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U.S. Government MidtermOverview:The midterm will be a presentation that requires you to connect all of the major ideas that we have looked at throughout the year and connect them into a clear understanding of how our government works to protect and limit our rights. In order to do so you will be assigned one of the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution and will need to:Tell the class what the amendment says, What rights or civil liberties does the amendment protect? How has the Supreme Court helped define these rights?Why is this amendment is important? How does the amendment connect to the basic principals of the constitution? Identify which article of the constitution this principal is mentioned.Identify which form of government we are currently following. Which of the types and forms of power are used in this amendment and its limits?Is the government giving us rights and liberties or is it finding new ways to control us?Are these rights and liberties given to all people equally? Explain?Basic Guidelines: Your presentation must be a maximum of 3 minutes long Must have evidence from reading (quotes and name of reading)Presentation should be a PowerPoint presentation emailed to elmaestro@ by 8 am Monday October 23.If outside information is used you must provide a work cited page. (MLA)Must turn in notes used for presentation (can be bullet point format) Extra credit:You have the opportunity to earn 100pts of extra credit if you can provide me with a one-page essay that answers all of the questions in the presentation with evidence cited. This essay must be: Must be typedTIEA format Single spaced, 1 inch margins 12 point fontTimes new romanSome Help for youGraphic organizer:What does the Amendment say? Read the actual text of the amendment and tell us what it means in plain English.What rights or civil liberties does the amendment protect? What rights or liberties does this amendment protect? This is in your readingHow has the supreme court helped define these rights?This is in your reading. Have there been any court cases that have limited or expanded these rights and liberties?Why is this amendment is important? Tell us why this amendment was so important it had to be added into the constitution and made the top ten.How does the amendment connect to the basic principals of the constitution? You will look in your book (chapter 3) and decide which of the Constitutions basic principles does this amendment reflect.Identify which article of the constitution this principal is mentioned.What part of the Constitution is this mentioned? Articles of the Constitution. Identify which form of government we are currently following.What form of government are we under currently and how does your amendment prove that? (we are a mixture)Which of the types and forms of power are used in this amendment and its limits?What form of power does both the constitution and your amendment use to achieve the two goals of a government?Is the government giving us rights and liberties or is it finding new ways to control us?(This is your opinion but you must prove it. You can use the forms power and understanding of the two purposes of government to figure this out)Are these rights and liberties given to all people equally? Explain?(This is your opinion and must have evidence to back this up. You can use current events in the new to help you)Readings:Criteria/ Rubric:Amendment information:Amendment information is complete and covers all the rights or civil liberties that are protected by the amendment. The actual text and plain English translation is provided. Student explains why amendment is important to American citizens.1234Evidence / Citation:Student has provided a quote and evidence to prove each of the points that are made. Each piece of evidence has been cited with reading title and author if possible. Outside sources must be fully quoted and come from reliable source. 1234Connection to key concepts covered in class:Student must connect the selected amendment to key concepts covered in class. Connection to 2 ideas = C, Connection to 3 ideas = B, Connection to all ideas = A.1234Speaking and Presenting:Student uses loud clear voice that is heard by all in class. Student uses time effectively. Student can respond to questions with evidence. 1234Presentation: Presentation has a logical flow that delivers all required material in a timely manner. Student PowerPoint uses a mixture of appropriate images and text. Each slide serves to answer the required questions. 1234Written Notes:Notes turned in by student reflect the information presented. The appropriate citations and quotes are visible for each connection made to the amendment. Notes are well organized and labeled. 1234 ................

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