Social Studies Department Supplemental Learning 2020We have a Presidential Election year here in 2020. The Republican party is nominating Donald Trump, while the Democrats are nominating Joe Biden. Additionally, there are over 100 third-party candidates that really have no chance of winning. Find 20 adults who voted in the 2016 election and collect these survey results:Who did you vote for in 2016, Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?Why did you select that candidate?Who do you currently plan to vote for in the 2020 Presidential election?Why do you plan to select that candidate?See what they say for #4. Are they answering with a slogan? Are they saying they love/hate a person but don’t give a reason? Are they explaining any candidate’s views on a policy? If they answered with anything other than a candidate’s view on an issue, ask if they can tell you anything about their preferred candidate’s views on any of these topics: abortion, gun laws, education plans, same-sex marriages, crime, illegal immigration, the economy, taxes, troops in combat situations, environment, health care, terrorism, job creation, Social Security. Statistically, over 30% of Americans vote without knowing anything beyond who is supposed to win or a slogan. See if your calculations are similar. Lastly, what would you like to see our future President accomplish during the next term? ................

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