PDF The Reasons for the Seasons - IACS

The Reasons for the Seasons

By Allegra Dickson

Vocabulary of the Seasons:

1. Axis- a line from the North Pole to the South Pole which is the fxed point around which the Earth rotates. The axis of the Earth is tilted 23.4 degrees and causes the seasons to change.

2. Orbit- Earth's orbit is it's elliptical path around the run. A complete orbit is the completion of a year.

3. Ellipse- a circle stretched out in one direction. The earth's orbit is an ellipse.

4. Prediction- a educated guess about what will happen in the future.

5. Observation- watching and taking note of things that happen around you.


6. Direct Sunlight- when the sun is directly above a certain part of

the earth, they experience more intense heat.(summer) 7. Indirect Sunlight-when the sun hits a certain part of Earth on an

angle, they experience less intense heat. (winter) 8. Equator- an imaginary line that divides the earth I half, North and South.

9. Northern Hemisphere- the area of the earth that is North of the Equator. 10.Southern Hemisphere- the area of Earth that is South of the

Equator. 11. Equinox- happens twice a year, during Spring and Fall, when Earth's axis is tilted neither toward nor away from the sun.

12. Solstice- happens twice a year, during Winter and Summer, when the sun has reached either its northern or southern most position

relative to Earth.

Emily and Jimmy were good friends. One day in September after school, they were playing outside. Emily stopped and wondered. "What are you thinking about, Emily?" Jimmy asked. "Why do you think it gets cold when school starts?" Emily asked. "What do you mean?" Asked Jimmy. "Well, in the beginning of the school year, we can still wear shorts and tshirts. Then, when Halloween comes it gets a little bit colder and we need to wear warmer clothes."

"Oh yeah! And during Christmas time we all need to wear hats, scarves and gloves because it's much colder outside. You know what else? It gets darker, faster too!" Jimmy continued. "Yeah, I know what you mean. When my mom picks me up from my friends' houses it feels like it's night time because it's dark! My favorite time of the year is the spring time when it gets warmer again! Then the sun stays out longer and I can wear shorts again!"


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