|Project Overview |

|Name of Project: |Fairy Tale Map |Duration: 3 weeks |

|Subject/Course: Social Studies/ Map making |Teacher(s): Miss Richardson |Grade Level: 2nd grade |

|Other subject areas to be included, |Literacy |

|if any: |Knowing about Fairy Tales and the characters of each Fairy Tale. |

| |

|Project Idea |Students need to know how to make maps and an understanding of what is needed on a map to make it make sense. They also need to know about characters and setting in literacy |

|Summary of the issue, challenge, |as well. So by allowing students to create a map of Fairy Tale Land and their characters turns into the beginning of helping them know how to make other maps. |

|investigation, scenario, or problem: | |

|Driving Question |How can we create a map that shows where the characters of Fairy Tales live in Fairy Land? |

|Content and Skills Standards to be |2 G1.01 Construct maps of the local community that contains symbols, labels and legends denoting human and natural characteristics of place. |

|addressed: |2 G1.02 Use maps to describe the spatial organization of the local community by applying concepts including relative location and using direction, distance and scale. |

| |R.NT.02.03 Identify and describe characters actions and motivation, setting (time and place) Problem/solution and sequence of events. |

| |T+A |E | |T+A |E | |

| |Presentation | |X | | | |

| |Critical Thinking: | |X | | | |

| | | |Presentation Audience: |

| |Group: |Students will work in pairs to create a map of Fairy Tale Land using symbols, colors, blocks, Lego’s, clay and words to make |Class: |X |

|Culminating Products and | |it easy to read and use. The map can be made out of any materials including paper if they want to draw, blocks, clay or | | |

|Performances | |Lego’s to build their map. They must include a key, legend, title, labels and symbols on their map. They also must include | | |

| | |directions and a Compass Rose to denote directions. | | |

| | | |School: |X |

| | | |Community: | |

| | |Students will present their Fairy Tale Land maps to the class. They will need to have an understanding of where their |Experts: | |

| |Individual: |characters live and whom they can’t live by because of conflict. I am planning on a quick open house so that the parents can | | |

| | |come in and see the children’s work as a culminating activity. I would also like to Skype someone to show them all of our | | |

| | |hard work. | | |

| | | |Web: | |

| | | |Other: |

|Project Overview |

|Entry event to launch |After our unit on community, I will show clips of Fairy Tales from DVD’s or United Streaming. This will show that we can get information from the web to enhance our learning. We |

|inquiry, engage students: |will talk about the characters and talk about setting. We will make a list in the Student’s Literacy Journals of Fairy Tale Characters and their Setting to find out what the students|

| |already know. We will also use Google Earth to zoom into Farwell to show students landforms and communities. Then I will explain that we are going to build or draw maps of the homes|

| |of the Fairy Land characters. |

|Assessments | |Quizzes/Tests | |Practice Presentations |X |

| |Formative Assessments | | | | |

| |(During Project) | | | | |

| | |Journal/Learning Log |X |Notes |X |

| | |Preliminary Plans/Outlines/Prototypes | |Checklists |X |

| | |Rough Drafts |X |Concept Maps |X |

| | |Online Tests/Exams | |Other: | |

| | |Written Product(s), with rubric: |X |Other Product(s) or Performance(s), with rubric: |X |

| |Summative Assessments |Character and Setting sheets for literature. | | | |

| |(End of Project) | | |Maps either drawn or built | |

| | |Oral Presentation, with rubric | |Peer Evaluation | |

| | |Multiple Choice/Short Answer Test | |Self-Evaluation |X |

| | |Essay Test | |Other: | |

|. |

|Resources |On-site people, facilities: |Teacher, Foster Grandfather helper, Student-High School helper and Kindergarten teacher to get books from her. |

|Needed | | |

| |Equipment: |Computer, Elmo, Projector, Cameras, Lego’s, Compass Rose, building blocks |

| |Materials: |Word Cards, paper, Lego’s, Building Blocks, Clay, Markers, Poster Boards, rulers, and other shapes. Anything else that we might need to |

| | |make it a success. |

| |Community resources: |Pictures, maps, Google Earth of Farwell |

| |

|Reflection | |Journal/Learning Log |X |Focus Group | |

|Methods |(Individual, Group, | | | | |

| |and/or Whole Class) | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Whole-Class Discussion |X |Fishbowl Discussion | |

| | |Survey |X |Other: | |

| |

|Project Teaching and Learning Guide |

|Project: Fairy Tale Mapping |Course/Semester: |

| | |

|Knowledge and Skills Needed by Students |Scaffolding / Materials / Lessons to be Provided |

|to successfully complete culminating products and |by the project teacher, other teachers, experts, |

|performances, and do well on summative assessments |mentors, community members |

|R.NT.02.03 identify and describe characters’ actions and motivations, setting (time and place), | |Read each Fairy Tale and make a list of characters that are in each Fairy Tale. |

|problem/solution, and sequence of events. |( | |

| | |Discuss why certain characters shouldn’t live by each other. For example why shouldn’t the Big Bad|

| | |Wolf not live by the 3 Little Pigs. |

|Identify what a map is and why maps are important. | |Books that will be used in the unit on Maps |

| |( |Read Me on a Map by Joan Sweeney |

| | |Looking at maps and Globes by Carmen Bredeson |

| | |Where is my Town? By Robin Nelson |

| | |Mapping Penny’s World by Loreen Leedy |

| | |Map Scales by Mary Wade |

| | |Maps by Bill Francis |

| | |Making a Map by Julie Haydon |

| | |Maps by Joellyn Thrall Ciccairelli |

| | |There’s a Map on my Lap by Tish Rabe |

|R.NT.02.02 identify and describe the basic elements and purpose of a variety of narrative genre | |Character maps will be given for each student to keep track of the characters and the setting in |

|including poetry, fantasy, legends, fairy tales and drama. |( |which they live. |

|G1.0.1 Construct maps of the local community that contain symbols, labels, and legends denoting human | |Make a list of what a map contains like trees, hills, houses, water, directions, stores, hospitals |

|and natural characteristics of place. |( |and police stations. |

|2 – G1.0.2 Use maps to describe the spatial organization of the local community by applying concepts | |Look at maps for distance direction and scale. |

|including relative location and using distance, direction, and scale |( |Make a Compass. Play a Compass Game |

| | |Make a World Cam. Landforms Picture book. |

|Teach Vocabulary words to teach Mapping Skills | |Cartographer, scale, compass rose, legend, map, globe, earth topographical grid, key, scale, North,|

| |( |South, East, West |

| | | |

| |( | |


|project: Fairy Tale Map |Start Date: October 11- October 29 |

| |

|MONDAY 10/11 |TUESDAY 10/12 |WEDNESDAY10/13 |THURSDAY10/14 |FRIDAY10/15 |


|Literacy Portion: Show Fairy Tale Clips |Literacy Portion: Read Goldilocks and the |Literacy Portion: Read Billy Goats Gruff |Literacy Portion; Read Rumplestiltskin |Literacy: Read Little Red Riding Hood |

|like Cinderella, The 3 Little Pigs and |3 Bears. | | | |

|Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Discuss | |Do a Character Setting Problem Solution |Do a Character Setting Problem Solution |Do a Character Setting Problem Solution |

|what makes a fairy tale a true Fairy Tale.|Do a Character Setting Problem Solution |Map. |Map. |Map. |

|Use the Fact Fairy Tale Sheet. |Map. | | | |

| | | | | |

|Geography: Show Farwell on Google Earth. | | | | |

|Talk about Landforms, Trees, Water, and | | |Geography: Read Map Scales by Mary Wade |Geography: Read Making a Map by Julie |

|Buildings of a community. | |Geography: Read There’s a Map on my Lap by| |Haydon |

| |Geography: Read Maps by Joellyn Thrall |Tish Rabi |Talk about and show a compass. Talk about | |

|Review what a community is and its purpose|Cicciarelli | |what a compass Rose is and it’s purpose. |Talk about maps and what one is. Make a |

|to each individual. | |Talk about the 2 types of maps: Physical |Have kids make a Compass Rose. |list of what needs to be on a map. Then |

| |Talk and show the difference between the |and Political Map. Show and explain the | |have children make a map of their bedroom |

| |Earth, the Globe and a map. |differences. Show samples of each. | |as a homework assignment. Due Tuesday. |


|Literacy: Read Cinderella |Literacy: Read Snow White |Literacy: Read the Three Little Pigs |Litearcy: Read Jack and the Beanstalk |Literacy: From our 8 character maps each |

| | | |Do a Character Setting Problem Solution|team will choose 5 to 8 characters to put |

|Do a Character Setting Problem Solution|Do a Character Setting Problem Solution|Do a Character Setting Problem Solution|Map. |on their map. Where will they live? What|

|Map. |Map. |Map. | |Landforms will be near them? Why? Who |

| | | |Geography: Get kids into groups. Have |can’t they live by? Why? |

| | |Geography: Read Where is my Town by Robin|them decide what materials they are going | |

|Geography: Talk about landforms on a map. |Geography: Read Mapping Penny’s World. |Nelson. |to use to make their maps. Make a list of|Partners will use a check off sheet to |

|Make World Cam Landforms. | |Check over our list of things needed on |materials and have them collect their |monitor their progress. |

| |Have children Present their Maps. |the map. Check our vocabulary and our |materials. | |

|Make My Geography Book. | |vocabulary Cards. Refine our list of what| | |

| | |needs to be on a map. | | |


|Partners will continue to plan, adjust |Students will continue to progress monitor|Students will continue to build/draw their|Finish Up building their maps. |Present their maps to their parents before|

|their building of their maps and begin the|themselves and their maps. |map. Students will decide what scale, | |Halloween Party. Have Parents come in the|

|actual construction of the map. | |legend and Compass Rose they will use. | |morning to look at maps or during party. |

| |They will read their character maps to | | | |

|Areas will be set up in the room to begin |decide how each character will fit into | | | |

|building their map |the map. What do they need to live? | | | |

| |Water, Land, Mountains? | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


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