
问题 1 18 / 20 pts <span>Reyna is two years old when her father leaves Iguala for El Otro Lado (the other side).? Why does he leave? Why do Reyna, her mother, and her two siblings—Mago and Carlos—stay behind?</span> Reyna is two years old when her father leaves Iguala for El Otro Lado (the other side).? Why does he leave? Why do Reyna, her mother, and her two siblings—Mago and Carlos—stay behind? Your Answer: Reyna's father had left Iguala for El Otro Lado because he needs money to pursue his dream. From the book it says "My father left to pursue a dream-to build us a house"(6), dollars contain more value, so his father goes to the US due to Mexico's unstable economy that he has a hard time to make money in Mexico in order to build a house as fast as possible. Reyna, her mother and her two siblings stay behind because they are too young to immigrate to US which means they are just a financial burden, and they don't have citizenship of US, so only her mother could confrom the condition which she can work there.What do you mean by "confrom the condition"? ?问题 2 20 / 20 pts Skip to question text. When Reyna turns four, her father sends for her mother.? Reyna, Mago, and Carlos are left to live with their father’s mother (Abuela Evila).? Describe Reyna’s feelings regarding her mother’s leaving and her mother’s absence during these early years. Your Answer: Reyna feels so lonely and helpless without the famliy love during these early years. Even though she hangs with her sister and brother, she still desires the love from her parents. She also believes that her parents will come back soon in one day, so she hates others calling her a "orphan"(17). She even fights against them for her dignity because she has her own belief regarding the return of her parents. But she feels fearful and angry after she heard that her mother has another children in US. From the book it says "it was Mami who talked, who gave Mago the worst news of all"(33). Reyna's sister, Mago who is the first person getting her belief broken by the brutal fact from her mother. After that, Mago totally changes her attitude that she keeps telling Reyna their parents would not come back, and it makes Reyna feel angry about the fact of giving birth to an American citizen.?问题 3 20 / 20 pts <span>Who is “The Man Behind the Glass”?? What does he symbolize?</span> Who is “The Man Behind the Glass”?? What does he symbolize? Your Answer: "The Man Behind the Glass" is Reyna's father. In the beginning of the book, it talks about Reyna and her family are leaving their residence. Reyna requests to take back the photo of his father although her mother says there is another photograph of his father at her grandmother's father. From the book it says "she didn't understand that this paper face behind? a wall of glass was the only father I'd ever known"(6). Because Reyna's father had left from her when she was young, she can only recognize her father's appearance as the photo shows. I think he symbolizes as a devil who took her mother away to a long distance. Since Reyna could still recognize her mother by the umbilical cord and the fragrancy of the shampoo her mother uses, she could not think of anything about her father except this photo. She believes that her mother will come back if “The Man Behind the Glass” has gone.?问题 4 20 / 20 pts Skip to question text. Reyna wishes to stay with Abuelita Chinta instead of Abuela Evila.? Compare and contrast the two grandmothers and their attitudes and behaviors toward their grandchildren.? Are Reyna, Mago, and Carlos better off once they begin living with Abuelita Chinta?? Why or why not?? Use evidence fro the text to support your answer. Your Answer: I don't think if would be betther off for Reyna and her siblings to live with Abuelita Chinta because she was poor that lives in a broken shack which there was not enough space for three children to live comparing Abuela Evila's house. As it describes in the book "my grandmother's shack was just one big room.(Unlike Abuela Evila's, this house had no interior walls, so privacy was hard to come by)"(74). It could keep three of them to stay in one house, so it is a good decision to live with Abuela Evila. Another reason is although Abuela Evila has a tough behavior toward their grandchildren, she still promises to buy things for them when the money is sent by their parents and save the land for them to build a house. For instance,?Abuela Evila buys a birthday cake for Mago and Reyna. From the book it says "my grandmother reluctantly handed Tia Emperatriz the money my parents had sent to buy us a cake"(39). Even though she is so mean to their grandchildren, she still celebrates for their birthday. If she is really an evil, I surely believe that she would pocket the money.Interesting points ?问题 5 20 / 20 pts <span>Who is ?lida and why is she favored by Abuela Evila? Is her behavior toward Reyna, Mago, and Carlos justified? Why or why not?</span> Who is ?lida and why is she favored by Abuela Evila? Is her behavior toward Reyna, Mago, and Carlos justified? Why or why not? Your Answer: ?lida is the daughter of Tia Maria Felix who is Reyna's aunt.??lida is favored by Abuela Evila because her mother has sent money to Abuela Evila, so Abuela Evila does as best as she can for ?lida's everyday life, and Abuela Evila actually sympathize??lida that she believes her mother would not come back to live with ?lida due to the pretense that ?lida's mother has given everytime when she comes back Mexico to meet??lida for a while. I don't think Elida's behavior toward Reyna, Mago, and Carlos is justified because she knows that her unfavorable situation is the same as them that they all live without love from their parents. Mago speaks the truth to ?lida when she laughs at Mago and Reyna that they lose parents. After that, ?lida's performance totally changes as it shows from the book, "at being reminded of her American brother, ?lida looked away"(25). As the same fact of Reyna's mother, ?lida's mother has also given birth in US. She actually did not want to admit this fact because it becomes the pain of her heart.问题 1 20 / 20 pts <p><span>In what way does Tía Emperatriz come to the aid of Reyna, Mago, and Carlos?? Could she have done more for the three siblings? Why or why not?</span></p> In what way does Tía Emperatriz come to the aid of Reyna, Mago, and Carlos?? Could she have done more for the three siblings? Why or why not?Your Answer: Tía Emperatriz helps alot for Reyna, Mago, and Carlos like removing lice from their dirty hair, healing Reyna's poison by a scorpion, preparing for their birthday, and giving supports as possible as she can. Even though she is very tired after work, she is still willing to help if the three siblings get trouble. For instance, she fights with Abuela Evila taking Reyna to the hosptial when Reyna gets hurt by the scorpion. She is also an first adult to rush and come into Reyna's room to check the situation as the book describes "My mother didn't come to my side. Instead, it was my aunt who came running into the room, asking me where it hurt"(62).?Tía Emperatriz does everything that she can for the children's life because perhaps she feels sympathy for them due to the seperation of their parents. She could have done more for the three siblings but only happens before she gets married. One reason that she supports the kids because she wants her own children as the book mentions that she is already thirty at that time, she treats the three siblings as her children. After she gets married, everything would be changed since she will begin a new life which she will move to live in her husband's house and have her own children.?问题 2 20 / 20 pts <p><span>Describe Reyna’s relationship with her sister Mago.? Why does Mago feel responsible for Reyna?</span></p> Describe Reyna’s relationship with her sister Mago.? Why does Mago feel responsible for Reyna?Your Answer: Mago is like a little mother to Reyna because the responsibility of taking care of Reyna is given by her mother and it becomes Mago's belief that she also? makes promises with her mother. Reyna always thinks that she cannot survive without Mago and struggle with this thought several times. As the book says "she could finally say that enough was enough, that she was tired of being our little mother"(118). Reyna thinks herself as a burden to Mago who could have a great future without her, but Mago decides not to leave her two siblings. The main reason is because Mago thinks that Reyna, Carlos and her are the victims of the divorce between her parents. They all have the same situation, so Mago chooses to aid with her siblings to each other.?问题 3 20 / 20 pts <p><span>Describe the hardships Reyna, Mago, and Carlos face growing up in Iguala.</span></p> Describe the hardships Reyna, Mago, and Carlos face growing up in Iguala.Your Answer: Reyna, Mago, and Carlos have faced a lot of trouble for the time they live in Abuela Evila's house. They all treat differently comapring to Elida since Abuela Evila doesn't like their mother, and their parents do not send much money to support their life. So they don't get shower everyday, and they only eat beans every meal. They have to sleep together on one bed, and they have to do housework for Abuela Evila although they are just small kids. Although her mother comes back, everything does not change well. They suffer the poverty of family which they still cannot eat something good. Due to their mother's indifferent attitude, they have to suffer the lack of family love. Once Mago has to get a job as a seller in a train station in order to get her school uniform due to the poverty, and she has to rush her school work for her afternoon job(117). Not only they all suffer the living in poverty but also the lack of love from their parents. ?问题 4 18 / 20 pts <p><span>What reactions do the three siblings have when they learn they have a younger sister, Elizabeth?? Who seems the most impacted by this news and why?</span></p> What reactions do the three siblings have when they learn they have a younger sister, Elizabeth?? Who seems the most impacted by this news and why?Your Answer: The three siblings are shocked when they hear that they have a younger sister from their mother. They all feel unbelievable that their mother gives birth to an American citizen regardless of giving birth in Mexico. Mago seems the most impacted by this news because she is the oldest among the three siblings and she understands this result which brings the bad effect that her mother would be delayed the plan of coming back Mexico. The promise between Mago and her mother is also broken which it makes the belief of Mago disappeared. After that, Mago changes her attitude totally toward everything that she stops being a good kid because she knows that she would not get praised by her mother.?问题 5 20 / 20 pts <p><span>Why does Reyna’s mother, Juana, return alone from the United States?? How does life change for Reyna, Mago, and Carlos when she returns?</span></p> Why does Reyna’s mother, Juana, return alone from the United States?? How does life change for Reyna, Mago, and Carlos when she returns?Your Answer: Reyna's mother returns alone to Mexico because she discovers that her husband has another woman. From the book it says" I didn't realize back then how difficult it must have been for my mother to look at her friends and admit that her husband had indeed left her for another woman, just as they had once teased her that he would"(11). Since the hardship her mother receives, her attitude changes a lot that Reyna have discovered due to the result. "The woman standing there wasn't the same woman who had left"(76), Reyna's mother becomes Irritable and sometimes glares to her children which it makes the three siblings feel sick although their mother comes back. They still do not deserve the love from their mother. The life still gets harder that her mother is unable to get a good job due to her low qualification, and she only cares herself most of time that her chase in her mind is just to get in love with a man who can support her life instead of seeking love from her children.问题 1 20 / 20 pts <span>Who is Rey, and who do Reyna, Mago, and Carlos not like him?? What happens when he visits the family during the holidays?</span> Who is Rey, and who do Reyna, Mago, and Carlos not like him?? What happens when he visits the family during the holidays? Your Answer: As the book mentions in chapter 18, Rey is a new boyfriend of Reyna's mother. From the book it says "She met him at the rotisserie where she worked a second job. Rey worked at a hardward store near the marketplace and would go in during his break to buy a meal"(138). This is the encounter that Reyna's mother and rey met with each other. However, Reyna, Mago, and Carlos don't like Rey since it is the day of Chrismas which they all look forward to enjoy the time with their mother. Their mother brings Rey on that day to come in home and request to have a meal together with him. Because of that, it ruins the joy from the three siblings, but Reyna is not the one who is getting angry to her mother. Instead, Mago is the one who is getting crazy, yelling loudly, beating her mother at that time. It says "instead, she started kicking the chairs, pulling out her own hair, and screaming at the top of her lungs"(138). Although Mago is the oldest person among the three siblings, she is the one who is most wanted for love from her mother. At that time she feels frustrated that her mother doesn't even care about her children's feeling which it hurts Mago the most.?问题 2 20 / 20 pts <span>Compare and contrast Mago’s and Reyna’s feelings toward their mother as time after time she chooses her own needs over those of her children.? Does she love her children?? Use evidence from the text to support your response.</span> Compare and contrast Mago’s and Reyna’s feelings toward their mother as time after time she chooses her own needs over those of her children.? Does she love her children?? Use evidence from the text to support your response. Your Answer: After the issue of Chrismas day, Mago's feeling has completely changed toward her mother. Instead, Reyna still hopes that her mother would come back to live with them as a family. In the beginning, when Reyna's mother tells them that she is going to live in Reyna's aunt's house due to the work, Mago still requests her mother not to go but live with them together. After her mother decides to leave, Mago's feeling toward her mother decreases gradually that her mother's decision always ruins her wish everytime. From the book it says "usually Mago would go in there and wouldn't even talk to Mami"(131). She starts to be unconcerned about her mother's thing which it finally causes her to call for her father. On the other hand, Reyna struggles with the feeling among Mago and her mother. Reyna actually misses her mother and wants to live with her as a family, but she trys to stay with Mago's side when she heard that her father would take her to the America because she got betrayed by her mother once leaving them for a long time. Instead, Mago is the person who stands forward, helps her, and stays with her all the time. It says " I turned to look at Mago, and at the sight of her I knew I could not survive being separated from her"(152). She realizes that the position of Mago has already replaced her mother's. Reyna is afraid that her mother would betray her once again due to the attitude her mother belongs now, so she decides to stay with Mago's side. I don't think Reyna's mother still loves her children since there are several times that ruin the relationship among her children as the book mentions. What her mother desires the most is a love from a man that protects and supports her that she even decides to leave her children alone in order to live with her lover(93). It is tough for Reyna's mother since she losts the love that lays over the love of her children.?问题 3 20 / 20 pts <span>As Carlos matures, he has a need for a father figure.? Identity the male role models in his life and explain the influences they have on his development.</span> As Carlos matures, he has a need for a father figure.? Identity the male role models in his life and explain the influences they have on his development. Your Answer: Carlos is the only male in his family after his father left. He is so weak that he is skinny and he has a belly stomach. He becomes like that because there is no adult man that teaches about masculinity in his famliy, but he is responsible toward his family since he realizes that he is the only man among the family members at that time, he thinks in his mind that he needs to protect the family. But he is just no quite strong to complete his errand. At that time, Tio Crece is the man who teaches Carlos how a man works for his duty. From the book it says "as crazy as Tio Crece was, he was the only male role model Carlos had, and he figured a crazy uncle was better than nothing"(100). Due to the experience that Carlos has with his uncle, he realizes how a man works for money to his family. It encourages him to become a full responsible man for the entire life.?问题 4 20 / 20 pts Skip to question text. When Reyna’s father returns from the United States after an eight-year absence, Reyna is almost ten.? How does she feel about his return? Why does he return and does he offer to take Mago back to the United States with him?? Why does he want to leave Reyna and Carlos behind? Your Answer: When Reyna's father returns to Mexico, Reyna feels happy for the return that she finally recognize the real appearence of her father who is no longer the same as the Man Behind the Glass. But she doens't like her father that he betrayed her mother and leaves his children for eight years. She wants her father to apologize everything that he did to the family for the missing(145). Reyna's father returns due to the letter that Mago sends to him about the negligence of her mother. Therefore, Reyna's father determines to take Mago back to the United States because she is the elder that can across the border easier, and she can have a good future soon after she completes education in the United States. He wants to leave Reyna and Carlos behind because of the same reason that it is hard for little kids to across the border where Reyna's father is really scared that it would hurt his children just in case.?问题 5 20 / 20 pts Skip to question text. How does Reyna feel about the possible separation from Mago?? Why does their father decide to take all three children back with him?? Describe their harrowing journey.? Is life better for them once they reach the United States?? Support your answer with evidence from the text.?Your Answer: Reyna feels about the possible separation from Mago several times already. From the book it says "it ould be easy, I thought, for Mago to stay on the train. She could decide to leave this place and not come back. She could finally say that enough was enough, that she was tired of being our little mother"(118). Reyna always thinks that she is a burden to Mago that she is the main problem delaying Mago's future which she could live freely without taking care of her siblings. She could also be flighty toward her parents instead of being responsible for her siblings. Reyna struggles the decision between Mago, her little sister and her grandmother two times. One is when she heard that her father takes Mago back to America, she is so nervous that she would be seperated with Mago who she really wants her father to take her with Mago but also feels the position that she will miss her little sister and her grandmother in Mexico. Another one is when her father says that they have to stay in Mexico after the second failure due to Reyna's fault. It says "but then I thought about Mago, and I knew I couldn't be without her"(155). Reyna keeps realizing herself that she couldn't lose her sister. It proves that Mago's position has become higher and higher among her mother, little sister, her grandmother, and anyone else. Their father decides to take all of them back with him because he feels guilty that he needs to seperate them all again, and he doesn't want to go toward the wrong decision again. As the book says "Papi said he would need money to pay a smuggler for the our of us-me, Carlos, Mago, and him"(150). He determines that he would not lost this chance of becoming a real family with his children. Life is better for the three siblings once they reach the United States because they have a great shelter to live and they can shower whatever they want. They can go to better schools in America because it is free. They are no longer to suffer hunger.问题 1 20 / 20 pts <p><span>Mila is Natalio’s second wife.? What are Reyna’s earliest perceptions of her?? What influence does Mila have on Reyna, Mago, and Carlos?</span></p> Mila is Natalio’s second wife.? What are Reyna’s earliest perceptions of her?? What influence does Mila have on Reyna, Mago, and Carlos?Your Answer: Reyna's earliest perceptions of Mila is that she looks more gorgeous comparing to Reyna's mother. From the book it says "I wished that the woman before we didn't look younger than my mother, even though she was five years older. I wished her skin wasn't so light and smooth looking, so different from my mother's sunburned face lined with wrinkles"(144). Reyna feels the jealousy for her mother that in fact this woman is chosed by father due to her beauty, which causes Reyna's mother gets abandoned, but Reyna also wants her mother to dress beautifully as Mila that Reyna had never seen from her mother. She tries to yell at her about breaking her family, but she knows that this is just a useless move since she is still a little kid.After Reyna, Mago, and Carlos move to the United States and live with their father and Mila in an apartment, Mila doesn't complain about living with them. She treats them kindly but is not as tender as treating her own children. It mentions "she was nice enought to us, although sometimes, especially when her own kids were around, she would go out of her way to treat her children a lot better"(183). It can determine that Mila is struggling with two sides which she needs to focus, but then she realizes that her own children could have never been replaced by Reyna, Mago, and Carlos because she is a sincere mother that she never gives up her own children even though she got divorced with her ex-husband(183). At least Mila treats them fairly and sometimes when the three siblings get into a trouble, she is willing to help as possible as she can.?问题 2 20 / 20 pts <p><span>Reyna attends school in both Mexico and the United States.? Compare and contrast her experiences in both places.? What can readers learn about the challenges poor children have in negotiating school?</span></p> Reyna attends school in both Mexico and the United States.? Compare and contrast her experiences in both places.? What can readers learn about the challenges poor children have in negotiating school?Your Answer: When reyna attends school in Mexico, she has a hard time of writing by left-hand behavior. From the books it says "he took the pencil from my left hand and made me grab it with my right"(49). In Mexican culture, left hand means the side of devil, so it is prohibited to do things with left hand. Reyna has been fighting through this condition for a while, but fortunately she has not given up her own belief. Reyna also doesn't have money to eat for lunch when she attends school in Mexico. It says "I bent down and picked up the mamgo, flicked the dirt off, and sank my teeth into it"(53). It is really tough for a kid to suffer hunger in every lunch. She even has to pick up the food to eat that other kids are left on the ground because she has no choice that she is so poor. However, it is completely different when she first attends school in the United States. It says " I peeked inside the main doors, and I was overwhelmed by all the doors, the hallway that seemed to never end"(170). It can understand how big the school in the United States is comparing to the one in Mexico. There are so many classrooms for students to attend, and here it would not punish students for using left hand to write. Students are prepared to have lunch in school. As a reader I can see those poor children in negotiating school have to endure hunger all the time, and they have to obey their teacher for not breaking the rule in school.?问题 3 20 / 20 pts <p><span>Reyna does not speak English when she enters school in the United States.? How does she overcome this challenge?? How is she received by her teachers?? By her classmates?? What accounts for her ability to succeed?</span></p> Reyna does not speak English when she enters school in the United States.? How does she overcome this challenge?? How is she received by her teachers?? By her classmates?? What accounts for her ability to succeed?Your Answer: In the beginning, Reyna has to stay at the corner of the classroom with other immigrated students taking another instruction by the teacher who speaks in Spanish, and it is tough for them that they have to learn the basic English(173) which it leads them to be unable to study as other students who listen to their teacher's direction in English. But Reyna overcomes this challenge because she has her own belief as the book says "the way I could pay it back was to make him proud of accomplishments, because they would be his accomplishments, too"(173). She believes that she can succeed all the challenges and make her father proud of her achievement, so she would not disappoint her father who brings her to the United States for reaching opportunites. Another reason that makes Reyna succeed by her ability is because she gets compared to her sister, Mago who is excellent at everything in school by teachers and students. It says " I just knew that no matter what I did, he would always compare me to my sister. And even if I did end up being one of his "best and brightest," Mago had done it first"(230). It inspires Reyna to prove herself that she is not just bad but does great with something that Mago has never done. Therefore, she takes a band class and it inspires her musical talent that Mago doens't deserve.?问题 4 20 / 20 pts <p><span>Reyna’s father believes in education and supports Mago and Carlos when they enroll in college.? Why does he not help Reyna?? How does his refusal impact Reyna?</span></p> Reyna’s father believes in education and supports Mago and Carlos when they enroll in college.? Why does he not help Reyna?? How does his refusal impact Reyna?Your Answer: Reyna's father?doens't help Reyna because he has already got betrayed and disappointed by his other two children who give up their education in order to make money by themselves. It says "I wanted to tell him that I would be different, that I had seen with my own eyes the poverty he had helped us escape"(288), but Reyna's father stops believing their children's attitude although Reyna tries to tell her thought, but he had already rejected Reyna's achievement that she would be going to be a failure. The most important factor that causes Reyna's father for being rude is because he is addicited to alcohol which ruins his mood when he gets drunk. The refusal of Reyna's father gives her a huge disappointment toward her father and her future. Reyna starts looking for a job to make money without social experience in downtown where she almost gets raped by a group of rogues. Also she becomes low self-esteem that she has made a stupidest decision which is to lose her virginity by having sex with her boyfriend, who only thinks to have sex with Reyna all the time.?问题 5 20 / 20 pts <p><span>To whom does Reyna owe thanks for her success?? Why? Do you agree or disagree and why?</span></p> To whom does Reyna owe thanks for her success?? Why? Do you agree or disagree and why?Your Answer: Reyna owes thanks to her English professor named Diana Savas in PCC, who gives Reyna a residence to live, different types of books to read, advice to choose universites, encouragement to become a writer when she gets in trouble that she cannot solve. As the book says "neither Diana nor I could have known that seventeen years later, I would find myself sitting in Sandra Cinsnero's dining room drinking champagne and eating carrot cake"(307). I agree that only Diana gives support to Reyna's education, whereas Carlos, Mago, Mila, Reyna's father, and Reyna's mother do nothing for her education but leave her alone in the last. Without the help from Diana, Reyna could not continuously pursue her dream and become a successful writer. It says "Diana was the last person I saw before I left for Santa Cruz"(316). It can see how Reyna feels thankful to Diana for the support of education before she goes to UCSC. She decides to meet Diana in the last as the benefactor instead of seeing Mago, Carlos, or either one of her family. ................

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