Declarations by Rosario, Vice President of Nicaragua,

after the XXIII Graduation of National Police Cadets

December 18, 2020

Good evening, beloved families of our blessed, Christian, devout, powerful Nicaragua. Our Nicaragua free, and full of Love !

Alongside the People and their troubles, so says the Police Anthem, and also alongside the People and their Loves, and alongside the People with our Values. Thus, our National Police, part of the People, shares the life of the country’s families, ensuring the tranquility that we all deserve.

Once again narrating this journey through our History, our History of long ago, and our recent History too, Comandante Daniel has moved us so much, that it is impossible to forget the pain, the suffering, the terrible suffering that Hatred has caused our Country.

In these December days, which are days of Reflection and Invocation to the Most High, so that Jesus may Reign Forever, Jesus, Prince of Peace and Love, we cannot forget that pain, that suffering, that hatred created by traitors to our country. It is unforgivable !

Truly, it is unforgivable that beings born in these Blessed Lands, albeit with their own history of surrender and betrayal, which is how one understands why they are as they are, have sown so much malice, so much evil. That is where one also might say "Curses really do exist”.

Those beings who cannot call themselves Nicaraguans, even though they were born here, because they come from their own history, their own history of evil, perversion and betrayal of the Nation, and they dared to do so again because they believed that with the blessing of the Empire, it would be quick for them to put an end to a Christian project, based on solidarity for the Common Good, so they might be once more enthroned in order to once again exploit, cheat and defraud the Nicaraguan People. That's what they thought, but they couldn't, nor will they!

But yes, I must confess that it moves our hearts to remember what they did, the

way they did it, how they behaved, and how they tried to end a project of National Dignity, of Solidarity, of Recognition of the Rights of All, of the Human Rights of All. And how they falsified the events, of course, with the protection of their owners, because they are slaves, they are trash as the Comandante said. I would add many other words, but "trash" is a good word to characterize these absurd individuals, they are absurd, and they are not Nicaraguans, even if they were born here. They are the servants of Empire !

And well, I repeat, they could not prevail nor will they! This is a worthy people. We have History, Memory, Dignity, Decorum, Honor... Honor and Glory ! And as Nicaraguans, who throughout the last almost 200 years have known how to confront and overcome all the infamy, in the first place, of various traitors, and then all the attempts to take over Nicaragua, by various powers and by the Yankee Empire.

It makes the blood boil, that noble blood that we have, the blood of the Nicaraguan People is noble blood, and it boils when we remember everything they did. What an outrage! These are crimes that will remain in the memory of Nicaraguan families.

And in these Christmas days how many families live the absence of loved ones, murdered by hatred, by traitors, by traitors who continue to pose, as Comandante Daniel said very well, and we applaud and we are applauding, moved from the bottom of our hearts, that these people should not have rights, political rights, the right to participate in elections, which are elections for Nicaraguans, not for traitors, or quislings.

We are in a different time now, and here it has been confirmed, it has been affirmed, it has been verified, that the conscience of the People has grown, we have grown because we have learned so much. Pain has taught us.

I want to salute, to embrace all the sisters and brothers who feel the absence of their loved ones, by those who murdered with hatred, the cowards and traitors who murdered us, those craven people who are capable of anything, cravenly obeying orders, because they answer to the whistle of their masters. Of their imperial masters.

Nicaragua is made to live in Peace. Nicaragua is made of Faith, of Trust in God, of Sensitivity, of Solidarity, of Humanity. All that falsehood that they spread throughout the world, and that they continue to spread throughout the world, and all that clamor for more aggression, that celebration, that repetition, whenever some Imperial spokesperson thinks of saying anything against Nicaragua, they magnify it, because it is the Master who pays them. And how does he pay them? In human misery! Ah, well, but since they are not true Nicaraguans they enjoy it, and they think that by doing so they intimidate, they terrorize... We have overcome everything ! They must realize that.

These days are days for opening our hearts. Hopefully, hopefully, the Child Jesus will bring us many open hearts, which means, the hearts of beings able to reflect and say: What an outrage! How wrong we were, what we have done is not only a sin, a sacrilege, to throw ourselves against a Good People... For nothing !

A People that, as our Commander Daniel also says, did not even do them any harm. On the contrary, how much they profited... !  How much they gained in those years of Alliance, all those that even now go around daring to scream and shout, when people can see very well what they are, we cannot even say they live in glass houses... They don't even have a house! Their roof blew away! And now they have deflated ! They've collapsed !

These are days to think. days to celebrate Life and celebrate Peace. Days to see ourselves in the mirror of the heroic behavior of the National Police. How many human beings, how many police families feel the absence of their Spouses, their Children, their Parents, their Brothers and Sisters! How many families have been battered by hate! And how much readiness for Honor and Service, to the ultimate consequences, in each of our National Police officers.

This is  a Christian Mission, one of Solidarity, and above all of respect and recognition of the rights of the People, human rights that these other aberrant and perverse beings, who have promoted and want to continue promoting hatred, do not recognize; on the contrary, they violated the human rights of the Nicaraguan People.

But since their "Godfathers" protect them and furthermore have set up this whole system of international communications media to discredit, disqualify, lie, slander, defame Nicaragua, ah, naturally, they make victims of the violent ones, the turn into victims the ones who attacked, those who violated human rights.

We have already seen how those trashy organizations came here, because they are trash, paid by the Empire, those same organizations that in Bolivia are responsible for the massacres there. Of having falsely declared fraud, and of having promoted massacres. And we have already seen here, why they came. To validate the abusers of human rights. That's why they came!

We already know them, we know who they are now. We have survived a long history of betrayal of the Nation. But never again! No more Hatred, ever Again ! No more Betrayals, ever Again !

We are a Christian People. We are a People of family values. We are a People of Evolutionary Ideals. We are a People of Solidarity. And this Nicaraguan People, and all of us who feel proud to be Nicaraguans, and thanks be to God, for that is why we say, by the Grace of God, we have been born in these Blessed and Sacred Lands.

All, all, as one heart, we say : Here Love will reign ! Hatred, Never Again ! All with Love, and all with Love for Nicaragua !

It is not with aggression or promoting aggression from the Yankee, nor from the Europeans, it is not with these attitudes that we can be defeated here... No ! Victory belongs to this simple, humble, hard-working, courageous, and hopeful people, and no one can take away our hope.

Just as this year with so many challenges, the raised Consciousness of the People, the sense of responsibility of the People, and of the health authorities... But what can a Ministry of Health do if there is no Conscientious People, if there is not a responsible People, if there is not People recognizing that we must all assume Responsibilities, Duties and Rights? What does a Ministry of Health do without a conscientious People? It dictates norms, or imposes norms.

Here we have not imposed anything. Here it is the People's Consciousness that has led us with Wisdom. Here we have not imposed anything. Here it is the People's Consciousness that has led us with Wisdom. The People leading us all, the People who never wanted to close down, while the wealthy traitors, the quislings, wanted a kind of "National Lock Out", again. Again. When, and why? If the People want to work, to advance and prosper, and to improve their house from their honest work, and to have food, and to have, above all, rights, because we have a right to welfare.

Here we have gone through these very hard times for humanity, and we are not happy about the tragedies that have occurred in other latitudes, we are not happy, on the contrary, we are in Solidarity. But we do thank God for being a conscious, responsible and hard-working People, who at all times have known how to defend their right to work.

I remember, we were talking yesterday with Comandante Daniel about how in the middle of the criminal, terrorist coup, about the traitors, about how here we were working. Here we were looking for a way to fumigate against dengue in Masaya, when it was becoming a threat, while the traitorous terrorists had hired poor delinquent kids to take over Masaya. Because it wasn't the people of Masaya who were in the streets locking themselves in. That is not true! It is not true!

Of course, there were those in authority, supposedly from the Church, who rang their church bells so that people would go out and kill each other. How can that be Christian... How can it be ? We do not forget that!

But we never stopped working, and we held here, in the center of Managua, the conference meetings to coordinate the tasks that we were taking on in health care, in education, on the environment, on care of the environment. Nothing stopped here ! They stopped activity around the country and they affected people's lives, destroying and killing. And don't think that it is unpunished, that there is impunity... No ! We have already said: No repetition ! And Comandante Daniel has been clear: All those who have been involved in these criminal and terrorist acts, and in betraying the country, in trying to betray the country, they should go and seek their political participation among those who pay them, in the countries from which they receive the funds to harm Nicaragua.

In these days, these December days, to review the year, we can say: Well, we have advanced in this, in this we have grown, in this we have learned. But above all, what have we learned? That the simple and good life of the Nicaraguan people is exemplary, and that this is the way forward, and that we have the right to well-being and prosperity from honest work, every day, all of us. This Great People of Dario, of Sandino, of Zeledon, of Andres, of Jose Dolores Estrada. This Great People of which we are a part, with pride, with honor, with a sense of national dignity!

Hatred, Never Again ! Our Hopes are Victorious, and All with Love, and All for Love. And this is how we go forward, and this is how God has arranged the Ways of Concord, the Ways of Victory, for all Nicaragua's Families.

Thank you, Compañer@s.


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