
Imperialism Quest United States History


Mississippi Frameworks for United States History Objectives: 3a, 3b, 3e, 5a, 7c

1. Involvement in the Spanish-American War, acquisition of Hawaii, and introduction of the Open Door policy in China were actions taken by the United States Government to

A. establish military alliances with other nations

B. gain overseas markets and sources of raw materials

C. begin the policy of manifest destiny

D. support isolationist forces in Congress

2. Yellow journalists created support for the Spanish-American War by writing articles about the

A. political popularity of William Jennings Bryan

B. efforts of the United States to control Mexico

C. destruction of United States sugar plantations by Hawaiians

D. sinking of the United States battleship Maine in Havana Harbor

3. News organizations were engaging in yellow journalism before the Spanish-American War when

A. publishers tried to prevent the war

B. articles about Cuba were fair and balanced

C. editors exaggerated events to build support for war

D. writers ignored the situation in Cuba



A. The global mission of the United States is to promote peace wherever possible.

B. The voters of the United States should be free to replace elected leaders.

C. Soldiers who serve in the United States military deserve respect.

D. The people have a duty to uphold the ideals of the United States.

5. As a result of the Spanish-American War, which constitutional dilemma confronted the United States government?

A. Should imports from former Spanish colonies be duty free?

B. Was quartering troops legal during the Philippine Insurrection?

C. Were military trials justified during the Philippine Insurrection?

D. Should people in former Spanish colonies be granted citizenship?

6. Read the following quotation and answer the question that follows.

Which of the following statements most accurately describes what Mark Twain thought was the main reason for the annexation of Hawaii?

A. to teach the islander Christianity

B. to place the islands under American control

C. to teach the American work ethic to islanders

D. to promote medical research

7. In 1897, when artist Frederic Remington wired William Randolph Hearst that all was quiet in Cuba, Hearst reportedly sent the following wire.

What does this story indicate about the role of the United States newspapers at the time?

A. They were dedicated to accurate reporting.

B. There were vital in conducting foreign diplomacy.

C. They were concerned about international opinion.

D. They were important in influencing government policy.

9. [pic]

10. Answer the following question based on the cartoon and its caption.


Which of the following statements reflects popular opinion about the role of the United States in world affairs?

A. The United States had no interest in world affairs.

B. There was no immediate necessity for becoming involved in other countries’ affairs.

C. The United States was ready to intervene in other countries’ affairs if necessary.

D. The United States did not want to become involved in the affairs of other countries.

11. Answer the following question based on the chart.

|U.S Actions in the Pacific |U.S. Actions in Latin America |

|Opened Japanese markets |Invited Latin American countries to trade with United States at |

| |Pan-American Conference |

|Supported the Open Door Policy |Supported Cuba’s rebellion against Spain |

|Built coaling stations on Samoan Islands |Built the Panama Canal |

|Led successful campaign for Hawaiian annexation. |Issued the Roosevelt Corollary, stating that the United States |

| |would intervene in Latin America to maintain stability |

U.S. actions in the Pacific and Latin America were primarily focused on

A. improving the United States economically.

B. shifting resources from the Pacific to Latin America.

C. improving the lives of farmers.

d. driving European powers from Latin America and the Pacific.

Imperialism Yellow Journalism

Maine Explosion De Lome Letter

12. The terms listed above are:

A. effects of the war

B. causes of the war

C. political scandals

D. Spanish atrocities

13. Read the following quotation and answer the question that follows.

Based upon this reading, which ideology did President Theodore Roosevelt endorse?

A. Anti-Imperialism

B. Populism

C. Progressivism

D. Imperialism

14. Which statement best describes President Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy position toward Latin America in the early 1900’s?

A. The United States should reduce its involvement in Latin American affairs.

B. The Monroe Doctrine permits the United States to intervene actively in the affairs of Latin American nations.

C. Latin American nations should form an organization to help them achieve political and economic stability.

D. The United States should give large amounts of financial aid to help the poor of Latin America.

15. Why did the United States formulate the Open Door policy toward China?

A. to develop democratic institutions and practices in China

B. to prevent a European and Japanese monopoly of Chinese trade and markets

C. to establish a military presence on the Chinese mainland

D. to support Japanese efforts to industrialize China

16. Early in the 20th century, Presidents William Taft used the concept of dollar diplomacy to

A. help European nations avoid war

B. expand United States influence in China

C. protect United States investments in Latin America

D. support welfare programs for immigrants to the United States

17. The principle that the United States has the right to act as the "policeman of the Western Hemisphere" and intervene in the internal affairs of Latin American nations was established by the

A. Good Neighbor policy

B. Open Door policy

C. Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

D. Marshall Plan

18. The United States issued the Open Door policy (1899–1900) primarily to

A. bring democratic government to the Chinese people

B. secure equal trade opportunities in China

C. force China to change its immigration policies

D. use China as a stepping stone to trade with Japan

19. According to Woodrow Wilson, the objectives and pursuits of the American people should be

A. material interests and "dollar diplomacy."

B. moral principle, preservation of peace, and extension of democracy.

C. overwhelming concern for domestic progressive issues to the sacrifice or preclusion of foreign problems.

D. money and strategic power over weak neighbors.

20. President Taft’s policy of dollar diplomacy resulted in

A. restrictions on corporations

B. a reduction in the value of money

C. American investments in Latin America

D. Less American influence in the Western Hemisphere

21. Favoring honorable diplomacy but still resorting to military intervention upon occasion would be an example of

A. moral diplomacy

B. big stick diplomacy

C. dollar diplomacy

D. the Roosevelt Corollary

22. Which of the following would be an example of Moral Diplomacy?

A. The United States aiding a pro-democratic government in Latin America

B. Sending troops to a foreign nation in order to force their leader to resign

C. Sending money to a foreign nation in exchange for opening up trade

D. Declaring war on a neighboring country in order to force their non-democratic government to resign


The traders brought labor and fancy diseases—in other words, long, deliberate, infallible destruction—and the missionaries brought the means of grace and got [the islanders] ready. So the two forces are working together harmoniously…[so the] islands [will be] in the hands of the whites.

--Mark Twain

Letter From the Sandwich Islands

Please remain. You furnish the pictures, and I’ll furnish the war.

By far the most important action I took in foreign affairs…related to the Panama Canal. Here again there was much accusation about my having acted in an unconstitutional manner…and at different stages of the affair believers in a do nothing policy denounced me as having an unsurped authority—which meant, that when nobody else could or would exercise efficient authority, I exercised it.

President Theodore Roosevelt


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