
John Blackfat: Private EyeDetective John Blacksad, a well-built cat detective, was finally coming to. His head was pounding and his vision was blurry. He tried to put a hand to his forehead only to be stopped by the handcuff tethering his wrist to the pole of a bedpost behind him. A quick tug of his other hand revealed it to be in the same state of confinement. He shook his head to clear his mind and blinked the blurriness from his eyes. When his vision and thoughts were finally clear, he finally saw the state he was in.“Oh, great,” he muttered aloud, finding himself strapped down by his wrists and ankles onto a bed. The room he found himself in looked like a hotel room, and a rather expensive one at that.“At least this captive cat gets the four-star treatment.”The handcuffs were much too tight for any of his limbs to fit through as he discovered while trying to slip them through the loops.“Here I thought felines could slip through anything,” Blacksad grunted as he struggled to free any part of his body.His efforts were suddenly disturbed by the sound of a door opening and closing. When he looked up, he saw a jet-black snake with deep blue eyes that almost seemed to change color as they moved.“Ah, you’re finally awake!” the snaked hissed with a mischievous grin and a light French accent. “How nice of you to join me.”Almost forgetting about his trapped state, Blacksad gave a chuckle and struck up a conversation, suddenly remembering everything that happened up to this point.“Vincent. So we finally meet face to face.”“Yes, it is so good to meet you, Mr. Blacksad. I must say, your reputation precedes you. No one has ever been able to track me down as well as you.”“I’m no dog, but my nose is pretty good at sniffing out filth like you.”“But perhaps not good enough if I knew you were coming, no? If I should not underestimate your nose, you would do well not to underestimate the eyes and ears I have around this city.”Blacksad grunted at the truth of his words. He would have never guessed that Vincent would have had people keeping an eye on him while he investigated the snake.“I’ll admit, that was sneaky of you. You kept your boys pretty clean.”“I always do.”“So what happens now?”“I deal with you, of course! I can’t have a nosy cat prodding at my slithering tail while I…conduct my business.”“What business, you loon?”“You’re a detective. You should know perfectly well.”Blacksad suddenly started remembering the case he was given in its entirety. A fox came into his office telling him that her husband was put in jail for assaulting a man with intent to kill, even though the two of them were sure that he had never even met the man before or even remembering the crime he committed. When visiting that man, Blacksad found him in a group of people who all claim that they couldn’t remember doing what they had done to land themselves behind bars. After interviewing each of them, he found one common denominator between them: for whatever reason, they had all seen a psychologist that was a snake.One claimed to have seen a white on with green eyes, the other brown with yellow eyes, and another orange with red eyes. The colors were always different, as were the offices in which they’d met and even the names of each doctor, so Blacksad decided to track down the most recent one, Robert Cooper, black with blue eyes.Though his office and even his colleagues went through something of a hasty cleanup (no one in the office remembered working with him), he had more luck investigating any office that hadn’t seen a change in psychologist recently, figuring him to pop up at one soon enough. When he reached one office, however, he blacked out, and the next thing Blacksad knew, he was handcuffed to a hotel bed.“I guess you didn’t have time to shed your skin before I got to you.”“Oh,” Vincent chimed, almost impressed. “You figured that much out?”“Chemically altering your skin to be different colors when you shed it was the first thing I found out. Your office stunk of chemical residue and I’ve got a couple of friends in lab coats. The second thing I found out was your real name. Vincent Aguillard, a former psychologist from France. You made your way stateside with a false passport and credentials, and I guess you started the con business, stealing money and taking care of enemies.”“Not bad, Mr. Blacksad.”“One thing I can’t understand is how you got these poor saps to do your dirty work, especially when they claim to not remember a thing. Drugs? Blackmail? How’d you do it?”Vincent pulled up a chair and sat down, crossing one leg over another and clamping his hands together.“Through hypnotism, of course! I began studying it to help my patients in France and I found out that I was a natural at it. As an experiment or even a joke, I asked one patient to drop his pants in front of me and it worked! I had him dance and stand on his hands and call his wife a tramp and he did it all without hesitation. Why wouldn’t I use this talent for myself, especially when he didn’t remember a thing afterwards?”Blacksad stifled a chuckle which broke out into loud guffaws. Vincent couldn’t help but chuckle along with him.“Is something amusing, Mr. Blacksad?”“That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard! You wave a yoyo in front of someone’s eyes and turn ‘em into your puppet? That’s insane!”“Call it what you will, but it certainly produces results! …As you’re about to find out.”Blacksad’s laughing calmed down just enough to say “And how’s that, pal?”“How long do you think you’ve been trapped here?”“Beats me, doc.”“It’s been two days since I’ve captured you.”Blacksad’s laughter officially died down.“Two days, huh?” he asked with a hint of worry.“Precisely. And do you think you’ve been unconscious the whole time?”Blacksad raised an eyebrow, unable to answer the question.Vincent continued. “You’ve got your tongue it seems. That’s fine. Perhaps you just don’t remember what’s happened in these last two days…much like my patients don’t remember committing their crimes.”“You saying you hypnotized me, pal?”“Oh no, not yet! I’ve been grooming you. Preparing your mind and molding it like clay to my will. Two days is quite a long time to do this, but I think I’ve made a breakthrough with you, John Blacksad.”Blacksad resumed his struggle to escape before anything would happen to him.“Didn’t I say I’d be dealing with you?”The door behind Vincent opened, and several chefs walked in wheeling carts of food inside.“Help! This guy’s got me trapped and—”Blacksad’s voice trailed when he saw each of the chefs’ eyes, which were all shifting colors and staring blankly ahead. Each of their faces wore blank expressions as they walked out of the room and closed the door behind them, leaving the two alone with the food.“What did you do to them?”“As if you didn’t already know.”Vincent got up from his chair and started slithering on the bed and mounting Blacksad.“Get the hell off of me, you creep!”“Oh, I don’t think you’re in any position to be making demands! Now then…” Vincent cleared his throat to make sure his voice was as distinct as possible. “…be a good kitty and calm down, won’t you…?”Blacksad’s eyes suddenly began changing constantly, becoming a shifting spectrum of colors. His mouth hung open and his body went limp, and his mind and face were as blank as a new canvas.Vincent’s eyes bore into Blacksad’s, shifting colors along with each other, as a reinforcement to the hypnotism he had just inflicted upon him.“There’s a nice kitty…so sweet and docile…” Vincent began stroking the detective’s head and twiddling a finger on his chest, enticing a purr. “If all your detective work didn’t find out about my hypnosis, then I’m sure you’ve no idea about the trigger words I can install in a person’s mind. I’m glad to see it’s finally taken. Who’s a good kitty?”“I…” Blacksad muttered.“I said,” Vincent’s eyes started shifting faster, as did Blacksad’s. “Who’s a good kitty?”“I am…I’m a good kitty…”Vincent giggled. “My good kitty…”“Your good kitty…”“And do you know what good kitties need?”Blacksad slowly and listlessly shook his head.Vincent got up and brought a cart over to the bedside. He took out a chocolate cake and placed it on Blacksad’s chest.“They need to get fed…”“I’m a good kitty…”“Yes, you are!” Vincent pushed the cake towards Blacksad’s mouth. “Now eat up!”“Yes, master…”Obediently, Blacksad began chewing through the cake, eating politely and with small bites.“There’s no need to be modest, my dear! After all, eating is such a wonderful feeling! The best there is! Don’t you want to feel good, kitty?”Blacksad nodded and began taking bigger, noisier bites, chewing voraciously and savoring every swallow. When he finished the cake, he gave a loud belch. Vincent looked down to see a hint of belly poking through Blacksad’s white button down. He rubbed it down to feel how much it had grown.“It seems you’re stuffed! But that doesn’t matter. After all, kitty’s still hungry, isn’t he?”Blacksad moaned at the gurgling in his stomach.“Isn’t he?” he asked, making eye contact with Blacksad to strengthen the trance.“Yes. I still need to eat!”“What kitty wants, kitty gets!”Vincent opened up a tray stacked with freshly grilled steaks, took a fork, and stuffed it into Blacksad’s mouth. In the middle of his chewing, Vincent started stuffing more steaks at a time, forcing them all down his throat. His belly was now snapping buttons away as it grew and broke through Blacksad’s shirt. His shirt was now completely open, letting his belly and the moobs developing on his chest flop out and grow more freely. His face started to get rounder and wider as his cheeks were crammed with food. When Blacksad was done with the steaks, Vincent stepped back to observe his work thus far. Blacksad’s shirt was completely open, each of the buttons having popped off. As the detective breathed heavily, his belly and moobs jiggled.Vincent poked a finger into his belly, feeling how taut it was.“My, someone’s stuffed, isn’t he?”Blacksad only nodded.“But growing kitties need more food, don’t they?”Blacksad only nodded.“Not to worry. I’ve got just what my kitty needs!”Vincent unlocked the handcuffs from Blacksad’s limbs, allowing him to move freely, though he did nothing without Vincent’s command.“You’re going to be feeding yourself for now. I’m going to make sure that my nice kitty doesn’t burst from all the tasty treats he’ll be munching on!”“Yes, master…”Vincent placed food all around Blacksad, making it easy for him to reach. When he was done, he mounted Blacksad once more, his large belly rested between Vincent’s legs.“Ready, my kitty?”Blacksad nodded.“Then dig in!”Without another word, Blacksad grabbed a plate of food and began shoving it into his mouth with his hands. Meanwhile, Vincent began rubbing his belly to speed the digestion and allow him to eat more.“Doesn’t that feel nice, kitty cat?”Blacksad moaned and reowed at the belly rub, loving every push Vincent gave into his ever-growing flab. Whether or not his enjoyment was from the hypnosis was completely irrelevant to Vincent as he continued to knead and please his growing victim.He could feel Blacksad’s belly pushing against his hands as it grew out, oozing through the spaced between his fingers as he rubbed. He could even feel himself being lifted.“Looks like your belly’s not the only thing growing!”As the brainwashed Blacksad continued to stuff himself, his waist was suddenly getting pinched by the belt that struggled to keep his flab back. His pants were growing tight around his thickening thighs, and a bubble butt seemed to spread out from behind him.With a chuckle, Vincent began issuing more commands. “I’ll make you a deal, kitty cat! If you start eating faster, I’ll massage you even harder! How does that sound?”Through voracious chewing, Blacksad nodded and yelled “You got it, boss!”Blacksad began taking huge plates of food and poured them down his throat, barely even taking the time to chew as he gorged. He seemed to ignore the bullet-sound his belt made when it snapped open, and the tears at the back of his shirt and down his pants when his thickening body burst forward. Soon enough, he had ripped completely out of his clothes, leaving him in only his green tie and a pair of underwear that was slowly disappearing into his fat bottom.“That’s what I like to hear,” Vincent declared. “And you are growing into a fine, flabby tom! We’re not done yet, though! Keep eating!” Blacksad’s thighs smooshed together. His belly began overtaking his lap. His butt grew out from beneath him and threatened to swallow the underwear he was wearing. His upper arms were becoming flappier and began flowing over his forearms. Before long, Blacksad had finished all of the food laid out before him, though he still had a ways to go before finishing off each cart. The once physically fit detective had been made a huge, blobby parody of himself in mere minutes. He laid his flabby arms back at his side and lolled his tongue out, panting heavily. His eyes, still changing in color, seemed content as Vincent finished rubbing his belly and patting it down gently.“There there, kitty. You’re nice and fat now! How wonderful you look!”Vincent began stroking Blacksad’s rounded head which made him purr and nuzzle in response.The snake got rid of all the fabric scraps littered around the corpulent cat and laid on top of him like a bed.“You did so well, my pet,” he whispered almost lovingly. “I think it’s time you deserve a little…catnap.”Blacksad blinked, his eyes reverting to normal, though a bit dazed.“Ugh…did…did I fall asleep…? Whuh…what…what the hell happened to me!?!?!?”Blacksad looked down and saw the enormous fatty he had become, cupping his moobs in disbelief and pulling up his belly.“Vincent!! What did you do to me!?!?”“I’ve dealt with you, as I said I would!”“You…you stuffed me!? Turned me into a pig!?!?”“No, I hypnotized you into doing so, so technically, you did this yourself! I suppose you believe in hypnosis now, don’t you?”“Get off of me! When I get outta here, I’m gonna—”“Oh, I don’t think you’ll be going anywhere any time soon. You still have several carts that you haven’t even touched! I got them all for you, after all~.”“If you think I’m going to—” Blacksad suddenly remembered what Vincent was capable of.“I’m going to, alright. And I’m going to make sure you enjoy every…”Vincent slapped Blacksad’s belly, making him yelp.“…single…”He reached under Blacksad and his undies, squeezing one massive butt cheek and making him blush and yell.“…moment.”Vincent rested his head in between Blacksad’s moobs and looked into his eyes lovingly, his hand still groping Blacksad’s rear tightly.“You’ll never get away with this.”“No need to be so tense. You think you’re the only one I’ve done this to? I have many other pets just like you, and I take very good care of all of them.”“If you ever call me your pet again—”“Now, now, John. No talking back. You’re a…good kitty after all, aren’t you?”Blacksad’s hard gaze suddenly lost its iciness as the hypnosis took hold once again.“Yes…master…”“That you are.”Vincent began rubbing Blacksad’s butt, only this time, the detective was far more appreciative of the groping as indicated by his moans and purrs.“Niiiiiice kitty. Now then…we’re getting hungry, aren’t we?”Blacksad nodded. “Yes, master. Starving. Won’t you feed me?”“Of course I will, pet. And you’ll love every morsel I shove down your throat, won’t you?”Blacksad put on a huge goofy grin and smiled. ................

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