Miss Marchand’s Groovy Homework Tips for Success

Miss Marchand’s Fabulous

Information Sheet


1. Goals and Hopes for Every Student

• My goal is for students to develop positive study habits so they can become life-long learners, responsible citizens, and happy students.

• My hope is for students to enjoy coming to social studies class.

• My hope is for students to learn how to make good choices, respect others, themselves, and the environment.

2. Why I Give Homework (HW)

• I use HW as an extension of my classroom lessons and learning. It gives everyone the opportunity to practice, review, reinforce, or apply what they have learned in class.

• I also use HW as an exploratory tool for future studies, and as a way to get students motivated about learning.

• Homework also teaches everyone responsibility and puts students in control of their success.

3. Consequences If Students Do Not Complete Homework

• The student will instructed to call their parent or caregiver at work or home so they are aware of a missing assignment.

• The student will not receive full credit for assignments that are not tuned in on time.

• If a student misses two or more assignments, they may be required to stay after-school in order to complete them (I do not do lunch detentions). The student will have to notify their parent or caregiver about the detention and the parent or caregiver will be asked to write me a note acknowledging the missing assignments and describing the type of transportation the student will be taking home (late bus or pick-up).

4. My Responsibilities

• I will provide clear and precise directions so students know what is expected of them.

• I will answer questions and give students appropriate feedback.

• I will check, correct, and review HW assignments in a timely manner.

• I promise not to sing throughout the entire class if everyone has completed their HW.

5. Student Responsibilities

• I expect assignments to have a first and last name, date, and class number written or typed in the right-hand corner

• I expect assignments to be neat, not sloppy, and checked for spelling and punctuation.

• I expect assignments to be turned in on time.

• I expect students to follow and use my directions and rubric sheets.

• I expect students to complete and hand in the rubric sheet with their assignment.

• I expect students to complete quality work: use complete sentences, check for sentence fluency, word process, and provide elaboration when necessary (expectations vary per student).

• I expect students to share and take care of their school supplies by keeping them together and treating them with respect.

6. Parent or Caregiver Responsibilities

• Parents are expected to provide praise and support when students complete quality work (I know I am motivated when people tell me I am doing a good job).

• Call the team Homework Hotline (grades 7&8= 691-5436: grades 5&6 691-5435) to check to see if your child has HW, completed their assignments, or completed their agenda properly.

• Parents & caregivers should understand that 5th grade students have great difficulty with organization in the beginning of their middle school experience, but know things will get better in time (don’t be alarmed if your child still has difficulty until November – please contact Miss Marchand if your student is still struggling at the end of December so we can assess the situation & come up with strategies to address your child’s needs).

• Parents & caregivers are expected create a quiet study environment without distractions such as TV, loud music, and “I am” – instant messaging options on the computer.

• Parents are expected to help their child create and continue a positive routine of doing HW in the same place and at the same time every night. In the event that there is no HW, students should still read, draw, work on a puzzle or crosswords in order to keep up the routine.

7. Need to Contact Miss Marchand?

• The best way to reach me is by email. My address is: marybeth.marchand@.

• I can also be reached by voice mail. Simply call 739-4491 and leave me a message.


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