Name: Jocelyn Fifer Class Period: 2 Date: 9/11/14SEASONS WEBQUESTClick on the following link to answer the following questions: which season is the earth closest to the sun, summer or winter? winter Scroll down to the Direct Energy vs. Indirect Energy picture of the flashlights. 2. Direct energy always produces __short_______ shadows while indirect energy creates ____long_____ shadows. 3. Why is this important to how warm we feel? In summer the energy from the sun reaches us in a direct way and is in the sky for as much as 15 hours which causes us to feel warmer temperatures from the direct sun. In winter, however, the sun’s energy reaches us in a very indirect way which has less heating effect upon us. Click on the following link to answer more questions. on Why are there seasons?1. Explain the difference between an equinox and a solstice: An equinox is when there are equal hours of day and night and the sun can see the tilt of the Earth’s axis. A solstice is when the tilt of the Earth’s axis is either directly towards or away from the sun.2. How many of each do we have each year? 2 Name them: Solstices:Equinoxes:a. Winter Solstice-Dec. 21a. Vernal Equinox (spring)-March 21b. Summer Solstice-June 21b. Autumnal Equinox (fall)-Sept. 21Click on Rotation In which direction does the Earth spin on its axis? Counter-clockwise Click on Solstices 2. In which direction is the Northern Hemispere tilted during mid-Spring and summer? Towards the sun 3. How does this effect the amount of daylight we have during this time? This increases the amount of daylight we have at this time. 4. During what time of year does the North Pole experience 24 hours of sunlight? Summer Solstice South pole? Winter Solstice Click on Our Orbit 5. Draw and label the Earth’s position in relation to the sun during each of the 4 seasons: 24225259906000 on Temperatures 1. During what season does the Northern Hemisphere receive more concentrated energy from the sun? (look at the flashlight example for a clue) Summer 2. During what season (time of year) does the Sun have to travel through more atmosphere? WinterIf you were having to explain the reasons for the seasons to a 5th grader who is convinced that seasons come from being closer or further away from the Sun explain how you would do it below: (Include at least 3 things you learned from these sites!) Remember that the Earth is tilted on its axis, the seasons change due to this factor. As the Earth is revolving the sun, certain parts of the hemisphere have greater concentrated energy from the sun because of its tilt on its axis.1143000120840500 ................

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