Melrose House Virtual Tour Questions

Melrose House Virtual Tour Questions Name:________________________

The Introduction

1. Natchez, MS was named after what Native American tribe?

2. How much could a “prime field hand” slave cost?

3. The Melrose was built in the 1840s by?

4. How many people were enslaved at Melrose?

5. Up to how many hours did slaves work at Melrose?

6. Where did the yard hands live?

7. What was one of the main trades in town?

8. __________________ was one of the South’s biggest and most active slave markets.

9. Unlike English estates, what made the homes of Natchez possible?

10. How was Melrose House constructed?

11. How did slaves care for the grounds?

12. What did Melrose symbolize?

13. What made life in Natchez and Melrose House possible?

14. What was one of the main designs of Melrose House in regards to the slaves working there?

The Privy

15. What was one of the most dreaded, disgusting jobs for slaves?


16. Why was the kitchen separate from the main house?

Slave Cabins

17. Was a slave able to own any property? If so what items could they own?

18. When did the slaves receive new clothes?

19. How many days a week did a field hand work? (Except during the harvest)

Upstairs Central Hallway

20. Why were the doors in the central hallways left open in the summertime?

Master Bedroom

21. How was the homemade laundry soap made?

22. What was Mrs. McMurran’s sowing machine used for?

23. How often did the sewing chair and fireplaces need to be cleaned in the master bedroom?

24. What is the small bed at the foot of the big bed called and what was it used for?

25. Name three jobs that needed to be done to the bed in the master bedroom every day.

The Daughter’s Bedroom

26. What was the title given to slaves like Bill Taylor who helped the McMurrans and their guests dress in the morning and undress in the evening?

The Service Hallway

27. Why was the service hallway called the “whistling way”?

The Dining Room

28. What is the small metal box in front of the fireplace as you enter the dining room from the service hallway called? What was it used for?

29. What jobs had to be done before breakfast in the dining room?

30. What is a drugget?

31. What is a shoofly?

The Front Hallway

32. What were the butler’s duties?

The Front Drawing Room

33. How often did the door hardware on the first floor need to be polished?

The Central Hallway

34. Why would a slave use the central hallway?


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