Chapter 5

Pride and Prejudice

Study Guide – Volume 1

Chapter 1

1. Why is the first sentence ironic?

2. What can you infer about Mrs. Long?

3. Describe the Bennets’ preferences regarding their daughters. What does that say about them?

4. Describe the relationship between Mr. and Mrs. Bennet.

5. List and explain three instances of irony in Chapter 1 other than the one addressed in question 1.

Chapter 2

1. What is Mr. Bennet teasing the family about at the beginning of this chapter?

2. What does Kitty do that annoys her mother? Why is it comic?

3. Describe Mary.

4. Who does Mrs. Bennet believe will dance with Bingley? Why do you think she believes it?

5. List and explain two instances of irony in this chapter.

Chapter 3

1. Provide a detailed description of Bingley.

2. Where does Bingley live?

3. Juxtapose (look it up if you don’t remember) Bingley and Darcy.

4. What is Darcy’s first impression of Elizabeth?

5. What makes his discussion of his impression particularly rude?

6. How does Lizzy handle Darcy’s hurtful words? What does this say about her character?

7. List and explain two instances of irony in this chapter.

Chapter 4

1. What does Lizzy establish about Jane’s character?

2. Describe the Bingley family’s place in society. What would they be called today?

3. How old is Bingley? How do you know?

4. What do Bingley’s sisters think of Jane?

5. List and explain two instances of irony in this chapter.

Chapter 5

1. Describe Mr. Lucas.

2. Find one litotes in this chapter.

3. Who is Charlotte Lucas? After reading the chapter, can you tell what kind of person she is?

4. How does Miss Lucas defend Darcy?

5. Mary’s comments on pride are reflective of the saying, “Pride makes us esteem ourselves; vanity makes us desire the esteem of others.” Explain the quote and provide an example from life.

6. Whose pride is discussed in this chapter?

7. How is Mrs. Bennet’s stubbornness once again reflected?

Chapter 6

1. Which of the Bennet girls do the Bingley sisters most want to know? How do the Bennet girls react?

2. How do Jane’s feelings about Bingley contrast to the way she acts?

3. Charlotte states, “There are very few of us who have heart enough to be really in love without encouragement. What does this mean and how does it apply to Jane?

4. Charlottes says: “When she [Jane] is secure of him, there will be leisure for falling in love as much as she chooses.” Why is that statement ironic? What does it say about women and marriage?

5. What is Mr. Darcy’s second impression of Elizabeth?

6. Describe Mary.

7. Describe the circumstances behind Darcy’s proposal to dance with Elizabeth.

8. To whom does Darcy confess his fondness for Elizabeth? How does she react and why does she react in that way?

Chapter 7

1. To whom will the Bennet’s land go upon Mr. Bennet’s death?

2. Will Mrs. Bennet be able to support the girls should their father die?

3. Why do Catherine and Lydia enjoy traveling to Meryton?

4. What is a têtê-á-têtê?

5. Why won’t Mrs. Bennet allow Jane to take the carriage to Netherfield?

6. How does Mrs. Bennet’s plan backfire?

7. How does Elizabeth look when she arrives at Netherfield?

Chapter 8

1. What does Miss Bingley say about Lizzy behind her back?

2. What does Mrs. Hurst say about Lizzy?

3. How does Mr. Bingley respond to his sisters’ insults?

4. How does Darcy respond to Miss Bingley’s insults about Lizzy? Why does he respond in that way?

5. Where does Darcy live?

6. Describe the tone of Miss Bingley when talking to Darcy.

7. How does Darcy define an accomplished woman?

8. Does Darcy understand that Miss Bingley is flirting with him? Show textual evidence.

Chapter 9

1. What does Mr. Bingley’s quote about his impetuous (look it up) life say about his character?


2. What is Mrs. Bennet’s idea of good breeding and how does it contrast with Darcy?

3. Why does Mrs. Bennet insult the Lucas girls?

4. Describe Lydia

5. Of what does Lydia remind Bingley?

Chapter 10

1. Describe Miss Bingley in one word.

2. How does Bingley’s writing style mirror his character?


3. Elizabeth compliments Bingley on his humility to which Mr. Darcy replies, “Nothing is more deceitful than the appearance of humility. It is often only carelessness of opinion, and sometimes an indirect boast.” What does Darcy mean?

4. How can you compare Darcy’s opinion that “doing any thing with quickness is always much prized by the possessor, and often without attention to the imperfection of performance” with school work?

5. Why would Darcy think more of Bingley if he just “[rode] out as fast as he could?” See pg. 49

6. Why does Elizabeth believe that Darcy is staring at her?

7. Austen writes, “He [Darcy] believed that, were it not for the inferiority of her connections, he should be in some danger.” What does she mean?

8. What nice gesture does Darcy make for Elizabeth? How does she respond?

Chapter 11

1. List three ways Miss Bingley tries to impress Darcy.

2. Darcy says that there could be only two motives for them choosing to walk around the room and that he would interfere with them both. What does he believe the two motives to be?

3. List three ways Elizabeth insults Darcy.

4. What faults does Darcy claim he has?

5. Darcy says that Elizabeth “willfully misunderstands people.” What do you think she misunderstands about him?

Chapter 12

1. Why won’t Mrs. Bennet send a carriage for Jane and Lizzy?

2. Why is Darcy ready for Elizabeth to leave Netherfield?

3. Why is Darcy afraid to speak to Elizabeth? How does this show he misunderstands her?

Chapter 13

1. Who is Mr. Collins and what is his significance?

2. What is Mr. Collins’ occupation?

3. What does Elizabeth surmise about Mr. Collins based on his writing style?

4. Describe Mr. Collins.

5. What foreshadowing does Austen provide regarding Mr. Collins reason for being at Longbourn?

Chapter 14

1. What does Mr. Collins say about his patroness, Lady Catherine?

2. What is the name of Lady Catherine’s home?

3. Describe Lady Catherine’s daughter.

4. Mr. Bennet spends most of the chapter setting up Mr. Collins to highlight his stupidity. Find one instance (there are many) of how Mr. Collins makes a fool of himself.

5. What is ironic about Lydia’s conduct when Collins is reading?

Chapter 15

1. Find a litotes in this chapter.

2. What four adjectives does Austen use to describe Collins? What is strange about those choices?

3. What does Mr. Collins desire to do?

4. Who does he choose to marry originally?

5. When he changes his mind, who does he choose to marry? What does the quick change say about him?

6. Describe Wickham.

7. What happens when Darcy and Wickham see each other?

8. What is ironic about Collins’ favorable response to Mrs. Philips?

Chapter 16

1. Describe Wickham.

2. What does Elizabeth most want to know about Wickham?

3. How long has Wickham been acquainted with Darcy?

4. Describe how Wickham feels about Darcy?

5. Describe Darcy’s father (according to Wickham).

6. What did Mr. Darcy (Sr.) leave to Wickham?

7. Why didn’t Wickham receive the property?

8. Why does Wickham say Darcy hates him?

9. How did Darcy and Wichkam get to know each other?

10. What was the promise Mr. Darcy made to Wickham’s father?

11. How does Wickham describe Miss Darcy?

12. How are Lady Catherine and Darcy intertwined?

13. What do we learn about the future of Lady Catherine’s daughter?

14. What has Elizabeth surmised about Lady Catherine?

Chapter 17

1. What is Jane’s reaction to what Elizabeth has learned about Darcy through Wickham?

2. What does Elizabeth hope will happen at the ball?

3. Who will Elizabeth dance with for the first two dances, and how does she feel about it?

4. What epiphany does Lizzy have with regard to Collins?

Chapter 18

1. Why isn’t Wickham at the ball?

2. Why does Elizabeth now refuse to pay any attention to Darcy?

3. How does Elizabeth treat Darcy during the dance?

4. What is Darcy’s response when Elizabeth says she has met Wickham?

5. Why does Darcy feel “angry?”

6. What does Miss Bingley say to Elizabeth about Wickham and why should Lizzy believe her?

7. What does Bingley have to say about Wickham and Darcy?

8. What does Mr. Collins do that shows his lack of manners? Why is it socially unacceptable?

9. What does Mrs. Bennet foresee with regard to Jane and Bingley?

10. Lizzy is embarrassed by multiple things in this chapter. Name two.

11. What does Collins do to let Lizzy know that he intends to impress her?

Chapter 19

1. What are Mr. Collins reasons for wanting to marry?

2. How does Mr. Collins proposal differ from a modern day proposal?

3. What happens when Lizzy rejects Collins?

Chapter 20

1. Does Mrs. Bennet believe that Lizzy is encouraging Collins by her protest of his proposal? What does she plan to do?

2. What does Mr. Bennet jokingly tell Lizzy will happen (with regard to her parents) if she does or does not marry Mr. Collins?

3. What is ironic about Mrs. Bennet saying that she will never speak to Lizzy again?

4. Once Collins understands that Lizzy was serious in her denial of his proposal, how does he respond?

Chapter 21

1. Now that Lizzy has denied Collins, to whom does he change his focus?

2. Why does Wickham say he didn’t attend the ball?

3. Who wrote the letter that Jane received and what did it say?

4. What is the difference between Lizzy and Jane’s reaction to the letter?

5. Who does Miss Bingley imply the Bingley will date?

6. Why does Lizzy say the Miss Bingley doesn’t want Jane to be engaged to Bingley?

Chapter 22

1. Why is Charlotte so kind to Collins?

2. Why is Charlotte willing to marry Collins?

3. What does Elizabeth think of Charlotte’s future with Collins?

Chapter 23

1. Lydia’s outburst further develops which of her characteristics?

2. How far will Charlotte’s new home in Hunsford be from Longbourn?

3. How does Mrs. Bennet respond to Charlotte’s engagement?

4. How does Mr. Bennet respond?

5. How has Elizabeth’s friendship with Charlotte changed?

6. When will Collins next visit and for what purpose?

7. What is Lizzy’s fear with regard to Bingley?


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