Individual questions

Part One Please respond to these questions before the town council meeting.

1. What is your conception of science?

2. What is your conception of religion?

3. To what extent do you think people who are NOT science educators should rightly make curricular decisions for use in science classrooms?

4. Do your personal beliefs/morality influence your own conceptions of Science Education?

Part Two Please answer these questions after the Town Council.

1. Should multiple perspectives be brought into the classroom? K – 12? Higher education?

2. Is there a single best perspective that best meets the needs of a diverse, middle childhood classroom?

3. How did you feel during the town council meeting? Do you feel as though it affected your personal view about the public “debate” over evolution and creationism/intelligent design?

4. Do you think this is a teaching strategy that you could effectively use in a middle school classroom? Why or why not?

5. Did your conceptions of science and / or religion change as a result of your participation in this town council?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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