
Sunday 8th December 2013Good morning class! What was the weather like in Riyadh last week?Today’s lessons: Conversation practicehave to (have got to) – obligationlisteningIs her hair dark/fair?To be dark/fairWhat do you think of…?What are you thinking about….?Things to reviseTime: 8 minutes to 9/ from 8 am to 9 am/ from 8 till 9To work unsocial hoursTo be an unsociable personHe is an unsociable man, he prefers to spend his time alone.Soldiers...Teachers......have to wear uniforms....don’t have to wear uniforms.…have to work long hours...don’t have to work long hours..have to protect the people.…have to think about how to teach things to students. …have to be able to use guns..have to be able to use a pen.National Guard officers have to... National Guard officers don’t have to... ..wear ..do guard duty.What time do you have to get up?I don’t have to get up early.Yesterday I had to get up early.Yesterday I got up earlyVeterinarian surgeon = vetFormal/informal clothesAn accountantMonday 9th December 2013Good morning class! Talk about something that you did yesterday.What did you do after school yesterday?“After school I went home and I…../In the evening I………”Talk about something that you are going to do next month, next year, in Spring etc.What are you planning to do next month?What are you doing next month?What are you going to do next month?“Next month I am ………”Action (NO “HAVE GOT”)I have a shower twice a day.I have breakfast early every day.Possession: HAVE/HAVE GOTI have two brothers and a sister.I have a car and two bicycles.I haven’t got a lot of money.I have got a pet.I have got a shower.Obligation: HAVE/HAVE GOTI have to get up early tomorrow morning.We have to stop at traffic lights.I have to prepare breakfast for my family every day.We have got to study for an exam at the end of the week.Page 43 workbook1)I’ve got to take them.2)We’ve got to go now.3)She’s got to be….4)I’ve got to work….5)You’ve got to take them….6)I’ve got to get up early…..7)He’s got to get a job….8)Have I got to do this exercise?(Do I have to do this exercise?)Exercise 3 Page 43 workbook.2) Do you have to wear a uniform in your job?3) Why did you have to buy so many books?4) Do you have to get a visa to go to the States?5) How often does John have to take his pills?6) Do you have to look after this plant very carefully?VocabularyI cook/ I do my own cooking Strict – not strict (liberal)To discuss something with your family.To argue about something with your family.EggsScrambled eggsBoiled eggsAn omelettePoached eggsVocabularyA farmerworks/farmsthe landA receptionisttakesmessagesAn architectdesignsbuildingsA lawyerpersuadesthe judgeA soldierprotectsthe populationA firemanputs outfiresA decoratorredecorateshousesA mechanicfixes/mendscarsA housewifelooks afterthe family homeA shop assistanthelpscustomersA gardenertakes care ofplantsA doctorexamines/treats/looks afterpatientsA doctor writes a prescription.Amber=a type of yellowTuesday 10th December 2013Good morning everyone! Today’s lessons: talking about holidays; the language for giving advice;A recent holiday. Talk about:when you went therethe journeywhere you stayedwhat the weather was likethe things you didthe peoplethe foodhow you got aroundif you would like to go back thereProblemAdviceI have a coldYou should see a doctorI can’t sleep at nightYou shouldn’t take a nap in the afternoon. You shouldn’t drink coffee before you go to bed.I am putting on weightDoctor:”You must do more exercise” Friend: “You should eat less”VocabularyChilly = (adjective) a little cold. The weather is chilly. It is chilly this morning.Chilli, chili = (noun) a type of hot pepper Should/shouldn’t/ have to/don’t have to/ mustStudents: we have to come on time every morningTeacher/ Colonel Waleed:You must come on timeFriend:You should have breakfastDoctor:You must have breakfastStudent:I have to wear a uniformColonel Waleed:You must wear a uniformXXXXXXYou should wear a uniformXXXXXBrian to Anthony:You don’t have to wear a uniformColonel Waleed, Your family, your teacher:You must study harderColonel Waleed said that I _have to_____ study harderI have to study harderI must study harderYou should study harderAdvice: should/ shouldn’t/ don’t think you shouldObligation: have to/ mustWednesday 11th December 2013Good morning everyone! Today’s lessons: revising modal verbs; compound nouns; a formal letter; end of week quiz. Have to (obligation) + infinitive verbSoldiers have to wear a uniform and protect the country.Negative: don’t have to = it’s not necessaryTeachers at the school don’t have to wear a uniform.Have (Possession)+ nounHave a car, a large family, a bicycleHave (action verb) + nounHave a shower, breakfast, a good timeMust (obligation)Col. Waleed:you must be punctual/ arrive in class on time.Doctor:you must take this medicine.Should / shouldn’t (advice)Test A2)has to3)didn’t have to4)You don’t have to5) She has6) Do your children have to wear7) Did you have to find8)have to wear9) Does Bob have to QASIQuestion wordAuxiliarySubjectInfinitive verbWhen does Bob start work?ASIDoes Bob have to start work before 7 am?SAIShe doesn’t have to ObligationIt’s not necessaryI have to do homeworkI don’t have to do homeworkObligationIt’s not necessaryWe must do our homeworkWe don’t have to do homeworkObligationObligation to NOT do somethingWe must do our homeworkWe mustn’t smoke in classSummaryHave toIt’s necessary (Obligation -There’s a rule)Don’t have toIt’s not necessary (Absence of obligation)ShouldIt’s a good ideaYou shouldn’t It’s a bad ideaVocabularyTo have a sense of humourTo renew your passportTo tidy up your roomTo hurryTo take care of somethingBe carefulTo give it back to meTo reprimand somebody = to tell somebody off ................

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