
Bowser v Midbus Bowser sighed, lounging in his throne. Today the Koopa King had decided to take a day off from his normal schemes. Even evil kings need some rest and relaxation once in a while. The one problem is that such times can also end up being pretty boring. As much as he likes slacking off, the thrill of an encounter with the Mario Bros. never failed to get him blood pumping. ‘If only something exciting happened today.’ He thought idly. Fortunately for him, Bowser’s wish was granted. With a loud crash, a hole was punched through the ceiling of his throne room. Minions scattered as debris rained down from above. Through the opening, a familiar pink figure came down. “Muh Muh Muh! I enter. Inside Bowser’s lair. Surprise attack!” Now standing in the middle of his throne room was the pig monster, Midbus. Bowser sat up in his throne. “Well what do you know, it’s my favorite punching bag!” He said. “Bowser! I challenge you. This time, I win. You lose, you cry, I laugh!” Midbus declared. “Your timing couldn’t have been better, pig.” Bowser smirked. “I was getting kind of bored today. Don’t lose to me too quickly this time!” “Your words, I scoff at them. Victory, it will be mine!” “GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!” The two charged at each other fists raised, ready for another battle of epic proportions. This battle, however, was not to be. Both Bowser and Midbus had frozen in their tracks, mere inches away from colliding. The force that had caused them to stop was the same for both parties: a grumble emanating from their stomachs. They glanced down at their bellies, looked each other in the eyes, then blushed. “I...hunger.” Midbus said, turning away in embarrassment. “Man, I forgot I hadn’t eaten yet.” Bowser whined. “I’m STARVING!” Just then, the doors to Bowser’s throne room opened and in came the Elite Trio, Private Goomp, Corporal Paraplonk and Sergeant Guy. “Your Hungriness!” Private Goomp called. “Lunch is ready in the dining hall!” Corporal Paraplonk reported. “Uh...who’s your friend?” Sergeant Guy asked. Midbus turned to them. “You. Have food? You give. I eat.” “Hey!” Corporal Paraplonk recognized him. “That’s the hog who took over the castle a while back!” “How did he get through our security!?” Sergeant Guy asked. “Shall we remove him, Your Surliness?” Private Goomp proposed. Bowser thought for a moment. As much as he wanted to fight Midbus, they certainly can’t fight on an empty stomach. It would hardly be entertaining in that state. The answer was obvious. “No, Minions.” Bowser answered. “in fact, Midbus will be joining me for lunch today. You can consider him here as a guest.” “W-What!?” All three minions cried in unison. Midbus was surprised to hear this as well. “Bowser! You give me food?” He asked. “Now listen here, pork belly,” Bowser drew Midbus close. “We know we both hate each other, and would like nothing more than to beat the other senseless, but we can’t do that with we’re both hungry. So, I’ll treat you to a meal, we both get fed, and then we can have some quality beating time afterwards. Two birds with one stone. What do you say? Truce?” Bowser presented his hand to Midbus. Midbus reached out to clasp Bowser’s hand. “Truce.” He said. “No regrets later.” “Ha! The only regret you’ll be having is thinking you could ever beat me!” Bowser retorted, pulling away. “Now let’s go get us some grub. The sooner we eat, the sooner I can punch your face in!” Bower and Midbus left the room, headed for the dining hall. The minions were left to mull over the details. “Well that’s a first. Bowser usually isn’t one to be so accommodating.” Sergeant Guy commented. “Well, besides Princess Peach of course.” “Let’s hope there’s enough for left for anyone between the two of them.” Corporal Paraplonk sighed. “Bowser clears out enough of the table as is. By the way, Private Goomp, who’s on kitchen duty today anyway?” “Um...uh, well...” Private Goomp hesitated. “That would be....the Boo Brigade.” “The Boos!?” Sergeant Guy exclaimed. “After what happened last time!?” No one could forget last time, when Fawful was in charge. After beating Midbus in a cage match, he was fed fattening foods by the Boos until he broke a hole in the floor! “Didn’t we specifically ban the Boos from cooking duty ever since then?” Corporal Paraplonk questioned. “Why today of all days!?” “T-There was no one else available!” Private Goomp defended. “The Goombas are training their new rookies, the Koopa Troop is out on patrol, the Shy Guy Squadron is on cleaning duty, and the Magikoopas, for all their power, can’t cook anything edible to save their lives! Don’t even get me started on the Bob-ombs...” “Right...” Sergeant Guy said. “So uh, Shouldn’t we warn King Bowser about this?” “It’s...probably too late by now.” Corporal Paraplonk said. “Who knows, the Boos may not try anything funny....probably?” The Goomba and Shy Guy were unconvinced, as was the Paratroopa himself. With grim anticipation, they walked to the dining hall to see what fate awaited them. Bowser and Midbus made their way through the castle’s corridors at a brisk pace, not bothering to talk as food was all what was on their minds at the moment. Midbus’ presence drew the attention of various minions as they passed. A variety of looks were thrown his way. Some disapproving, some angry, others curious. None of them dared to speak up though, because if their king was here, he must’ve handled it somehow. Midbus paid them no mind. He wasn’t here to make friends, just eat and then fight. A Dry Bones stood at attention in front of the door. It bowed as they approached. “We’ve been expecting you, Your Evilness, and your, um...guest.” It nodded to Midbus in turn. “Right this way, sirs.” A warm breeze impacted the two heavyweight brawlers when the doors opened, carrying with it a variety of aromas. The dining hall was a grand room. It had to be to be able to handle feeding the castle’s residents. 3 long tables stretched the length of the room, practically overflowing with food. The surface was nearly invisible under the various plates, bowls, platters and trays that covered the tables. The sensory overload had caused both Bowser and Midbus to start drooling at the sights and smells. Two more Dry Bones approached, bowing to each of them. “We’ll take you to your seats.” One of them said. Meanwhile, in the kitchen the Boos had taken notice of the most recent arrivals. “It seems the guests of honor have arrived!” the head chef announced. “Who knew we would get that fat pig involved as well!?” one Boo chattered. “I’m sure this’ll be a very fulfilling show to watch, heehee!” another laughed. “Heh heh, if Bowser thought he was a chub last time, he hasn’t seen anything yet!” The whole kitchen erupted in laughter. It was planned to be a repeat of the last incident, but on a much grander scale. The two tyrants knew nothing about this, of course, making the situation all the more sweet for these prankster poltergeists. Bowser and Midbus were seated at the center table, situated on both ends. “Please help yourselves, there’s plenty to-“ The Dry Bones didn’t get to finish before he was interrupted by a clamoring of plates and the sounds of eating. Bowser started his meal off by grabbing at a huge steak bigger than his head. His teeth bit into the meat with ease, tearing off a large piece. Bowser hummed around the mouthful of meat, so juicy and tender that it delighted his taste buds. He made short work of the slab of beef before setting his sights on sucking down a bowl of pasta. On his side, Midbus was busy attacking an oversized turkey. He ripped both legs off of the body, alternating as he chomped the meat off of them. Bones were cast aside when he dug into the body of the turkey itself, stuffing one mouthful after another as he glutted. With their initial hunger slightly sated, the two slowed in their pace a little bit. Their gazes met for a moment, turning into a glare just as quickly. Their consumption had sped up again, this time even faster than when they began. Their competitive natures have invaded their eating habits, turning their meal into an impromptu eating contest. Minions on the side tables stopped their meals to watch the destructive forces of gluttony at work on the center table. News of the event traveled around the castle, and by the time the Elite Trio arrived at the dining hall, a crowd was gathered around the center table. Cheers rose up among them, encouraging the two heavyweights as they continued to gorge. “W-What in the world is going on here!?” Corporal Paraplonk demanded. They had expected this day to go wrong, but nothing could have prepared them for this. A red Koopa turned to answer. “Bowser and Midbus are going at their food like animals!” He said jovially. “We’re rooting for who we think will eat more than the other. My money’s on Midbus!” He turned back to the action after that. “WOO! SHOW HIM HOW MUCH OF A PIG YOU CAN REALLY BE!” The trio huddled. “So, what should we do now?” Sergeant Guy asked. “Clearly this is too far gone to stop now. It’s out of our hands.” “Eh, why don’t we just join in?” Private Goomp suggested. Corporal Paraplonk shrugged. “Fine by me. Besides, this is just one more victory for Bowser to claim!” “YEAH!” the other two cried. The trio rushed to Bowser’s side to cheer him on. “THAT’S OUR KING! TAKE HIM DOWN!” “SHOW HIM WHO’S THE REAL BOSS OUT HERE!” “EAT LIKE THE KING YOU RIGHTFULLY ARE!” Spurred on by the motivation of the crowd, Bowser and Midbus continued to eat, beyond what they’d thought they would. Their stomachs stretched out with each dish they consumed, pressing into the tables as they expanded, forcing them backwards gradually. The skeletal servers kept the pace going, moving dishes around into arm’s reach. Even so, the duo’s pace began to slow down with not much food left. “What’s wrong, piggy? -mmph- Feeling full? “ Bowser jeered. He was breathing hard, winded by the constant feasting. “Why not throw in the towel?“ “Hah! Listen to you. Out of breath. Ready to lose now?” Midbus shot back. He was feeling the pressure as well, pushing himself to finish. “As if, you stuffed hog! Just watch!” Bowser grabbed his last dish, a bowl of clam chowder. Bringing it to his lips, he tipped the bowl, letting its contents slide down his throat. His stomach ballooned a few inches from the creamy soup as he chugged it down. Draining the bowl entirely, he slammed it back down onto the table, then belched loudly. The crowd ooooo’ed at the spectacle. Eyes turned to Midbus expectantly. “Hmph! I show you!” Non wanting to be shown up, Midbus grabbed a cake. He craned his mouth open as wide as it could go, forcing the cake in whole. His cheeks bulged around the amount of cake that was stuffed in his jaws. Half a minute of chewing later, a lump of cake matter was sent crashing down into Midbus’ stomach, bulging it further. He answered Bowser’s belch with one of his own. The crowd ahhhhh’ed in response, giving a round of applause for the both of them. The table was out of food, leaving Bowser and Midbus with heavily swollen middles. “Alright.” Midbus said, sliding out of his seat. “Time for food is over. Now, we fight!” “Oh yeah!” Bowser enthusiastically rose from his seat. “I’ve been waiting for this! What a better way to work off a good meal than with a good beating!” “You misunderstand.” Midbus replied. “I give beating. You get beat.” “Come over here and say that to my fist!” “GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!” Once more they charged towards each other, their stretched stomachs bouncing with each footfall. Their bloated bellies met first as they clashed, a loud slap echoing through the room. The crowd erupted in cheers at this eating contest turned heavyweight brawl. Some members, however, seemed to be a bit distracted. “Hey, uh, guys?” Sergeant Guy called. “I don’t mean to spoil the moment, but do a lot of people here look...bigger to you?” Not everyone had noticed, but a number of minions had become aware of a bit more weight on their bodies. Various states of fatness became apparent on each individual. Some waved it off, usually too small a change to matter. Others felt particularly concerned, examining their plushier forms with curiosity. “Oh geez.” Corporal Paraplonk sighed. “It must’ve been the food. We were right not to trust the Boos. They’re pulling the fat trick they did last time, albeit it looks to be more effective than before.” “Um,” Private Goomp spoke up. “What’s going to happen to King Bowser and Midbus then?” The duo in question was currently at a stalemate. They grappled with each other with their hands locked, trying to overpower the other. Their bellies rubbed against one another during their struggle, the contents inside sloshing about. “Hm, tougher than I thought.” Bowser commented. “You might actually be somewhat of a challenge!” “Pah. I spit at your words.” Midbus replied. “Battle only just started. Defeat will come for you soon.” “Believe me, porkchop, I’m just warming up!” Strangely enough, as Bowser said this he felt what seemed like a warm sensation in his gut. “What the-“ A rumbling gurgle emanated from both Bowser and Midbus’ stomachs, deafening out the cheers from the audience. The room fell silent for a moment, then gasps filled the air as the two fighters began to grow before everyone’s eyes. Dozens of pounds packed onto their bodies at a constant rate. Their guts swelled outwards, pushing each other back as they grew against each other. Bowser explored his fattening form with morbid curiosity. His hands squished against the soft folds developing on his belly. A small pair of moobs made themselves prevalent on top, pressing lightly against his arms. His middle sagged down to touch the floor, pulling Bowser onto his cushiony behind. His limbs thickened with pudge, softening his previously intimidating features. His face was no exception, with expanded cheeks and a chin that disappeared under neck flab. On his side, Midbus was fairing no better, filling up at the same rate, although in slightly different fashion. His butt was the first to hit the floor, the weight centering more in his bottom. His belly wasn’t to be left out though, keeping a steady pace as the growth continued, even appearing to speed up. Within a minute the two were already rendered immobile by their excessively fat bodies, and they showed no signs of stopping anytime soon. Yellow scaly flab flowed outwards in one direction, while pink blubber poured the opposite way. The crowd of minions who were watching backed away from the constantly growing blobs, some fleeing the room for their own safety. The Elite Trio grabbed onto their king’s bloated sides, not wanting to abandon their leader in his time of need. On and on the Koopa King and his porcine rival grew, the copious amounts of fat filling them rapidly, taking up space in the dining hall. The table that the two were eating at was consumed by flab, crushed underneath the onslaught of lard. The other two tables were thrown aside, smooshed between a hard wall of stone and a soft wall of fat. Chairs were smashed into bits of wood by the unstoppable swelling force of overstuffed Koopa and pig. The dining hall cleared of patrons almost as quickly as the twin mountains of flab filled it up. Space was becoming severely limited and continued shrinking, replaced by endless folds of soft and squishy blubber that rolled across the floor. Now filling every square inch of the dining hall, the gurgling expanses of their stomachs rose, spreading upwards as the castle walls struggled to contain them. Many feared that they wouldn’t stop until their fat had overtaken the entirety of Bowser’s castle. Fortunately, the structure held as the two blobby behemoths finally stopped growing fatter. The Elite Trio, who had been clinging to Bowser’s side, were able to get a complete view of the aftermath. They stood in a wobbling sea of yellow and tan colored flab, dominating one half of the room. A large pink expanse filled the other half, the two fat monuments filling the room more than halfway up to the 60 foot ceiling of the dining hall. From the outside, minions could see an avalanche of yellow hanging out of the left door, while a cascade of pink bulged from the right door. Bowser’s features were buried in swathes of fat. His hands and feet were completely lost among the endless rolls, arm and leg bands long since destroyed. His shell was dwarfed from the rolls of fat covering his back. The Elite Trio made their way up Bowser’s immense form to reach his head. It was situated within a slight valley of lard, his face stuck between enormous cheeks that rested upon his tires of neck flab. “Bowser! Bowser, are you all right!” Corporal Paraplonk called. Bowser groaned, in a slight daze from the ridiculous amount of weight on him. “Ooooough, what happened?” He asked. A chorus of laughter filled the room. Boos appeared from out of nowhere. They must have been watching the entire ordeal. “What happened? Heeheehaha! You two gluttons blew yourselves up like parade balloons, that’s what!” Another round of cackling rose up. A round of jeers accompanying them. “What a bunch of lardbags!” “Hehaha! Think they’re still hungry?” “Its gonna take more than a little bit of dieting to trim off those pounds!” “Don’t go and break the castle, now!” Bowser’s face grew red from both rage and embarrassment. “Haaa, that was great!” The head Boo said. “If you ever want to do this again, just give us a call. Or maybe not, we want to keep you guessing. Heeheehee! Until next time!” Without waiting for a reply, the Boos faded from sight, the room once more falling silent, relatively, the only sounds being the sloshing of the monstrous guts filling the room. Bowser was absolutely furious. “GRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON THEM I’LL-“ “C-calm down, Your Hugeness!” Private Goomp “We’ll find some way to fix this!” “Yeah, let’s get the Magikoopas working on a solution right away!” Sergeant Guy said. The trio slid back down Bowser’s swollen sides, leaving him to stew in his fatness. “Ugh, I’ve been a chub before, but this is just insane!” “Hmph. Cease whining.” “Huh?” Bowser had almost forgotten Midbus was there. He focused his eyes to get a better look at Midbus’ enormity. He had suffered a similar state of bloat to Bowser, however distributed differently. While the majority of Bowser’s mass centered around his belly, Midbus’ bottom had taken the brunt of the fat, taking on an extreme pear shape. He sported a gigantic butt whose cheeks occupied the lion’s share of his space, tail helplessly squished between them. His grossly overstuffed thighs swallowed up his legs, his feet barely visible amongst the titanic tubes of pork. His comparatively small, but still huge gut fought back from the front for its own piece of land, meeting with Bowser’s own tan expanse of real estate in the middle. Locking sights with each other again, Midbus snorted. “No regrets after losing, you said.” Midbus chided. “L-Losing!?” Bowser shouted. “What are you talking about? Do you see the situation here!? That was a draw!” “Pah. The words of a loser.” Midbus concluded. “Winner here is larger one. I am.” “Oh, so that’s how you wanna do it.” Bowser replied. “In that case, you are doubly mistaken! Clearly I’m the bigger one, pipsqueak!” “Impossible. You small like pebble. I large like boulder.” “You’re just a moon to my planetary mass!” “You? Like grain of sand. Me. Big as desert.” “You’re not getting away with this one, you runt! You can’t possibly compare with me!” “I can. I will. I win.” “GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!” They flailed about, only managing to wobble surface of their gigantic bellies around. Nothing could be done, except tire themselves out trying. Their fight, much like the eating competition between them, has ended in a draw. ................

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