University of New Mexico (UNM)

University of New Mexico (UNM)

School of Engineering (SOE) General Scholarship Program

(Endowed and Other Private Funds)

| |(*) Phillip D. Miller Memorial Scholarship Fund |(*) Harry and Mabel F. Leonard Scholarship Fund |

|(*) Caroline Thornton Carson Scholarship Fund |Minimum of 3.0 High School GPA |Financial Need |

| |Graduate of an Albuquerque area High School |Scholastic ability |

|Freshmen engineering student |Financial need |Undergraduate student in the School of Engineering |

|High academic record, high moral character, and | |New Mexico resident |

|financial need | | |

|(*) Edward J. Kobiela Memorial Scholarship Fund | | |

| |(*) Farris Engineering Memorial Scholarship Fund |(*) General Samuel C. Phillips Scholarship Fund |

|Full time student in the School of Engineering |Full time undergraduate student in the School of |Full time student enrolled a minimum of 12 hours in the|

|Academic Ability |Engineering |School of Engineering (with a concentration in |

| |Academic ability, character, and motivation |Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics or Physical |

| | |Sciences). |

| | |Academic Ability |

| | |(*) New Mexico Facility Managers Endowed Scholarship |

|(*) Carter Endowed Scholarship Fund |(*) Randy Wilt Memorial Scholarship Fund |Fund |

| |Junior or Senior standing |Minimum 3.0 GPA |

|Full time student in the School of Engineering |Full-time student in the School of Engineering |Junior or Senior standing |

|Academic ability |Demonstrate academic achievement |Full-time student in the School of Engineering |

|Primary emphasis will be given to financial need |Demonstrate financial need |New Mexico resident |

| | | |

|(*) International Test and Evaluation Association |(*)Albuquerque Chapter Construction Specification |(*) SOE SCHOLARSHIPS |

|(ITEA) Scholarship Fund |Institute Memorial Endowed Scholarship |Funded by various Private and Corporate Sources |

| | |(non-endowed) |

|Academic ability |Demonstrate Academic Achievement | |

|Full-time status |Undergraduate student |Minimum Requirements: |

|Junior, Senior, or Graduate student in a technical |Major in Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering |Must demonstrate academic ability |

|major involved in testing and evaluation of hardware|or Construction Management |Must be admitted or in process to be admitted into the|

|or software |Full-time student |SOE by the month of June |

| |Maintain an overall GPA of 2.75 and a minimum GPA of | |

|NOTE: In order to be considered eligible for this |3.25 in Engineering courses. |NOTE: Eligibility requirements for these scholarships |

|scholarship, students must include a paragraph in | |vary according the different funding sources: Some of |

|their application essay that addresses their | |these scholarships have specific requirements |

|involvement in testing and evaluation of hardware | |(merit-based, financial-need based, New Mexico |

|and software. | |resident, full time student, etc). |


(*) You only need (1) scholarship application to be considered for all SOE general scholarships.

• If you are a student in the departments of Computer Science, Chemical & Nuclear Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering or Mechanical Engineering, you DO NOT need to submit a separate scholarship application. A copy of the SOE general application will be referred to your respective academic department to be considered for the additional departmental scholarships listed on next page.

• However, if you are a student in the Civil Engineering Department, you must contact the department directly to inquire about additional departmental scholarships and must submit a separate application for those scholarships.

(*) Scholarship application form and guidelines are also available at: (Scholarships’ Section)

SCHOLARSHIP CONTACT: Elsa M. Castillo E-mail: (505)277-5064 – phone (505)277-9676 – fax


| | |

|T.T. Castonguay – Chemical Engineering Dept. Scholarship |Chemical Development Engineering Scholarship |

|Chemical Engineering Student (sophomore, junior, or senior) |Full-time student enrolled in his or her junior year in the Department of |

|Award based on scholarship |Chemical and Nuclear Engineering |

| |New Mexico Resident |


|Vandyke Software, Inc. Scholarship |Computer Science Merit Based Scholarship |

|Undergraduate student in the Computer Science Department |Scholastic ability as evidenced by a minimum 3.0 Cumulative GPA |

|Minimum 3.0 GPA |Entering undergraduate student |

|Successful completion of CS 351 |Declared computer science major |

|Preference given to students with an interest in software engineering | |


|Association of Old Crows Scholarship Fund |Christopher E. Evangel Memorial Scholarship |

|New Mexico resident |Upper-division or graduate student in the Department of Electrical and Computer |

|Junior or senior majoring in electrical engineering |Engineering |

|Minimum overall GPA of 3.0 |Academic achievement (maintaining at least a 2.8 GPA) |

|Financial need |Financial need |

|Preference given to ROTC or inactive military when all else equal |Student must be enrolled for at least nine (9) hours |

|Arnold H. Koschmann Memorial Prize in Electrical Engr. |Paul H. Wright Memorial Scholarship |

|Junior in electrical engineering |Must have completed junior year in the College of Engineering majoring in |

|GPA and service, including activities in Institute of Electrical and |electrical engineering |

|Electronics Engineers (IEEE student branch) or Eta Kappa Nu |Academic achievement |

| |Consideration given to financial need |


|Berger Memorial Scholarship |Miller Metal Company Endowed Fellowship |

|Junior or Senior in ME with a 3.0 or better GPA |Graduate student in Mechanical Engineering |

|Alan Evan Morrison Memorial Scholarship |James O. Coupland Memorial |

|3.0 GPA |Demonstrate academic achievement |

|Creative junior or senior |Demonstrate financial need for scholarship assistance |

|Must have strong commitment to Mechanical Engineering and an interest in |Be enrolled full-time, as per university definition, |

|business or management, and clear set of career goals. |First preference shall be given to students living in rural communities. |

| | |

|B.G. Taylor Graduate Award |1st Lt. Brian Weber Memorial Fund |

|3.2 or higher GPA during last two years of undergraduate program in Mechanical|Senior with a 3.0 or better GPA in ME |

|Engineering. |First preference given to students who have served in the armed forces. |

|Be a recipient of a BSME degree from UNM during the previous year | |

| | |

|Marilee B. Wildin & Maurice W. Wildin, Jr. Scholarship |Steve Rose Memorial Scholarship |

|Must maintain a grade point average of 3.0 |Student must be junior or senior studying Mechanical Engineering at UNM |

|Demonstrate need for financial assistance |Student must have a GPA of at least 3.0 at the time of selection |

|Be enrolled as full-time student, as per university definition, in the School |Preference will be given to student studying Biomedicine and/or Applied |

|of Engineering’s minimum for admission |Computational Engineering. |

|Be of freshman (second semester) or sophomore grade level, having come to the | |

|university from high school or through transfer | |

|NOTE: In your application essay, please make sure to address why you have | |

|chosen ME as your field of study and what contribution you expect to make | |

|through your chosen profession. | |


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