
Block (Non-LGBTIQ) – Other CommentsHuman rights are not something that everyone gives an opinion about. It's the governments responsibility to legislate to protect those rights. Not put them up for discussion. It's a waste of time and money and should not go ahead. Nobody should have to ask others if they can marry. If you are serious about allowing same sex marriage and equal rights there is no need for a plebiscite Waste of money. Just legalise it!!do we need an $160 million opinion poll ?Please don't do this. Think of the children and young vulnerable people in the LGBTIQ community. They are already at risk they do not have to live a yes and no campaign. It is damaging It's appalling that Mr Turnbull has given in to the demands of the religious conservatives desire for this plebiscite. The parliament is elected to govern not push their religious views and prejudices on the Australian public.I wasn't aware of any of this until I was sent a survey linkm so am not educated enough on the subject to comment, however in general I think its effed up people aren't free to choose who they want to be with, and what level of commitment they feel is right for them, simply because it does not conform to someone elses view point. I don't agree with marriage, that is my personal choice, I refer to male and female marriage as that is my sexual prefrence; however I do not judge other hetro couples who decide to tie the knot. I accept their choice, and feel everyone should be able to marry/or not if THEY CHOOSE, not have the decision made for them. It is unnecessary. It's fairly clear stalling tactics. The push for the plebiscite is nowhere near as opaque as the pushers seem to think.Waste of money, clearly a deliberately divisive move. Why should people unaffected by this push for equality have a say? Nothing changes for them, denying anyone respect and equality as an Australian citizen is unfathomable. Enough hurt, descrimination and unnecessary anguish has been caused. I don't want to see bigots allowed a voice to preach hate against my fellow Australians.It is a cruel and hateful idea and shows that Turnbull is a weak person. Plebiscites and referendums are the tools of dictators. This is a terrible idea.edo something positive this term and pass equality for everyine to leave yRidiculous.Yes, it's just a delaying tactic, and only supported by those who oppose equality. It is a waste of time, money and resources.I think it is sad that we don't yet have equality in marriage in Australia. Very backwards.I sincerely believe that we would hear the most ugly and destructive opinions aired by the christian right. It's hard enough already for this segment of our population.I think if it is a conscience vote it will be passed so why wate all that money time and energy Stop wasting our tax dollars on bigotry & homophobia!I think it is a bad idea and no good will come of it. A very expensive mistake to put our mental health in the hands of others who would try to dictate how we should live and be fulfilled.Politics has nothing to do with love. Politics in Australia is atrocious. its a waste of Taxpayers moneyit's a terrible idea. he's a terrible person. What a waste of money and an obvious ploy to satisfy the right of his party. Be a man and get marriage equality done in the parliament PM Turnbull!Even with a plebiscite, you are not speaking for the people. You are barely speaking for the majority. Who are you to deny someone the right to marry the person they love.We need a conscience vote now I believe it is insulting to the LGBT community.There are dangerous right wing politicians who have also been elected into the senate and they with use this issue for political point scoring and device policy based on the hateful views of their supporter base. For somebody who won leadership on the back of being a progressive and savvy operator, he's been a bit of a nothing PM hasn't he?It is an excuse for our politicians to be lazy and cowtow to bigots on the rightPut the money into employment and pass equal rights to marry immediately Waste of moneyMalcolm Turnball is an [Abusive]!! Just legalise same sex marriage you [Expletive]![Abusive]!Malcolm Turnbull seems to back off from his comments from years ago where he was supportive of same-sex marriage. Why did he sell his soul? Power? Surely not! (sarcasm)Show some leadership Malcolm It is just a sop to the opponents of same-sex-marriage, and a stalling tactic.If we are supposed to be saving money then spending on health welfare and essentials must be the priority. Not opinion polls Its dumbWaste of moneyWe are living in an era of enlightenment. Minority groups are being accepted and embraced more than ever. Malcolm Turnbull, you need to take back the leadership within your party and move up to the current times like your fellow 1st world and 2nd world countries! Marriage equality is a basic human right. Hello?!Yes: I it to be one of the most potentially damaging proposals Turnbull could possibly have made. This is not a binfing referendum - it's an opportunity for the enemies of the LG BTIQ community to return to the past. Thiers is a point of view that lacks any kind of legitimacy in a society that claims to offer its citizens equal rights.. Marriage equality is only a small part of recognising the rights of all people, and this plebiscite is just a token show of concern for equal rights for all. Parliament should move immediately to recognise equal rights for all members of the Australian community.Malcolm needs to ignore the religious minority, the choise to believe in an improbable, supernatural god does not give you the right to 'special treatment'!We dont need one, just move forward like the rest of the world and embrace that love has no gender.Maybe he needs support to cancel the plebiscite?Harmful waste of money If you are going to ask Australia, make that people's decision binding.Mr Turnbull, do the right thing. Scrap the plebiscite; take the vote to the house of reps and have the amendments to the marriage act made. Excuse provided for bigotry which increases youth suicide risk.It's a waste of money and would invite some pretty awful views into the public arena. Malcom Turnbull needs to stop trying to pander to both the LGBTQIA community (who he claims to support) and the members of his party and Christian lobbyists who get uncomfortable thinking about two men or women getting it on. Over half the country supports same-sex rights, so Mr Turnbull needs to decide if we're living in 2016 or 1016, as opposed to this state of Schr?dingers16Malcolm's plebiscite is an insult to LGBTIQ people. Joe Blow in the street should not have the right to say whether a couple he doesnt know should marry or not , its none of his business and doesn't effect him. What a waste of time and money. Who's life is it anyway Malcolm?We dont vote on human rights He is totally compromised Even if the plebiscite is won Parliament may not follow through with the necessary legislation to give equality of marriage rights.I am involved in Marriage Equality advocacy and [Identifying Information Redacted]. I work with LGBTI people every day and I see the hurt and fear that is already happening. A plebiscite is already happening. The hate comments already coming out on social media is appalling. We don't need this when it can be done by a free vote right now and save the tax payer millions of dollars.Huge waste of money.Just let people marry who they love. We don't need to vote. I think he's stalling and trying to please the hard right wingers in his party. The majority of Australians support marriage equality. Make it soMy hope is that Malcolm Turnbull will change his mind and insist that this vote will go through Parliament as soon as possible. I also hope that Labor will exert pressure, since they promised a vote within the first 100 days were they to be elected.Marriage equality should not just be a phrase, it should be a reality. Don't make me ashamed of my government by asking me to decide something that is none of my business. I was not asked to decide if murder was a crime. I was not asked to decide if heterosexuals could marry. Some things are just self evident.People shouldn't have to vote for civil rightsWe should campaign against the plebiscite and for an actual political vote and then campaign for a conscious vote for everyone, and then campaign heavily to help our politicians see that allowing same sex marriage is not going to negatively impact on any one but has the potential to improve the lives of many (not just the adults getting married but also their already existing children). We should ensure that it is made obvious that gay marriage is unlikely to increase the numbers of kids born to same sex attracted parents, it just means those kids will be better protected.Marriage equality is basic human rights!!!!It's [Expletive] ridiculous.Not that I could share in polite company He is pandering to the Nationals who helped him stay PM.What a hypocrite he turned out to beJust accept that every deserves equality I think he is under pressure from the right wing of the party AND the Christian lobby which is enormously powerful but skews the debate. Time and money waster. Embarrassing and disappointing for Australia.Mutli million dollar political boondoggleBig waste if taxpayers' dollarsWill definitely stir up hatred and contempt for the gay community The plebiscite process may cause harm to members of the lgbtiq communityIt's a way out from having to make their own decisions. You've been voted in, do the right thing!It's gutless and offensive. An abdication of the fundamental role of leader.I would urge all politicians and in fact the community at large, to acknowledge that we are all equal and as such must be able to determine our own lives.It's rude and arrogant to limit and control peoples lives just because they may be different to what conservative people decide is 'normal'.Complicated, and a distraction It is a wasteful exercise. This government is not listening to what we, the general public want so are unlikely to allow marriage equality no matter what the outcome of the plebiscite.Please don't do it.Total waste of money. The majority of Australians want marriage equality. This government should act. Worry about something more important....just let the people be happy together - everyone should have that right :)Yes, Malcolm is a hypocrite. It is well known he was for marriage equality when he was the member for wentworth. He sold out! It is a waste of money, better spent on assisting people in desperate need.Huge waste of time and moneyI am disappointed he has dropped his principles.Weak.Save yourself the time; change the law and move on to other issues. It's no secret there are quite a few for you to focus on...I don't understand why an expensive plebiscite is needed to sort this out. Just change the marriage act now!100,000 people are ill with myalgic Encephalomyelitis, no money has been spent on researching g disease by the federal government in the past decade!! The economic cost of the severely ill is 4 billion a year. No money for seriously needed research, yet money thrown away on a plebiscite. The sun is still shinning in all the counties tuts let gays marry. He's afraid of his right wing of the party.No plebiscite! Waste of valuable resources and funds. he's a [Abusive]. It's a sham. It's despicable. Listen to the people. Grow up Malcolm. Its time to stop the games and pass this law. We know you would like to but you are weak.It's a waste of time and money. "Marriage" has been defined by parliament before, it can - and SHOULD - be done by parliament again.Equal rights no matter your orientation. LGBTIQ folk pay tax and vote tooWaste of moneyTime for change a do the right thing put it to the parliamentary vote and end the waste of money that the plebiscite will cost and stop the dHe gave away to much to get his job,he needs to stop being a puppet and open the option for the parliament to have a free vote on the foor of Parliament which will indicate what could well happen after a plebicite anywayIt shouldnt even be an issue. Live& let live.It has been designed to swing public opinion against marriage equality whilst implying that the neocons who have engineered it are progressive. This could not be further from the truth. Abbott designed this plebescite in the knowledge that with enough pressure from the trogloditesWaste of moneyA terrible waste of money by a government that won't commit to implementing the result. Not necessary - government should just pass magi age equality!just do it,and pass an equality bill that your paid to do and not spend our money on unwisely Mr Prime Minister.Proposing the plebiscite rather than taking a stand and moving Australia into the 21st century makes Prime minister Turnbull look weak.Yes it is TOTALLY unnecessary! If we did not have a spineless fool as our Prime Minister, we could have EQUALITY before Christmas!This is a divisive waste of time and money. If we are going to vote on this issue, let it be the deciding factor, not a "lets see what the people think" vote.It's a disgusting waste of taxpayers money, just change the marriage act! Malcolm Turnbull is nothing but a puppet for extreme right wing Christian zealots! I find it another sad attempt at the Government pretending to show some support yet knowingly trying to cause harm to the fight for equal rightsI hope it is successfully blocked and human rights granted.It's "yes minister" tactics to appear to be doing something when actually stalling/thwarting attempts at progress. It's deceitful and cruel.Its a waste of money and resources. John Howard changed the act with no consultation. Change it back! It is purely a political exercise to appease the conservatives in the LNP.Even if a plebiscite was successfull the right wing liberals will block it The rest of the world has accepted these changes. ................

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