St. Francis Preparatory School

0EQ: How do we read short stories? I can recognize how symbolism affects the meaning of the text in “Hills Like White Elephants”.FQ: How are trains symbolic in “Hills Like White Elephants”?Do Now: We talked a lot about white elephants in our last lesson. Just by looking at the title, what do you infer the story might be about with your newfound knowledge of a “white elephant”?Class Activity & Read Aloud: “Hills Like White Elephants”We will be reading “Hills Like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway. While we read, please do not forget to annotate! There will be questions that follow the reading and it would be extremely helpful for you to take notes while you read in order to answer the questions!Questions1. Looking back on the story, list the evidence that tells what kind of operation Jig is confronting. How risky is it physically and emotionally?? 2. Are you surprised this story was written by a man? Why or why not?3. Is this story relevant today? We know that the story is set in Spain, but if you didn’t know it was written in 1927, could you place it in a period of history? If so, when?4. Would you feel differently about the story if the roles of Jig and the man were reversed, that is, if Jig wanted the abortion and the man wanted her to marry him and keep the baby?5. Hemingway once suggested that his purpose in such a story is to tell the reader as little as possible directly yet to reveal characters' motives and their conflict. How does this principle operate in this story? Where would you like to have more information (besides "he said" and "she said")? 6. Lewis Weeks, Jr., claimed in 1980 that "although subject, setting, point of view, characterization, dialog, irony, and compression all make 'Hills Like White Elephants' one of Hemingway's most brilliant short stories, the symbolism implicit in the title and developed in the story contributes more than any other single quality to the powerful impact."? Agree with any part of this statement in detail, quoting relevant phrases from the story as needed.7. Can you think of any other stories or movies that address the issues discussed here? If so, how are they different or similar to “Hills Like White Elephants”?Wrap-upWhat is symbolic about the couple being at a train station while all of this is occurring? Why do you think Hemingway chose a train station for this discussion? ................

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