Understanding the Film – Activity One


Name: ………………………………

Plot summary

|A fairy tale adventure about a beautiful young woman and her one true love. He must find her after a long separation and save |

|her. They must battle the evils of the mythical kingdom of Florin to be reunited with each other. Based on the William Goldman|

|novel "The Princess Bride" which earned its own loyal audience. |


Directed by Rob Reiner

Writing credits William Goldman (screenplay)


|Cary Elwes | |Westley |

|Mandy Patinkin | |Inigo Montoya |

|Chris Sarandon | |Prince Humperdinck |

|Christopher Guest | |Count Tyrone Rugen |

|Wallace Shawn | |Vizzini |

|André the Giant | |Fezzik |

|Fred Savage | |The Grandson |

|Robin Wright | |Buttercup/The Princess Bride |

|Peter Falk | |The Grandfather |

You are going to be studying the film ‘The Princess Bride’.

You will complete activities to help you understand the film better, and analyse the things that make the film different.

Understanding the Film

Learning Intentions

- To understand what we learn about the characters

- To think about our first impressions of these characters

The opening scenes introduce the characters and tell us what they are like.

Task 1

a) Cut out the comments and quotations from the sheet at the back of the unit.

b) Glue each answer into the correct box below to show which character it is talking about

|The Grandson |The Grandfather |Buttercup |Westley |

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|Prince Humperdinck |Vizzini |Fezzik |Inigo |

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1. Why do you think the Grandfather reads the book to his Grandson, even though he knows the boy doesn’t want to hear it?


2. “Inconceivable!”

“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”

What does “inconceivable” mean? Why do you think Vizzini keeps saying it?


Understanding the Film

3. The Man in Black faces three challenges to rescue Buttercup. How does he overcome them?

|Challenger |Challenge |Defeated when… |

|Inigo | | |

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|Fezzik | | |

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|Vizzini | | |

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4. How does Inigo Montoya get the Man in Black to trust him?


5. What is Inigo’s quest?


Extension Questions

1. What is unusual between the fight between Inigo and the Man in Black?


2. Why does the Man in Black spare Inigo’s life when he wins the fight?


3. Why does Fezzik deliberately miss when he throws a rock at the Man in Black?


Costume and character

Learning Intentions:

* To understand why costumes are important in movies.

* To consider what the main characters’ costumes tell us about their characters.

Costumes are chosen very carefully in films and are considered to cover clothes, hair and make-up. Often there are several costume test before the perfect one is chosen

Discuss in pairs

1. Why is it important to choose the perfect costume for a character?

2. What kind of things need to be considered with costume?

Task 1: Look at the pictures on the board. What do these costumes tell us about the characters wearing them?

Task 2: Write 2 paragraphs explaining what Westley and Buttercup’s costumes tell us about their characters/personalities

Task 3: Draw 2 tables like the one below. Have one for Westley and one for Buttercup. Fill in the tables with things we have learnt about the characters so far.

|What have we learned about the character? |Evidence from the film |

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Understanding the Film

Fill in the blanks using the words in the box below:

The Man in Black goes on the run with Buttercup, with the Prince’s men in __________. Buttercup tells the Man in Black that the Prince is a great ___________ and he will rescue her. She thinks the Man in Black is the ______________________________, who killed Westley. The Man in Black says he is, and that Westley asked to live because of his ______________. He accuses Buttercup of not really loving Westley and asks how long it was before she __________ him and agreed to marry the Prince.

________________ by the sight of the Prince’s men, the Man in Black is pushed down a hill by Buttercup. As he falls, he calls out _____________________ . Buttercup the realises the Man in Black is _________________.

The two lovers run and hide in the ___________________. They have to deal with flame spurts, lightning sand and _____________________________________. On the other side of the swamp, the Prince’s men capture them. The Prince says he will not hurt Westley if Buttercup returns with him. Once Buttercup has left, he tells Count Rugen to throw Westley in the Pit of _____________. Westley notices that Count Rugen has ______ fingers on his ____________ hand.

Extension Questions

Explain what has happened to Dread Pirate Roberts.


Summarise what you have learnt about the main characters so far.

|Character |What you know about them |

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Understanding the Film

Westley is at the heart of this part of the film – people are either trying to hurt him or help him.

Complete the mind map below.

Understanding the Film

Extension Questions

How has the Grandson’s opinion of the book changed? How do we know this?


What sort of person do you think Count Rugen is? Why do you think this?


Why do you think we see Prince Humperdinck sharpening a dagger?


Understanding the Film

Fill in the blanks in the paragraph using the words in the box below:

Fezzik helps Inigo to chase Count Rugen by knocking down a locked door. Buttercup goes to her room, planning to kill herself, but finds __________ waiting for her. Count Rugen ___________ Inigo, ___________ him for having come so far only to fail. Inigo somehow finds the ___________ to keep fighting, and kills the Count. Prince Humperdinck ___________ Westley, who frightens the Prince into giving in by ___________ him and telling him of all the _________ injuries he will suffer. Fezzik finds four ___________________ to escape on. The heroes jump out of the castle window and ride to safety.

Extension Questions

What does the Grandson think of the book now?


How has the story changed the way he views his Grandfather?


What do you think of the film? Give reasons for your answers.




Learning Intentions:

* To understand how sound is used to subtly influence an audience.

* To consider the effective use of sound in a scene from The Princess Bride.

Task 1: In pairs, you have 10 minutes to discuss the following

1. Why is sound/music important in movies?

2. What different purposes could it be used for? Think about different genres.

3. Can you think of any example sounds which are used for a particular purpose? (e.g. thumping heartbeat to create suspense and lead up to something)

4. Can you think of any movies that wouldn’t be the same without the sound effects, soundtrack or score?

|Sound effects |

|Noises added to film for reality or effect. |

|Soundtrack |

|Songs added onto film to reflect character’s thoughts/feelings or to create mood/atmosphere. |

|Score |

|Instrumental music (mostly), written specifically for film for mood/atmosphere. |

The Two Types of Sound

– Diegetic: sound whose source is visible on screen.

– Non-diegetic: sound whose source seems to be off screen.

Task 2: Put the following table in your jotters and fill it in as you watch.

|What sound? |Diegetic |Non-diegetic |Why was it used? Effect? |

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Learning Intentions:

* To understand why particular scores are used in films.

* To consider the different effects music can have on an audience.

Background music (or the score) is composed carefully for a film. The composer and musicians will play the music along with the finished film so that it fits each scene perfectly.

Task 1: You are going to listen to 5 clips of music from different film soundtracks.

You will have to:

1) Guess what film the score is from.

2) Briefly describe each clip (there is a wordbank to help you).

3) Decide what film genre each clip belongs to.

4) Say why you think that clip matches the chosen genre.

|Helpful Word Bank |

|menacing victorious |

|joyful heartbreaking |

|scary strange calm |

|lively dramatic sad |

|fast slow happy |

|powerful dark light |

|hopeful inspirational |

Task 2: You will be re-watching a scene from the film and commenting on the effectiveness of the music used.

Think about and make notes on the following:

1. Why does the music work well with what’s happening on screen?

2. Have you heard this music before in the film? Is it used for particular scenes?

3. Are there any changes in the music or its tempo? Why do you think this is?

Group Discussion – Fairy Tales

You are going to discuss the following questions in a group.

Make some notes beforehand to get ideas about what you think.

Remember: Listen to what others have to say

Agree or disagree with them

Be polite – don’t interrupt

Speak up when you have an opinion – don’t be shy!

Group Questions

What fairy tales can you remember?


What sort of things do fairy tales have in common?


What similarities can you see between the fairy tales you have heard and ‘The Princess Bride’?


What differences can you see?


The Grandfather says “When I was your age, TV was called books”. Why do you think TV is more popular than books today? Is this a good or bad thing?


Why do you think people enjoy stories? What do you think they get out of them?


Understanding the Film

Cut out the following phrases to glue onto the grid in Activity One.

|Is in bed ill |Doesn’t like reading |Torments Westley |In love with Buttercup |

|Killed by pirates |Narrates the story |“As you wish” |Strong |

|Friends with Fezzik |Friends with Inigo |“Inconceivable!” |“Murdered by pirates is good” |

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|Distraught when Westley dies |Kidnapped by bandits |Falls in love with Westley |Doesn’t like his Grandfather’s visits |

|Says Buttercup will grow to love him |Rude to Fezzik and Inigo |Pinches his Grandson’s cheeks |Chooses Buttercup as his wife |

|Goes off to seek his fortune |“I just don’t think it’s right” |Plans to murder Buttercup and start a|Leaves uniform of Guilder at scene of |

| | |war |kidnapping |

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|“You keep using that word. I do not |Reassures the Grandson when he is |“Your vote of confidence is |

|think it means what you think it |scared |overwhelming” |

|means.” | | |


forgot pursuit distracted

fire swamp six right hand

Dread Pirate Roberts Westley hunter

true love Despair Rodents of Unusual Size

“As you wish”


Count Rugen tortures him. What does the machine do?

Prince Humperdinck wants him dead. Why?

Buttercup looks for him. How does she do this?

Fezzik and Inigo look for him. Why?

How do they find him?

taunting strength insulting

white horses frightens wounds

challenges Westley awful


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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