Compare and contrast humans versus animals

Compare and contrast humans versus animals

Introduction: There has been considerable debate about the similarities and difference between animals and humans. Animal rights activist views humans and animals as essentially equal and condemns any and all use of animals for human benefit. However, there certain basic similarities and differences between animals and humans that I would like to enumerate.

All living beings on earth are said to have a common origin. Since all mammals are said to have descended from a common ancestor, therefore biologically humans are very similar to animals. All mammals, including humans, have the same organs, heart, lungs, kidneys, liver etc . They all perform the same functions and are controlled by the same systems such as the blood stream and nervous system. The Vitamins and hormones identified by animal experiments were found to have similar roles in people. Due to such biological similarities, the studies in animals have resulted in the creation of medicines which have altered the treatment of many human diseases during this century. The similarities is also the reason why many veterinary medicines.,for examples antibiotics, pain killers and tranquilizers are similar to those used for human patients. In the battle for survival there are certain other similarities between animals and humans. Both feel certain emotions like anger, fear, and hunger. They feel physical pain when they are injured and have the need for sex in order to propagate their species.


Animals also communicate with each other by means of certain sounds. Animal’s use of language is very simple .It takes place in the form of grows, squeaks or miaus. This cannot be compared to the highly evolved communication of humans. Humans are the only species who communicate by intricate language using complex sentence structures. The brain capacities of humans versus other animals means that our language system (production, comprehension etc) will always be more elaborate and complicated than that of animals, although there are instances of teaching and comprehension of sign language to a few gorillas.

Apart from language, humans differ from animals by having a highly developed brain capable of abstract reasoning and introspection. Humans are also different from other animals as we are the only species who uses tools, demonstrate affection outside of mating and are self aware. Our intelligence and erect posture have helped in making greater use of tools than other animals. Humans also have a strong spirit of inquiry which is a measure of our intelligence. This has led to an extensive range of inventions which has made our lives easier. Humans are the only animals who use fire, cook their foods, wears clothes and various other technologies

Unlike animals, humans have a refined aesthetic sense. We admire beauty and try to surround ourselves with it by activities like tending a garden, putting flowers in a vase and hanging up a painting. Moreover humans, have a great creative urge. This is seen in their poetry, painting, dance, drama and music. Humans also differ from animals in their sense of humor. Humans love to have a good laugh. The sense of morality and religion is another aspect in which humans differ from animals. The fear of the unknown has led to belief in God and the Universe. Use of complex language has enabled better self expression and communication which led to intricate social structures from families to Government to nations.

Conclusion: Although humans do share some basic biological similarities with animals, in main cases they are most definitely different For instance although animals experience pain, the question is in what sense are they conscious of pain, and what does it mean to them. The difference is, human beings, as social beings, attribute meaning to the physiological processes in a way that is denied to non-human animals.



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