potential.So it wants to focus on you and is able to do its job.To avoid problem behaviors.All of the above.What are three signs that your dog is bored?______________________What is one way you can tell if you’re not meeting your dog’s emotional needs?Correct responses: _____ (Need 13 out of 16 to pass.)QuizGiving Cues and CommandsName: Date:A hand gesture or body signal that tells the dog to perform a specific behavior. Lets the dog know the exact moment of success or failure. A word used to tell the dog what behavior to do.What is the correct sequence for giving a command?a. b. c. d. e. What is the best way to give a verbal command?Gesture a lot to help the dog see what you mean.Repeat the command as much as necessary.Use the leash to direct the dog.Be consistent and clear.The word YES is used:As a bridge between the command and the reward.To let the dog know the exact moment he successfully completed the command.As a marker to let the dog know the behavior was done correctly.A and C onlyAll of the above.List two ways (mental or physical) you can be prepared to give a command.a. b. What does it mean to follow through on every command?Use markers to tell the dog what it’s doing right or wrong.Keep using the correct commands and markers until you get to a YES.Tell the dog NO when it does something wrong.All of the above.True or false? Visualizing success will help you be mentally prepared. When you give a command, you’re finished once you get to the word YES. Tugging the leash is a good way to get the dog’s attention. Smile every time you give a command. Positioning isn’t all that important; the dog should be able to do a task anyway. A cue is a verbal signal to tell the dog to do something. Use markers until a command sequence is complete; then praise at the end.Correct responses: _____ (Need 16 out of 20 to pass.)Quiz:Canine Learning TheoryName: Date:What is a pattern? Why is it so important to prevent or break bad patterns? ________________Give the words for the following definitions:a. using food to lead the dog into a position.b. putting a word (command) to an action (behavior).c. directing through a hand movement. What is the 80% rule?Once the dog knows a skill 80% of the time, you don’t have to teach it anymore.Once the dog knows a skill 80% of the time, you can increase the difficulty.If 80% of the other dogs can do the skill, your dog can too.Spend 80% of your time teaching a new skill and 20% on what your dog already knows.Name two of the four “D’s” for increasing the level of difficulty.a. b. What are two bad patterns for dogs?a. b. Correct responses: _____ (Need 8 out of 10 to pass.)Quiz:Motivation and ReinforcementName: Date:Fill in the blanks with one of the following words (Abbreviations are acceptable):PR = Positive ReinforcementM = Motivation L = LureNR = Negative ReinforcementC = CorrectionP = PunishmentStops a behavior from happening at that moment. Gets the dog excited so they’ll want to do a task Never used with dogs because they live in the moment. Turns a negative behavior into a positive one. Using a reward so the dog will continue doing a behavior Using food to lead the dog into a certain behavior. Circle the best answer or answers for each of the following:Which of these is a drive you should NOT encourage?PlayFoodPreySocialFor which of these tasks would need you to motivate the most?StayHeelTugDownWhat type of reinforcer would you use at a quiet restaurant?FoodEye contactPettingExcited PraiseWhat’s the first thing you should do if your dog wants to play with another dog?Call him and praiseYell NOJerk the leashHold him backCorrect responses: _____ (Need 8 out of 10 to pass.)Quiz:Canine ResistanceName: Date:1. What are 2 ways dogs show active resistance?a. b. 2. What are 2 ways dogs show passive resistance?a. b. 3. What is the dog trying to tell you when it resists? 4. What are the three reasons dogs why dogs resist?a. b. c. 5. List the four steps in dealing with canine resistance:a. b. c. d. Correct responses: _____ (Need 9 out of 12 to pass.)QuizCanine Psychology: The ChallengeName: Date:How will you know if your dog is challenging you?He will fight you for control.He will refuse to do commands that he normally does easily.He will refuse to learn new commands.None of the above.What is the purpose of a challenge?The dog wants to take over the alpha role.The dog wants to reassure itself that you are capable of being a good leader.The dog sees an opportunity for access to a resource.B and C.All of the aboveWhat will eventually happen if you fail to be a strong leader?The dog will stop working for you.The dog may become bossy and demanding, or even protective.The dog will still work for you if you have a close enough bond.A and BAll of the above.Explain the difference between resistance and challenge (3 point question): If you give a command that dog normally knows but he refuses to do it, how can you tell if the dog is resisting or challenging?It’s a challenge if the dog won’t do a command for any reason.It’s a challenge if you give the command incorrectly.It’s a challenge if there’s no physical, mental, or emotional reason the dog can’t do it.It’s a challenge if the dog is in a new environment.What’s the best way to reduce the need for your dog to challenge you?Never let the dog win at anything.Be consistent so the dog doesn’t have to question you.Don’t pay too much attention to the dog.Make the dog work all the time.When is the dog most likely to challenge you?When you are relaxed and calm.When you follow through consistently.When you are nervous, unfocused, or showing off. When you are confident and serious.What should you remember when the dog challenges you?Don’t get into a power struggle; it’s okay to let the dog win.It’s not personal; the dog has to test you occasionally.All dogs are betas struggling for alpha status.The dog is disrespecting you.Correct responses: _____ (Need 8 out of 10 to pass.)Quiz:Methods of CorrectionName: Date:An aversive is:Painful enough to make the dog regret making a mistake.Scary enough to make it pay attention to you.Unpleasant enough to stop a behavior.Fun enough to make a behavior continue.A good correction:Lasts long enough for the dog to remember it.Redirects the dog from one behavior to a more desirable one.Will make the dog afraid to make a mistake again in the future.All of the above.When giving a correction, you must be:dramatically emotionalquick, firm, and positiveout for revengecold and distantWhat is one way you would know if you corrected your dog too harshly? What is one way you would know if a correction was too soft? You should use a physical correction when:a. The dog ignores you.The dog is resisting. You feel threatened.The dog is challenging or testing limits.The correction should happen:at the exact moment the misbehavior startswhen the dog is misbehavingwhen you discover he did something wrongwhen you repeat the command the dog should have done.Name three methods of physical corrections:a. b. c. Correct responses: _____ (Need 8 out of 10 to pass.)Quiz:Home and Public SafetyName: Date:Why should you always hold onto the leash in public?Because it’s a great fashion accessory.To prevent bad habits and promote bonding.So you’re always ready to give a strong correction.So no one can steal the dog.What are three common household items that may be hazardous to dogs?a. b. c. True or false? If someone is standing in line and the dog licks their leg, they don’t have the right to get upset or complain. A store manager has the right to ask you to leave if they say the dog smells bad. If someone invites the dog to jump up on them, you should let them. It’s okay to give the dog permission to eat something off the floor at a restaurant. The dog can never interact with members of the public. A dog can legally be asked to leave a store if it is not under your direct control.What do you do if you’re in a hurry and someone pets your dog without asking?Correct the dog.Correct the person.Ignore it and move on as long as the dog behaves properly. Educate the person about why they shouldn’t pet working dogs.If you’re asked to leave a store because they don’t allow dogs, what should you do?6. Identify two possible dangers in unloading a dog from the car or elevator?a. b. Correct responses: _____ (Need 11 out of 15 to pass.)QuizCanine EmotionsName: Date:What are three ways you could damage a dog emotionally?a. b. c. What are three ways you can make your dog emotionally secure?a. b. c. When should you use positive emotions? When should you use negative emotions? Describe how a dog looks when it is :FearfulInterested If you are afraid every time you see a strange dog, how might the dog react?Become aggressive to other dogs.Become afraid of other dogs.Become very friendly to strange dogs. A or BAll of the above. Correct responses: _____ (Need 9 out of 11 to pass)QuizCanine Psychology: The WheelName: Date:We say that dogs are mirrors of your personality, mood, and attitude because:Dogs take their cues from you on how to react to a situation.Dogs reflect your feelings and emotions when they synchronize with you.Dogs show us how vain we are because they constantly flatter us with attention.A and BC only.What do we mean when we say, “the wheel is spinning faster”?Distractions are present in the environment.You need to relax and slow things down.You need to stay centered and focused.All of the above.Why is it best to stay in the middle of the wheel?You’re more secure when you stay centered.You shouldn’t venture out of your comfort zone.You might fly off the handle.How do you keep the dog from “going over the edge” in a stressful situation?a. Stay balanced by behaving the opposite of how your dog is. Stay balanced by behaving the same way as the dog is.Forget about staying balanced; it’s every dog for himself. If your dog is feeling:You must be:InsecureHyperFawningIntenseLazy DistractedCorrect responses: _____ (Need 8 out of 10 to pass.)Quiz:Vet CareName: Date:The first signs of illness or injury in a dog are:Panting and high temperatureListlessness and lack of appetite.Eating and sleeping excessively.Runny eyes and sneezing.What is the normal temperature of a dog? Why do dogs “scoot” their behinds on grass or carpet?Impacted anal glands may need to be expressed.Dog may need to be de-wormed.Dog may have an itch.All of the above.List two reasons why is it important that your dog does not become overweight?a. b. What are two ways to avoid bloat?a. b. How should you control bleeding in your dog? What is the first thing to do if you have to move an injured, conscious dog or give it first aid? ______________________________.What kind of bones are okay to give your dog? What kind of bones are NOT okay to give your dog? Correct responses: _____ (Need 9 out of 11 to pass.) ................

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